My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1350: The most insecure company

And the cloning experts on the review committee now seem to have little scientific research results.

But they are by far the most forward-looking scientific masters in the world.

Standing on their shoulders, the scientific researchers in the company can take less crooked paths and go faster and farther.

But the problem that the company has to face now is how to liberate the innovation ability of the company's internal scientific researchers.

Although now He Xiaojun keeps complaining to himself, saying that these experts are too strict.

Obviously, many scientific researchers in the company put forward many good ideas, but they all rejected them.

This is disrespect for researchers.

However, Xiao Feng knew that, in fact, it was only because the experts knew that even if these researchers were to actually engage in these projects.

In the end, they definitely couldn't get the results, but it was a waste of time and money, so they rejected the ideas of these people.

Although the Ninth Laboratory is now in a state of rich financial resources.

But after all, they are not Europe, America, or Japan. Those companies with deep foundations often have big consortia behind them.

People can accept hundreds of failures because they have a solid foundation and can afford it.

But the ninth laboratory, the foundation is still very weak, and the consortium behind them is only just beginning to take shape.

That's why Xiao Feng asked this review committee to strictly control scientific research projects.

On the one hand, he does not want to waste too much money on projects with no prospects.

On the other hand, he cannot tolerate wasting too much time on a project that is doomed to fail.

As for the scientific research projects proposed by many scientific researchers in the company, they cannot stand scrutiny.

Xiao Feng feels that this is definitely not a problem for researchers.

It should be said that, on the one hand, they have not yet adapted to the current company's approval system, and they have not yet understood the tastes of the experts in the approval committee.

On the other hand, the Ninth Laboratory has not yet found instructions for the correct use of these researchers.

The same black-haired and yellow-skinned Chinese scientists, and the same group of people in China, may stay together in the laboratory for a lifetime.

But why after arriving in the United States, the same group of people can burst out with extraordinary vitality and creativity?

We can look at the rankings of experts in the field of life sciences in the United States, as well as the authoritative rankings of scientists in the field of artificial intelligence.

We can find that many of the top ten are scientists who have gone out of China.

Why can they innovate in the United States? But can't it be done in China?

Speaking of points, Xiao Feng feels that the current domestic scientific research environment is still too weak...I can't say...

And the Ninth Laboratory certainly should not do enough in this regard.

Otherwise, with so many doctors and masters in the company, are they all fools?

You know these doctors and masters, thousands of people, most of them graduated from prestigious schools.

There are more than 1,000 graduates from prestigious overseas schools alone, and several thousand graduates from top domestic prestigious schools.

Being able to blaze a trail in a prestigious school with fierce competition is enough to show the strength of these people.

And now they are diligent and diligent in the ninth laboratory, but Xiao Feng does not hope that such a scientific and technological elite will eventually become only a mere experimenter or data transcript.

So how to stimulate the innovation ability of these people?

Speaking of which, we should start with the company's management system.

Speaking of this, I have to mention that a legendary player in the industry, known as the most insecure 3M company.

In fact, before the pandemic, everyone was most impressed with this company, but it was a company that produced post-it notes and tapes.

But after the pandemic broke out, everyone knew that this company was the ancestor of medical N95 masks all over the world.

Even the most important filters in the artificial lungs used by many critically ill people are produced by others.

Regardless of the fact that there are many domestic companies claiming to be able to produce ECMO, their ventilators will not function properly without the filter paper provided by 3M.

Only at this time, people realized that this 3M company is great.

But who would have thought that this company was first established in Minnesota, and it was actually a coal mining company at the beginning.

His full name is Minnesota Mining and Machinery Manufacturing Company, and the company was founded for coal mining.

The five founders invested and established this company, but because they didn't understand mining at all, the mining area they bought did not dig coal at all.

Only corundum was dug out!

The five founders had to vomit blood, so they only had to buy corundum, which happened to be used to make grinding wheels for polishing.

Later, they invented sandpaper on this basis and bought it. Soon the company turned a profit.

Later, they relied on the period of booming American economic development and embarked on a path of rapid development and expansion.

Especially during World War II, they relied on the production of military supplies for the US government.

Not only did I make a lot of money, I also accumulated a lot of projects that I didn't have money to experiment with.

After the Second World War, they relied on the accumulation of this period to usher in an outbreak period.

Reflective paper, masking tape, double-sided tape, cellophane, audio tape, video tape, optical brightness enhancement film for LCD TV, flexible circuit, etc...

Anyway, there are only things you can't think of, nothing they can't do.

And this company, because of these miscellaneous, seemingly inconspicuous small creations and inventions, has become a large company with an annual profit of 30 billion U.S. dollars.

The reason why 3M has grown to this day has branches in more than 60 countries around the world, with more than 90,000 employees.

A large company with 60,000 product categories and annual sales of more than $30 billion is inseparable from the founder of the company, William. McKnight.

It was this young man who became the company's general manager at the age of 20 who came up with the famous 15% theory.

The core meaning of this theory is to allow the company's R&D personnel to spend 15% of their time every week to study things they are interested in.

You must know that before that, many companies didn't like the company's employees to think about it.

At that time, most of the bosses of American companies liked that employees completed the work they had assigned step by step, and did not allow employees to waste time doing what they like to do.

If employees do that, they will be regarded as doing private work.

In the lighter case, you will report criticism and fines, write a review report, but you will be expelled if it is severe... Everyone knows...

But after this William took office, he felt that he could not continue like this.

So he put forward a bold idea to let employees spend 15% of their time every week to study their favorite affairs.

Of course this rule only applies to R&D personnel...

So the company soon had a new product of grinding gauze, then scotch tape, then masking tape, reflective tape, and then tape recorders, tapes, video tapes, and so on.

Even today, 3M still retains the rules to encourage employees to innovate.

In the later years, many large-scale technology companies in the United States also learned the management rules of 3M, and they have such achievements and vitality as they are today.

Such as Google, and Apple.

Of course, learn some 3M management methods, there are good and bad in the end.

For example, Apple has learned well, their IOS, etc., and many products are created by employees based on the management model of 3M.

As for Google, it can only be said to be average.

It can't be said that they learned the 3M management model without results.

For example, Android is the most successful result of their learning of the 3M management model.

But for example, their self-driving technology is their most failed result after learning the 3M management model.

There are two reasons for this.

On the one hand, it is because Google has had a difficult time from the very beginning of its establishment, and it has been smooth on the first floor at other times.

Especially after their company went public, the company's stock price has skyrocketed.

Because of the crazy pursuit of those investors, Google has never been short of money.

Therefore, when encouraging employees to engage in creative research and development, they have always been reckless.

The second is that their review mechanism is quite inadequate. Of course, this is in Xiao Feng's opinion.

Because all their review agencies, when reviewing the company's internal projects, if they are serious, they will lose everything.

They will not have so many failed projects later.

Of course, Google never talks about those failed projects, because any one is mixed with losses, which will seriously affect the stock price.

But who made them a U.S. company, and the founder of the company was still a Jew.

So this company has been the darling of the Wall Street Jewish Consortium since its emergence.

In addition, in recent years, all parts of the world have not been very peaceful, even in old Europe, there are often frequent outbreaks of friction and a large influx of refugees.

This has brought instability to the local political situation.

So international hot money has entered the U.S. to avoid And in the U.S. capital market, what is more worthy of pursuit than the stocks of Google and Apple?

So even if Google invested in many failed projects, they never lacked money.

It has never even been abandoned by investors.

But that's because people are wealthy and there are financial groups behind them.

In China, the Ninth Laboratory doesn't dare to do that.

What Xiao Feng has to do is to let the company learn 3M, but also to grasp the balance in the middle.

Now the Ninth Laboratory, and even technology companies across the country, lack this kind of liberation of employees the most.

In other companies, when learning the management experience of large European and American companies and chasing their high salaries as the goal.

However, Xiao Feng believes that, in fact, we should learn from others this way: encourage adventure and tolerate failure!

Only by accomplishing the above two points can we be qualified to talk about innovation!

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