My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1351: Super Smart Assistant

But these two seemingly simple sentences are not available to many domestic enterprises.

Because our domestic company always manages too much, and there are too many rules and regulations.

Bosses don't like employees' thinking about it. If employees do other things during working hours, they will think that doing so is fish-fishing and disrespect for his salary.

After all, thousands of years of Confucian culture and the concepts formed have made many bosses not pay much attention to the opinions of their employees.

On this point, the American company did a good job, because of the bold attempts of 3M company that year, people saw the benefits of giving employees a certain amount of freedom.

Therefore, there will be a series of great technological innovation companies such as Apple and Google.

In this regard, our domestic companies have never been bold in delegating power.

Even those well-known Internet companies in China, few have learned the essence of other people's business management.

Although we can learn from the big American companies in terms of wages and benefits, we are really not that bold when it comes to innovation.

There are also many aspects involved. On the one hand, the upper management is unwilling to let go, and on the other hand, it is also related to the employees' own way of thinking.

You have to admit that the employees of many domestic companies are absolutely missing in terms of professional ethics.

Moreover, the way of thinking of not suffering from lack and suffering from unevenness is quite serious in China, if you give such treatment to people in the R&D department.

Maybe people in other departments will also ask for the same treatment, but this is simply unrealistic for many companies.

So many companies really dare not let go in this regard, because it is an upward and responsible system.

If there are results, it's okay to say, but if there are no results, then the people who set the rules will have to eat it.

Because of various complicated reasons, this innovative mechanism has never been promoted among major domestic companies.

But now Xiao Feng didn't have so many worries.

First of all, the ninth laboratory has solved the survival problem. What they have to face now is how to spend the money in their hands correctly and create more value.

On the other hand, it was because the ninth laboratory was his own words.

The company has not been listed either. He controls 100% of the controlling rights, so he has the final say on the company's policy formulation.

There is no one to hold back, so he dared to let the company make such a bold attempt.

And when he told He Xiaojun about this idea, He Xiaojun immediately nodded in agreement.

Over the years, He Xiaojun's MBA program has not been for nothing.

Although he was a student-oriented professional in his early years, when the ninth laboratory was on the right track, he had already left the R&D post and began to specialize in the management post.

At the beginning, he managed a company with a hundred or so people, and he was pretty good at it.

When the company grew to thousands of people, with the help of Xia Hongtao, He Xiaojun could handle it.

However, as the company grew larger, recruited more and more people, and added more departments, He Xiaojun gradually felt that he was unable to manage the company.

So as early as a few years ago, he signed up for an MBA major at a well-known domestic university.

The MBA of this university has never been cheap, with a tuition of more than 400,000 yuan a year, but even so, people who sign up are still rushing.

The reason for this is that this MBA course will not only impart knowledge of business and management.

At the same time, it is also a rare platform, which can provide students with a good opportunity to make friends with various social elites.

And when He Xiaojun entered this MBA, not only did he make many friends in the business world, he naturally failed to learn the courses taught by the school.

It was originally a wise person, but those who have learned the school's teachings are also easy to come by.

And this case of 3M company, when the professor of the school was teaching management, he once focused on explaining it.

The teachers in this school are not comparable to the so-called success of professors who are lousy.

These professors are all from academic classes, and many of them are even elites with practical experience in the business world.

Therefore, they combined their own experience, and then analyzed the management experience of 3M in combination with the country's own environment.

They all told the students in detail.

Those who listen carefully will find this course very helpful.

Earlier, He Xiaojun had thought of promoting the management experience of 3M within the company.

Unexpectedly, at that time, Xiao Feng just brought back Xiao Ai, who could only be an OA system, and promoted operations throughout the company.

With the help of this OA system, the work efficiency of the entire company has immediately increased by more than 20%.

Especially the experimental data collection department, in terms of experimental efficiency and consumables saving, has been greatly improved than before.

Experiments that were only completed in three weeks can now be completed in one and a half weeks.

The consumables consumed can also be saved by one third compared to before, which greatly saves the company's costs.

And the operation of this system during this period also made He Xiaojun greatly sigh the evil side of human nature.

You must know that before Xiao Ai was promoted throughout the company, he believed that the company was full of high-intellectual talents.

Moreover, the company offers these people high salaries that are not low domestically or even internationally.

Coupled with various benefits, the company is absolutely worthy of these employees.

And these employees should return to the company with the attitude of dying for their confidants.

But when the new intelligent OA system Xiao Ai is issued to every employee, after the employees start working under the new OA system.

He realized that he was really naive before.

It turns out that even these so-called Kochi crowds are still paddling.

Otherwise, how could an experiment that could only be completed three weeks ago be completed in one and a half weeks now?

This shows that the previous management must have loopholes, and those experimenters must have delayed time.

The second is the consumables. He has never done any harsh management of experimental consumables before.

Because he believes that good companies and inventions are made by constant experimentation.

Only by letting go and boldly letting researchers do experiments can they achieve results in the end.

But he didn't expect that those experimenters would be such a waste.

In the past, the company did not have strict rules and regulations regarding the use of consumables.

As long as the experimenter initiates the project, and submits it for filing, then they can apply for materials and start the experiment.

But now with the intelligent OA system, the company can perform real-time monitoring of the experiments of each scientific researcher.

For example, how long the experiment has been done, at that point in time, and at that step, what changes have taken place.

In addition, the amount of consumables during the period and how to operate will require employees to record them in the OA system in detail.

This is not only beneficial to control the precise amount of materials required for the experiment, but also to more accurately grasp the experimental process.

This is convenient. Even if the experiment fails, it doesn't have to be repeated when the second experiment is carried out.

At least some of the previous successful steps can be omitted.

This not only saves time, but also saves a lot of resources.

In this way, the company's operating costs have been reduced by 30%, while work efficiency has increased by more than 20%.

Although there are indeed many scientific researchers, they complain about this new OA system.

However, when the happiest guys who were making noises were expelled, the voice was immediately suppressed.

The company takes you with the treatment of a national soldier, but it does not mean that it will tolerate you and indulge you as it thinks.

After all, not all of you are He Xiaojun, who are about to win the Nobel Prize.

Complaining about the strict management of the company can only show that you have some unruly thoughts in your mind.

With our high salary, then you have to abide by our rules and regulations.

And with this new set of OA system, the company's personnel department also proposed the final elimination method.

Although the ninth laboratory is indeed treated well in all aspects, the company is not a place for idlers.

Moreover, if a company always allows its employees to live too comfortably, these old employees will inevitably not be motivated and willing to live in the status quo.

Therefore, it is also an inevitable rule to let employees leave their comfort zone and put pressure on them appropriately.

Otherwise, employees in the company will always lie in their comfort zone and mess around.

Moreover, with the characteristics of Chinese people, over time, employees who do nothing and have no pressure will inevitably form gangs.

When all kinds of infighting occur at that time, the company's losses in the infighting will be greater.

So in such a situation, let alone Xiao Feng, even He Xiaojun would never allow him to appear in the company.

So after the introduction of the only OA system some time ago this year, the atmosphere in the ninth laboratory has changed.

The work efficiency of the company has been greatly improved. With the help of the OA system, the collaborative work between various departments has become much smoother than before.

Because of this set of system records, many departments shirk each other, and there are a lot less things to throw away.

It's good if everyone does their own job. Even if you have a lot of personal grievances with other departments, you don't have to do anything about your work.

This is the greatest benefit of this system.

In addition, operating costs have been greatly reduced, especially in terms of material saving and procurement.

With the ‘help’ of this OA system, it becomes more transparent, which greatly saves costs and avoids the opportunity for someone to take the opportunity to get in and out of hands.

And the biggest benefit is that because of the emergence of this OA system, the company has the opportunity to give internal employees a reasonable score, and can smoothly implement the final elimination system.

In this way, the company's employees can flow naturally.


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