As a large company, what I fear most is the fixation of employee mobility.

This is also what we have seen in many large companies, which are clearly overcrowded, but they are still recruited by major universities every year.

Don't they worry about the bloat caused by too many people in the company?

It is true that major companies will indeed face such problems, but they are more worried that the company does not have fresh blood to join.

After all, the purpose of many companies going to school every year to recruit new people is to keep the company's liquidity unblocked.

Every year there is a normal influx of high-end talents, and then select and carefully train these talents. In the end, as long as one or two can become leaders in the circle, the company's investment is worth the price.

Especially for a technologically innovative company like the Ninth Laboratory.

Fresh blood is added every year, which is of great significance to the company.

On the one hand, annual school recruitment can easily spread the company’s reputation, and it is also conducive to the company’s creation of its own socially responsible image.

On the other hand, it is also to be able to select talents from the fresh blood every year and focus on training talents.

In particular, companies like them that focus on scientific and technological research and development recruit hundreds of people every year, eliminate one batch, and leave a few behind.

Then focus on selecting and training a group of people who remain, and as long as one or two of these people can grow up, the returns they bring to the company will be huge.

A leader, as long as he finds an important material, then it may bring a brand new industry.

How much value will this create?

For example, those electronic scientists who returned to China from Microsoft back then can improve the domestic technical level of artificial intelligence for ten years.

It's not an exaggeration to say that. If you don't believe me, you can check the resumes of the big bosses or CTOs of the famous artificial intelligence companies in China.

It can be seen that most of these people are from Microsoft, or Oracle, such large American companies back to China to start their own businesses.

In the early years, their experience of growing up in large companies such as Microsoft, Google, or Oracle is just like the above.

They are all selected by those big companies to enter the company, and then are selected, cultivated, and then grow up step by step.

After their success, they all brought corresponding returns to the company.

You can take a look at the project teams they have brought in these big Internet companies. Many of the projects they led have brought tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars in returns to those big companies.

And now the Ninth Laboratory has to follow this route of automatic hematopoiesis.

Because as long as you can continuously cultivate and cultivate talents, then you can become the first choice for talents.

If not, the domestic elites in the field of biochemistry, environment and materials, I am afraid that when they graduate, they will first go abroad for further studies, and then stay in Europe and the United States to make contributions.

In the long run, the consequence is that the gap between us and the large companies in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea in the field of technology will become wider and wider.

What the ninth laboratory needs to do now is to gradually smooth out our shortcomings and narrow the gap between us and major European and American manufacturers.

And if you want to close the gap, then retaining talent is the key.

What the ninth laboratory has to do now is to recruit every year to make its reputation in the circle of biochemical and environmental materials graduates.

Let yourself become their preferred entry unit after graduation.

Then select and train elites from these people, and strive to cultivate one or two great gods, then the company's brand and reputation will be completely established.

And the third point is that the school recruits every year to ensure that fresh blood is added, and it can also ensure the competitive atmosphere within the company.

After all, the company's business is on track now, and to be honest, there will be no competitors in the company's several product lines for a long period of time.

This means that the company has absolute pricing power in the market, and the product can be sold as much as it says.

Generally, a company whose gross profit exceeds 30% can be called a high-tech company.

And now the gross profit of the Ninth Laboratory has basically exceeded 300%, and the net profit is even more exaggerated.

Fortunately, the company is not a listed company, and there is no need to disclose its financial status.

Otherwise, if their profit rate is announced, it will definitely be called a vampire by countless people.

But you have to know that this pricing was established after countless rounds of discussion and verification within the Ninth Laboratory.

In fact, it's not that they don't want to sell at low prices and let the profit to consumers.

But they cannot set the price of their products too low!

First of all, if the price is too low, it will lower the brand image of their company.

The second is the most critical point, if they set a price too low, or set a price that is close to the people.

Then, across the country, and even on a global scale, countless peers will be bankrupted by their runs.

For example, other companies that make health care products also sell cosmetics and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular drugs.

In the past, when the Ninth Lab's products were on the market, everyone could still rely on price cuts and promotion to grab certain consumers from the Ninth Lab.

After all, not all consumers are white-collar workers with a monthly income of over 10,000 and can afford the high prices of the Ninth Lab's products.

There are many consumers who pay more attention to cost performance.

So they can still survive by low-cost strategies. Although they have complaints about the ninth laboratory, at least they can survive.

But if the Ninth Laboratory really cuts prices drastically and breaks into their price range, if this happens, these companies will really be unable to survive.

In China alone, it is estimated that hundreds of companies will close down, and tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people will be unemployed.

As for foreign countries, the impact may be even greater. I don't know how many large pharmaceutical companies are going to go bankrupt.

By that time, the number of unemployed people will probably be hundreds of thousands or even millions.

If that time really comes, it would be nice to say domestically, but internationally, the reputation of the ninth laboratory might really be stinking.

When the time comes, the foreign media will definitely criticize the Ninth Laboratory.

Some countries may even use state machinery to impose sanctions on the Ninth Laboratory.

At that time, any crimes such as anti-monopoly law will be added to the ninth laboratory.

Although the Ninth Laboratory is very strong, Xiao Feng is still not crazy yet, thinking that he can resist the level of encirclement and suppression all over the world.

Therefore, he will never allow their products to be sold at low prices as a last resort.

Because this involves too many problems in all aspects.

Always leave a bite to eat for the colleagues, if not, it will eventually lead to crazy backlash.

But because their products are now priced high, and they also have their own unique moat, other products do not pose a threat to them at all.

It also created a strange phenomenon, that is, their products can make money even if they lie down and sell them.

This situation is the same as the craze that Apple was crazily sought after when it was launched in the early years.

As long as they launch the product, they are not afraid that no one will buy it.

Even if the price is more than twice as expensive as other competing products, it is still popular in the market.

So now they really can make money not only by standing, but also by lying down.

Because it is so easy to make money, many employees in the company can easily breed pride and complacency.

I think those companies outside, even if they work a hundred times, can't see our car's taillights.

Moreover, the salary and various benefits within the company are so good that they have lost their fighting spirit.

Indeed, in the ninth laboratory, as long as you can become a middle-level scientific researcher or manager.

It's easy to earn five to six hundred thousand yuan a year.

Moreover, the company also gave the dormitory, and the company has already hoarded part of the land outside the island.

It is said that it will be sold to the employees of the company at a price much lower than the market price, and as long as you have worked in the company for ten years, then this house belongs to you.

You can sell this house on the market.

As for the houses on the large island, they are only allocated as company dormitories.

Of course, if you don’t want to, you can definitely live here for a lifetime at a very low price.

In this way, as long as you can catch up with the company for five or six years, you can stand down to two or three million in your hands, which is not difficult for many people.

But it is precisely because of the good treatment that many people lose their fighting spirit and lose the direction of their struggle.

This is definitely not what the company's management wants to see, so the company will only recently introduce talents on a large scale.

The annual school recruitment is actually the result of a catfish effect.

While selecting the elites, a group of pragmatic, hardworking employees will also be left behind.

There are these employees to stimulate the old employees of the company, so that they do not have a slack mood, even if you have nothing to worry about, but don’t forget that you are also at risk of being eliminated.

This point can be clearly seen from the recent promotion of the OA system.

The company's internal work efficiency has been greatly improved by more than 30%, and the cost has dropped by more than 20%.

This shows that in the past, there were still blind spots in the management of the company.

This point has to be said, Xiao Feng brought back this set of OA system, which is really awesome.

However, in terms of management, this OA system did provide a lot of help to the management of He Xiaojun.

But this system also caused dissatisfaction among many people within the company.

Many people in the R&D department think that this system is really too deadly to manage.

For example, R&D personnel like them usually have a lot of time to think and design, but sometimes it is really stuck and can't figure it out...


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