My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1353: Under the reward, there must be a brave husband

But at this time, the OA system will give them low scores, which makes those developers feel very fucked.

Because sometimes R&D work cannot be quantified in detail.

This job, unlike other jobs, can be rated according to your workload.

Most of this job is mental work, and a lot of work involves thinking first in the brain and then being creative.

Sometimes even if you think and meditate for a few months, there is no breakthrough, but at a certain moment, Aura has made a breakthrough.

And this kind of work, if it is rated according to the OA system, it must be properly scored low and will be eliminated at the end.

After all, research and development is not like other work, it is very likely that there will be no results for several months or even years.

Even some research and development work, halfway through, will find that the original idea is not right, or a certain program is wrong, so it is necessary to overthrow the previous one.

As a result, according to the current OA system, it is impossible to evaluate R&D personnel.

So long before the meeting between He Xiaojun and Xiao Feng, he had collected a lot of opinions from the head of the company's R&D department.

In fact, this time I also wanted to come to Coco Xiao Feng. What should I do in such a situation?

After all, the new OA system is indeed good, but scientific research must not be restricted by such restrictions.

He had thought of 3M's solution before, so he wanted to talk about it with Xiao Feng.

Unexpectedly, before he spoke this time, Xiao Feng took the initiative to ask R&D personnel to follow the 3M approach.

"What do you think of this?"

"We can let the personnel in the R&D department spend three and a half days a week to complete their fixed tasks."

"For example, the experiment they want to do, data collection, or experiment design, etc."

"Then give them one and a half days a week to let them do things they are interested in together."

"They can form different groups according to their hobbies to develop what they are interested in."

"Or a few people can work together to complete the brainstorming, such as the project they have at hand, experimental design, detailed completion, etc., they can all get together and talk freely."

"Everyone discusses together, speaks out their ideas, and then demonstrates."

Xiao Feng said his thoughts, while He Xiaojun slapped his thigh with joy.

"Hey! I think this idea is very good, so that it can bring vitality to the research team."

"For example, when I was in XX before, when I started a certain project, it was usually the boss, that is, the project leader who designed the entire experiment process."

"The people below can only be responsible for execution, such as launching experiments and entering data."

"But everyone doesn't understand why the boss designed this way, there are many steps."

"Moreover, in the actual operation process, everyone will also find that the boss has a lot of unreasonable design steps, resulting in waste of consumables, or time, and even eventually lead to experimental failures and fail to get the results you want."

"But because of the authority of the boss, not many people dare to react with the boss."

"Even if someone reacts with the boss, but the results come out in the end, the results are all counted on the boss, and the person who puts forward their valuable opinions is not taken seriously."

"Such things can be said to be everywhere at our time."

“After a long time, everyone’s passion faded away, and no one was in the meeting to comment. Just follow the boss’s plan. As for whether it can produce results in the end, everyone doesn’t care. ."

"This is what I think is a major drawback in our scientific research field, and Mr. Xiao, your idea is very good."

"Break the authority of the scientific research team, break down the hierarchy, let everyone speak freely, and then the OA will record everyone's suggestions."

"In this way, even if the results are produced, they belong to everyone in the research group."

"In this way, everyone's participation is increased, and talents can be discovered in the process."

"And after doing this, as long as the reward and punishment mechanism is in place, it will definitely be able to dispatch everyone's work enthusiasm."

He Xiaojun also worked on the front line of scientific research for a long time in his early years, so he knew all the ills in that field.

To be honest, there are really many questions in the field of domestic scientific research, and many of the serious questions restrict the progress of domestic science and technology.

Many truly capable people can't get to the top, or even get buried. This is definitely a huge waste.

In the past, he was powerless in the face of such injustices, and he couldn't control what happened in other places.

But now in the ninth laboratory, he would never allow this to happen.

The idea proposed by Xiao Feng provided him with a good idea.

In a day and a half, let everyone get together to think of a solution, brainstorm, and express their opinions.

In this process, those newly added young blood are likely to burst out with unprecedented vitality and many bold ideas.

And these creativity and vitality are exactly what a R&D department needs most.

What everyone is afraid of is not that your brain is open, but that you have no ideas!

And maybe it is a brain hole opened by someone, which will bring a breakthrough to the whole project by leaps and bounds.

If it were in the past, such credit would most likely be given to the boss of the project team.

This situation happens very often in China.

People who really did useful work, even those who had the final word, not only failed to share the fruits of victory, they were not buried yet.

If things go on like this, what's the matter?

And now in the ninth laboratory, because of the intervention of the OA system, every time you hold a discussion meeting.

No matter whose idea it is, it will be recorded, and then wait until it really produces results.

The intelligent OA system will naturally give a score.

In a project team, whoever has made many contributions will be scored by the OA system.

In this way, everyone can share the fruits of victory, which will lead to a virtuous circle.

In a project advancement, young people who have performed well, or have big brains, and who have wild ideas will be recorded.

In the next work, if there are two more such two eyes performance.

Then such people will be included in the Qianlong Plan by the company for key training.

It is even possible to become a project leader at a young age and obtain financial and technical support from the company.

At this time, for the project team with projects.

For those R&D personnel who do not have projects on hand, they can also use this day and a half and use the resources given by the company to develop things they are interested in.

Of course, the things they researched and developed are definitely not the messy things that cross the border.

It must be something related to their work.

They can either fight alone, or find people with the same hobbies to form a team.

Once their research has a good shape, they can apply to the company to establish a project.

Where it is submitted to the review committee, if it passes the customs, then it will get the company's financial and technical support.

Even if their research results are of great value, they can also obtain greater resource tilt from the company.

This is the management method that Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun discussed later.

In their view, such a method used to manage the R&D personnel can definitely stimulate the enthusiasm of the R&D personnel.

In fact, they both firmly believe that our Chinese researchers are not stupid at all.

Whatever lacks creativity and lack of innovative spirit, it is only those foreigners who have unpredictable hearts, in order to build up their own advantages, they put labels on us.

It is true that we Chinese, in the field of modern innovation, are indeed lagging behind foreign countries.

In fact, this is mainly because in the early stage, we have laid a lot of foundations.

In recent years, we have caught up with technology and scientific knowledge.

What we lack now is a reasonable scientific innovation system.

Just like before, even if we have mastered the knowledge of mathematics, physics and chemistry.

But how to use this knowledge to innovate, but to design experimental advancement schemes, in this respect we have always been relatively weak But in the past 40 years, as we have more and more exchanges with foreign countries, Especially academic exchanges.

We have fully studied and mastered a certain modern scientific research and development system design.

What we have to do now is to bring those research and development systems and concepts to the country and implement them.

Now what Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun have to do is to liberate the work enthusiasm and innovation ability of R&D personnel.

In fact, in the past, our domestic scientific researchers were not incapable of innovation, but because some factors were restricted.

In the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, many scientific experts returned to China from overseas because of their patriotism.

At that time, they were able to build atomic bombs and created countless disciplines and miracles in China.

And now, Xiao Feng firmly believes that our scientific researchers can also perform miracles.

In the past, one of the biggest drawbacks of domestic scientific research was that the reward and punishment mechanism and the distribution mechanism for scientific research were not clear.

This greatly weakens the enthusiasm of scientific researchers to rely on research and development.

For example, an employee of a company has developed something new through innovation, and the economic benefits are very great.

But the company will say that this was developed while working in our company, so the results belong to our company.

As for the inventor, it doesn't matter if you give it a little reward.

As a result, R&D personnel will inevitably be greatly imbalanced in their hearts.

If things go on like this, the work enthusiasm and willingness of R&D personnel will inevitably decrease.

On the other hand, American companies have never spared huge rewards in this regard. In other words, they have not only thoroughly analyzed the sentence "There must be a brave man under the reward", but also implemented it very well!


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