My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1354: Create an environment

Researchers are also human beings, and because they are Kochi, they will drink Fengyinlu and show off their beauty.

They also have to live and enjoy a higher quality of life in order to reflect their value.

And now that the United States does not look at the stricter restrictions on foreign immigration, why is it still the place where high-tech talents in the world want to go most?

There is no other reason, where are the various conditions that can best be a scientific researcher.

For example, in Silicon Valley, there are various big-class laboratories all over the United States, as well as scientific research institutions of various prestigious universities.

It can be said that the conditions and environment for scientific research in the United States are the best in the world.

As long as you have a genius mind and a good idea, then you can get financial support.

If you reach a compromise with capital, then you will also get more resource tilt and support.

For researchers, what could be better than this?

To know how many scientific researchers in the world sit in the office every day, Sora has genius ideas, but he is anxious about not having enough funds to experiment with his own ideas.

Or even if funds were involved, but during the experiment, it was discovered that there was no suitable equipment on hand.

You also need to redesign a set of equipment yourself, and some equipment is very difficult to manufacture.

And because of some special relationship, even if you have money, you can't buy these devices.

So for researchers in other parts of the world, although many people have genius ideas, it is a very difficult process to turn these genius ideas into reality.

And once these arrived in the United States, it would be all right.

As long as your creativity is good and can attract the attention of those big bosses, the funds will roll in.

In addition, if you are in the process of experimenting, if you find some equipment, you can't figure it out.

Then this is not a problem, the big guys behind you will help you solve it with their resources.

If you can't sell it, you can sell it back. If you can't sell it, they can even build one for you according to your needs.

In such a situation where money is required, equipment is required, and there are people even more important, doing scientific research is simply a breeze.

May I ask which scientific researcher does not want to go to such a working environment?

It is no wonder that Americans have been occupying high-end positions in this scientific field for so many years.

And now the ninth laboratory is also trying to carry out some challenges in this regard.

Then the first thing to learn is the relaxed environment created by the Americans for scientific researchers.

They may not be able to provide scientific researchers with any equipment like the Americans.

But at the very least they can be able to ask for money, rich, and people.

And there won't be the problem of layman leading the insider.

In fact, in the field of scientific research in many countries in the world, this problem of layman leading the insider exists.

The damage to scientific research personnel is very serious, for example, those managers will be involved in the allocation of funds.

Unfair distribution is a common occurrence.

In addition, some foreigners have demonstrated their authority and set a deadline for such and such projects.

You must know that scientific research is not a linear motion, and it does not mean that you will definitely get results if you invest in certain projects.

It is very likely that twenty years of long-term investment have no results in the end, and the result is that you have made a breakthrough with a shiver before you finally give up.

This situation is common in scientific research circles, but for laymen, they can't understand it.

So this is also the main reason why many countries in the world are not able to compete with developed countries in Europe and America.

Now that the Ninth Laboratory wants to retain talents and make breakthroughs in scientific research, it must learn the methods of the Americans.

Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun had been discussing until the evening, and only then did they negotiate a plan for the internal reform of the company.

Other people in the company must follow the OA system process to standardize operations.

But for the company's R&D personnel, they have given a very relaxed environment.

For example, one and a half days are given every week to let them discuss and exchange projects with each other, or to do things they are interested in.

Of course, the premise is that you want to complete your own job. If you don't even do your job well and do other things, then it's definitely a bit unreasonable.

And in this process, the smart OA Xiao Ai will definitely participate and record the content of the meeting.

Once the results are produced at that time, a rating can be made based on the dedication of each employee.

In this way, true fairness and transparency can be achieved, so that every employee who makes a contribution can get the reward he deserves.

Really let everyone understand the meaning of the team.

In fact, in the domestic workplace culture, the team has not been very popular.

Because of the influence of traditional culture, the literati are indifferent to each other.

Even this kind of bad habits has penetrated into the scientific research community in recent years.

Many scientific researchers have a mindset that they would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail.

In fact, one of the main reasons for this idea is that the distribution mechanism is unreasonable.

In a team, once there is a result, the big head of the reward is taken away by the most dazzling members of the team.

However, those who make contributions in silence usually get only a few leftovers. Who can you say that you have changed? Who can be convinced?

So after a long time, cracks will naturally occur within the team, and then a team will fall apart.

But now with the intervention of the OA system, this kind of problem of not suffering from lack and suffering from unevenness can be solved most perfectly.

How many achievements you have made and how many contributions you have made to the project, the OA system will give you a fair rating and score.

In the end, it will be reflected in the rewards you can get.

Under such fair and reasonable rewards, the principle that there must be brave men under heavy rewards can be more powerfully demonstrated.

Once the enthusiasm of employees is mobilized, the enthusiasm they can burst out and the results they can bring is something that no one can predict.

"By the way, what happened to the people that the company eliminated?"

Xiao Feng couldn't help but ask.

In fact, as the boss of a company, he really doesn't have to care about the guys who are eliminated by the company.

But just because he had part-time job experience back then, and he was worried about being laid off by the company, so he was still very concerned about the employees who were eliminated.

He Xiaojun was also taken aback when he heard Xiao Feng's question.

It stands to reason that Xiao Feng could not have known the truth of not being merciful.

And as the head of the company, Xiao Feng has actually done enough to give back to the society.

The Ninth Laboratory is ordered by Xiao Feng every year to carry a certain amount of social welfare tasks.

I dare not say that such a boss and company are unique, but as far as He Xiaojun is concerned, he really hasn't seen many of them.

And offline Xiao Feng is still concerned about the guys who were fired by the company, which not only made him a higher evaluation of Xiao Feng.

As expected of the lord who I am willing to loyal...

"Hey, you don't have to worry about this, Mr. Xiao, those people! How do you say it?"

"Some are indeed due to insufficient technical level and cannot adapt to the rhythm of our company."

"Such people can't get a foothold in our company, but in other companies, they might be big coffees."

"And after leaving our ninth laboratory, they don't have to go far. It's easy to find a job in Bencheng, hehe."

"As you know, we have opened a lot of biochemical and environmental materials companies in Bincheng, all of which are supporting the upstream and downstream of our ninth laboratory."

"These companies are generally not very large, and they are very welcome to the employees from our company."

"The scientific researchers we look down on, then when they get to them, they will be sweet and delicious."

"So most of the employees who are eliminated due to technical reasons don't have to worry about leaving home at all."

"As for the employees who were eliminated because of their work attitude, it goes without saying."

"This can only be regarded as their lesson. We don't have to pay attention to them. If they can adjust their it will not be difficult to find a job in other companies at that time."

"It is interesting for some old employees. Some of these employees are the earliest employees who joined the company."

"Although I have only worked in our company for a few years, I have already saved a wealth of money."

"Although our company is not listed, the benefits offered to employees are not bad at all, especially salaries and various bonuses, which have always been paid in full."

"Especially in recent years, our company's profits have exploded, so we have given employees a lot of bonuses."

When He Xiaojun said this, Xiao Feng naturally understood.

In fact, in the first two years, He Xiaojun and the others had paid more bonuses to employees because they had paid too much money.

For example, there was originally only a year-end award, but after He Xiaojun applied, he received an extra year award. Some departments even have their own small vaults, and an extra quarterly award.

The bonus distribution is even more scary. Once again, He Xiaojun even quadrupled the bonus to everyone.

Just the year before last, Xiaofeng still remembered that there seemed to be many people in the company, and the bonus amount alone took more than one million.

At that time, it caused a sensation in Ben Thanh, the industry, and even the whole country.

However, he didn't stop He Xiaojun from doing such mischief, because that is also a way to advertise the company in disguise and attract talents.

In recent years, due to the increasing number of company personnel and the stabilization of the structure, such things have decreased a lot.

However, there are indeed a group of people who, relying on the huge bonuses at that time, have achieved elementary financial freedom.

According to He Xiaojun, some of the mid-levels of the year have now reached the level of multi-millionaires.


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