A wealthy man with a net worth of tens of millions may be nothing in a first-tier city like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

For many residents there, any house can be worth tens of millions.

But in Ben Thanh, if you have a net worth of tens of millions, it means that you can realize the freedom of primary wealth.

If the most demanding is not high, you can even retire directly.

After all, the housing prices in Bincheng are not very expensive compared to other major cities in China.

An ordinary house can be settled for only two or three million.

Only the school district room is the existence that ordinary people can only look up to.

If you can have one or two houses and have more than ten million on hand, it will definitely be enough for you to realize the freedom of wealth and enjoy retirement.

The first group of people who joined the Ninth Laboratory that year did indeed have a group of people who chose to leave the company and withdraw after realizing the freedom of primary wealth.

The reason why these people choose to quit is also very simple, because they are too old to keep up with the company's rhythm.

To be honest, the Ninth Laboratory was when it was founded because it was not well-known when the company recruited people.

Even at the beginning, Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun worked **** salary and treatment, and gave a not low salary.

However, because the location of the city has no advantage, and the company is also a start-up company, there are too many unstable factors.

Therefore, many graduates from prestigious schools and competent technical personnel are reluctant to join.

Therefore, relying on He Xiaojun's relationship at that time, some local colleges and universities recruited a group of people.

These technicians, some of them are no longer young, and they have joined the company with the attitude of making a try.

In recent years, with the rapid development of the company, these people have become the company's veterans.

And a group of talented people among these people have already embarked on leadership positions in scientific research or management.

Those with relatively ordinary strength also received generous returns.

However, with the addition of more and more powerful fresh blood, the latter wavers are getting stronger and stronger.

Especially now that the ninth laboratory is becoming more and more famous, almost every day, doctors and masters students from major universities around the world will submit their resumes.

The Ninth Lab has also been selecting the best candidates, which makes these former waves feel a lot of pressure.

Especially after the company implemented the end-of-life elimination system, many self-aware people in these previous waves chose to submit their resignations.

After all, the situation is so severe now. Instead of waiting to be dismissed from the company because of insufficient ratings, it is better to apply for resignation voluntarily.

And over the years, the company has never treated them badly.

The amount that should be given is the same, and even more. In a few years, you can get as much as a million in bonuses.

So within a few years, the company set off a wave of resignations.

For He Xiaojun, such behavior is actually just the internal metabolism of the company, and there is no need to be overly sentimental.

Anyway, the company treats these people well. These veterans make such a choice, in fact, it is a win-win choice for the company and them personally.

Because these people have low technical level, if the technical strength and ability are strong enough, they don't need to worry about the risk of being dismissed.

On the other hand, if these people do not choose to resign, it will be of little benefit to the company and them.

Originally, their technical strength was limited, but just because they joined the company early, they were veterans, they occupied high positions and held high salaries.

This is bound to arouse the dissatisfaction of the powerful and backward wavers who believe that this is not in line with the wolfish culture of modern companies.

In addition, the salary of these people is still very high, and the ability is average, but because the nearby company has long been a veteran, the salary and benefits are indeed several times stronger than their stronger back wave.

The company is also not satisfied with this distribution system.

So if these former waves stay in the company for a long time with a cheeky face, then it will only affect the company's future growth and metabolism.

"But, Mr. Xiao, don't worry too much. These guys have made a lot of money from us in the past few years."

"Although they have all resigned, these guys have a good life!"

"A few of them went to other units as soon as they left us. But don't worry, Mr. Xiao, they are not going to companies in our industry."

"The acquisitions are all scientific research institutes of the National Administration, or they are going to university to teach."

He Xiaojun's meaning Xiao Feng naturally understands, because their ninth laboratory can be said to be absolutely ahead of the industry in many technical aspects.

Therefore, many technologies and materials are very sensitive, and leakage of secrets is absolutely not allowed.

So when everyone joined the company, they were required to sign a competition agreement.

That is, after employees leave the company, they are not allowed to join companies in the same type of industry within five years.

In addition, even if you leave the company, you must never divulge company secrets.

In fact, Xiao Feng didn't worry about them leaking it, because even if those people leaked out the secret that Lab Nine could produce small molecules in large quantities, it would be nothing.

Because even if other companies know it, they can’t replicate it, because their small-molecule collagen does not come from this world at all.

What Xiao Feng is most worried about is the K-alpha active factor. After this active factor has been studied in depth, the scientific researchers in the company have increasingly discovered that this factor is more powerful.

And it has a very wide range of uses. With this active factor, the production of targeted drugs is much simpler.

As a result, the role of this K-alpha active factor becomes more and more important.

Although he is not worried that other companies in the world can replicate this factor, Xiao Feng still hopes that as few people know about this substance, the better.

Now this substance has been listed as an absolute high-level secret within the company, and only a very small number of senior executives in the company know and have access to this material.

Others, faced with this substance, simply don't know anything.

Therefore, the main thing that the competition agreement prevents is that the person who resigns will tell this substance out.

This is also another main reason why their company pays such high wages to employees.

At present, it seems that it is okay. The former waves of resignation mentioned by He Xiaojun are very calm and guarded.

Those who continue to work all go to universities or national scientific research institutions.

There are also some other cosmetics companies and biopharmaceutical companies that offer high-paying hiring for these people.

But most of these people refused on the surface. As for whether there will be any transactions in private, it is unknown.

But that is not something they can control.

Even with the penetration and intelligence gathering capabilities of those overseas giants, Xiao Feng believes that the secret of the K-Alpha Active Factor may not be kept for long.

But at least everyone seems to be able to get along, so that's okay.

"There are still many people who just started small businesses on their own."

"Most of them have opened their own small shops and become small bosses themselves."

"I know several of them..."

He Xiaojun introduced to Xiao Feng with a smile, and Xiao Feng smiled when he heard it.

"Those guys usually deal with experiments and open a store? Can they do it well?"

"Hey, I actually asked those people, they don't open a store to make money, but to find something to do. As long as they don't lose money, it doesn't matter whether they make money or not."

He Xiaojun explained to Xiao Feng with a smile.

Xiao Feng nodded after hearing this. Although the former wavers could not avoid leaving the company, seeing that they could still have a good destination, Xiao Feng was relieved at this time.

It's better than just sweeping them out directly and ruthlessly.

At least these people can live a decent life after leaving the company.

But think about these people, although they think these people are pitiful, but after you want to understand their situation, help your life understand that such a destination is already the best result for them.

You know that the best age for a scientific researcher is actually between thirty and forty-five years old.

I mature at the age of 30, and when I reach the age of 40, I will reach the peak of the road. After forty-one, I will start to go downhill~www.ltnovel.com~Of course, there are also some talented guys who can always produce results. At the age of fifty, and even some great scientists at the age of seventies, great scientific research results can still come out.

But the few people who tried it, the true majority of scientific research workers, in fact, after the age of forty-five, they have basically fallen into a state of exhaustion.

By the time he was forty-five years old, whether it was memory or quick thinking, in fact, he could no longer keep up with the speed of young people.

As for the brain hole, it has gradually regressed.

So this is also the main reason why many technology companies have to eliminate a group of older employees early.

On the one hand, because these people are old and experienced, their wages and benefits are relatively high, which will increase the company's operating costs.

On the other hand, it is because their way of thinking has begun to become rigid, and the proportion of results is getting lower and lower.

In other words, the benefits that can be created for the company are getting lower and lower.

Therefore, no matter which company it is, it will try its best to lay off these researchers who are gradually unable to keep up with the rhythm at this time.

Although this is very cruel, it is a **** reality.

Whenever a foreign country encounters an economic crisis or a company encounters difficulties in its operations, everyone can see that the first companies to open are often the middle and high-level managers and scientific researchers.

In fact, Xiao Feng still has a lot of grievances for those who left. After all, they were all the veterans who founded the company together.

For the development of the company, even if there is no credit, there are hard work.

In this way, letting them open a small shop, in his opinion, is still a bit wasteful...


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