"Well, do you have any thoughts on the land we won in the new sports city?"

Xiao Feng's conversation suddenly changed, and He Xiaojun was also taken aback. He didn't expect Xiao Feng to ask him about land development.

To be honest, he was also very trapped about that piece of land.

He only knew that Xiao Feng had suddenly accepted the Ben Thanh football team before, and he was in favor of this with both hands.

Because he himself is also a fan, and taking over the Ben Thanh football team, it will also have great benefits for building the celebrity chef group in the future.

According to the standard of that team, he can guarantee that within two years, he will be able to win the Asian Club Cup.

Then when you participate in the World Champions League, you will definitely be a blockbuster.

All these are of great benefit to enhancing the reputation of the celebrity chef group. You must know that the celebrity chef group is getting bigger and bigger now.

But this group has really not invested much in advertising.

Now their reputation is basically supported by word of mouth.

The annual advertising budget is much less than the huge investment in Golden Arches and Kaifeng dishes.

It's not that they don't have money, but it's related to Xiao Feng's consistent business philosophy.

Spend as much money as possible on practical places. If you spend money on marketing, then you don’t have to.

So every year they spend only a very small part of the money they invest in advertising.

And now having a club for fun is definitely a more cost-effective business than casting a TV commercial.

Just look at a certain team that has been in the league in the past two years, and you can know that this investment is more cost-effective to build a team.

On the surface, it seems that it costs more than one billion yuan to build a team a year, but in fact, this team has won the championship year after year, and the advertising revenue that can bring them back allows them to earn back their investment early.

The other teams in the Chinese Super League are not as good as it is.

So investing in a football team, in He Xiaojun's eyes, is really not a loss at all.

But if you ask him how to engage in real estate development, He Xiaojun will be trapped in this regard.

From the beginning of his career, he worked in the high-tech industry, one in the ninth laboratory.

Speaking of real estate-related, that is, after he became rich, he bought several sea-view houses and villas, which improved the living conditions for himself and the elders in the family.

As for other aspects, his eyes were really blackened, and he didn't know how to play.

The deepest impression of real estate is that in the past two years, he has participated in many economic forums and got to know the owners of a large number of real estate companies.

In his opinion, the bosses of those real estate companies, except for a few with a big business and a deep family, can be calm and at ease.

Most of the others are panicked.

Almost most people are struggling, looking for new projects and transformation opportunities every day.

There are even many people who have contacted him on the initiative, wanting to ride the ride of their ninth laboratory.

It can be seen that the bosses of these real estate companies have had a hard time in recent years.

So when he learned that Xiao Feng had taken the land of the new sports city in exchange for the management rights of the Ben Thanh football team, he was still quite puzzled.

It's not that we don't have money, so don't we just pay for the team?

Why do we have to take that piece of land?

Now that the real estate industry is so sluggish, why does Mr. Xiao even rush into it?

Now Xiao Feng asked if he had any thoughts about this piece of land. What thoughts could He Xiaojun have?

So at this time, he could only helplessly smile and shook his head.

"Mr. Xiao, you really asked the wrong person about this. What can I think of this land?"

"Furthermore, haven't you planned everything before? Part of it will be built into a new stadium and a youth training base. The other part will be developed into a commercial complex."

"Then it will be developed into a high-end residential area behind the commercial complex."

Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun probably talked about the development ideas of this area before, so He Xiaojun knew a little about Xiao Feng's thinking.

Xiao Feng smiled and nodded: "Yes, where I plan to open the second department of Sunshine Hospital, and where I have other ideas."

"Oh? What's your idea? Let's hear it?"

He Xiaojun's eyes lit up when Xiao Feng said this, and he knew Xiao Feng very well.

This guy is notorious for a lot of ghost ideas. If he can say that, it must be that he has some new ideas and ideas in his heart.

"Actually, when I was just talking to you about the veterans who left the company, a little thought burst into my mind."

"Although these people are not at the top of our company in terms of technology and ability, if they get in other companies, they can definitely be regarded as experts."

"But because of the competition agreement, they are not allowed to work in other homes, and they can only be allowed to open small shops. This is definitely a waste."

"On the other hand, I also think that with the development of the company, more and more people will be eliminated from the company in this way in the future."

"But for such people, it would be a bit of a waste if they all went to open a small shop, be a hawker, or retire early."

"And the most important thing is that if these people have been in the country, it's okay. But if you can't stand it, people might go through immigration?"

"Furthermore, there are so many foreign biological research institutes, as well as various large pharmaceutical factories, with the qualifications of these people."

"In other words, the big foreign companies have a coveted heart for our ninth laboratory. They want to find a job in those big foreign companies. It's not too easy."

"And what if they join a big foreign factory?"

"Even if we signed a competition agreement, but people are far overseas, we can't control them anymore?"

"Even if you go abroad to sue him, what will happen in the end? The lawsuit lasts for five, six, seven or eight years, and during this period of time, maybe the foreigners have long since pried what they want to know Something."

The reason why Xiao Feng said this is that, on the one hand, he does feel that it is a pity for these people to retire so early.

On the other hand, I am indeed worried that these people will be poached away, which will cause the company's secrets to be leaked.

This is really very possible. Now as the Ninth Laboratory gets more and more active, making money is as simple as opening a money printing machine.

It has already attracted countless domestic and foreign companies, jealous and salivating.

And there have always been people trying to dig corners from their company.

But earlier, the company's manpower has been in a state of tension, and the company's benefits are good, so if you don't want to dig, you can't dig it.

But now the situation is different. Their company has begun to enter its own blood-making cycle.

Every year, there is bound to be that a group of people who are not suitable for the company's development will be eliminated. These people may not be a big deal to the Ninth Laboratory.

But if you get another company, it might be Xiangyue.

Especially those large overseas factories that have long coveted the technology of the ninth laboratory.

To be honest, Xiao Feng is still very afraid of these big factories.

Despite the fact that the Ninth Laboratory is very famous now, and its products are particularly popular in the market, Xiao Feng actually knows in his heart that they are far worse than those large overseas factories.

For example, Roche in Switzerland, Mohs and Bayer in Germany, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson in the United States, GlaxoSmithKline in the United Kingdom, etc.

Which of these large pharmaceutical factories has a history of 100 years?

The technology and experience they have accumulated in the research and development of various drugs is totally overwhelming.

Therefore, they really have a deep background. Perhaps because of small-molecule collagen, K-alpha active factor and other materials, there is a certain technological gap between them and the ninth laboratory.

But you have to know that in recent years, in order to catch up with the ninth laboratory, these companies have spent billions, even tens of billions of dollars, in molecular chemistry.

Although no breakthroughs have been made, there are many key technologies that are already approaching the stage of making a move.

Maybe they are only a tiny bit of hints, or creativity, they can make breakthroughs in some key technologies.

Once they do it, then the technical advantages of the Ninth Lab will inevitably disappear~www.ltnovel.com~ So these companies, in recent years, can be said to be thinking about the Ninth Lab's products. Try all kinds of methods to research and reverse development.

Almost every quarter, they will buy a batch of the ninth laboratory drugs from the market to study the formula.

At the same time, a lot of sand was mixed into the ninth laboratory, for example, commercial spies were sent to participate in the application of the ninth laboratory.

Prepare to enter the company and steal trade secrets.

There are also those who specifically intend to force it. Xiao Feng alone knows that in the past year or two, a group of commercial spies have been stationed in Bincheng.

These people have been around the ninth laboratory preparing to move their hands.

Some of these people are employed by others, while others come spontaneously.

Anyway, as long as you can get strong materials from the ninth laboratory, you can buy a good price, so many commercial espionage agencies are uninvited.

Fortunately, Xiao Feng had quietly changed the security system of the Ninth Laboratory more than a year ago.

Begin to continuously arrange to clone security experts, join the company's security team, and design the most rigorous security plan.

Moreover, the company's internal confidentiality process has also been redesigned, so that it can ensure that the company's confidential technology is not spread.

And only Xiao Ai, an OA system, also played a key role in this regard.

It is precisely because of the emergence of this artificial AI that Lab Nine has been able to retreat from numerous cyber attacks.

Otherwise, using the means of the European and American guys, I am afraid that the company's secrets would have been stolen through the Internet.

So now Xiao Feng also knows that the Ninth Laboratory is the object that countless people are staring at. It is absolutely not wrong to be cautious when dealing with many issues.


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