My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1357: Product Series

"Hey, I don't know what you said, Mr. Xiao, but what can we do?"

"Can't everyone leave their jobs and restrict their freedom, right?"

"And don't tell me, as far as I know, there are several employees who have recently resigned from us who have immigrated overseas."

"Although I know the risks like that, we can't restrict them at all?"

He Xiaojun understands Xiao Feng's worries very well.

"But you don't have to worry too much, Mr. Xiao. As far as I know, those former employees who immigrated overseas weren't core technicians in our company before."

"They don't know much about our technical secrets. So there is no need to worry about them leaking the secrets."

"Well, that's good, but you have to be careful!"

Xiao Feng nodded and continued.

"After all, our company is now more than just cosmetics, and rejuvenation series of health products. Many of our current drugs are also very popular."

"For example, ointments for burns and scalds, as well as those medical and aesthetic materials, as well as hemostatic gels used in surgery, and adhesives that bond wounds without stitches after surgery."

"There are also drugs for the heart, Klick serum, and those artificial albumin, etc. These drugs have now gradually become our main products."

"If the technology of these products is leaked, it will also bring us considerable losses."

Xiao Feng casually talked about the drugs currently produced by the Ninth Laboratory.

Not to mention that I don’t know, after all this scrutiny, Xiao Feng found out that the Ninth Laboratory had actually launched so many babies!

Unconsciously, a product series has been formed!

Indeed, the current ninth laboratory is definitely no longer the company that only made cosmetics back then.

In the past year or two, they have completed a beautiful turn. From the earliest biochemical company, they have successfully transformed into a pharmaceutical manufacturing company.

And their products are still very popular now.

For example, the ointment for burns and scalds is now sold nationwide.

Now many tertiary hospitals that put down their shelves in China will take a batch of burn and scald ointment from them and go back, specifically to deal with local emergencies.

Of course, the ninth laboratory is not a fool, and these burn and scald creams are also graded.

Of course, the top-level ones are reserved for the local Sunshine Hospital, and only the other second-level ones are reserved for those hospitals.

In this way, when there are severe burns and scalds in other areas, they still have to be sent to Sunshine Hospital for treatment.

Not to mention that this is too stingy, there is no way for the hospital to survive, it must have its own unique skills.

Originally, private hospitals have obvious disadvantages compared with state-owned tertiary hospitals.

If there is no super long strength in a certain field, then Sunshine Hospital will have no way to gain a foothold in this field.

Moreover, their burn and scald cream is still a key material purchased by the military.

There are also their hemostatic gels and wound adhesives. These materials that can play a major role in first aid are all the objects of the military's bulk purchase.

With these materials, the lives of the soldiers can be effectively guaranteed.

There are also some low-grade burn and scald creams, which have now entered the top tens of thousands.

At present, almost most domestic families store some such burn and scald cream at home.

In this way, in the event of a minor accident at home, such as burns or scalding fingers while cooking, you can also apply some ointment to make an emergency.

These burns and scald creams have obvious pain relief and prevent the wound from being infected by bacteria.

So for ordinary people, this is a very practical medicine.

Even the home-use version of this ointment is exported in large quantities abroad.

And there are many companies abroad, importing a large number of burns and scald creams from the Ninth Laboratory, the most of which are companies in the United States.

And the largest shareholder behind those leather bag companies is naturally that department in the United States.

Obviously even Americans now know how useful their burn cream is.

The second is their heart disease drug Klick Serum, which is also very good now.

The main raw material of this medicine is the snake venom from the snake man in the other world.

Now Xiao Feng sends people to the territories of half-orcs in other worlds every year to buy this snake venom.

Hey, if you cooperate, give some money and food, if you don't cooperate, then just ransack the family and destroy the clan directly.

The Great Qin Empire, which had upgraded its military force, was so domineering.

It is precisely because of the constant supply of raw materials that this very good Klick serum is available.

It is important to know that for adults, once they are over thirty years old, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems are prone to occur.

In addition, the life pressure of modern people is very high. Smoking, drinking and staying up late have become the norm. As a result, many people will have blood clots at a young age.

And some have already developed the problem of narrowing of blood vessels, and some have even swollen plates in the arteries.

If twenty years ago, people were basically helpless with such diseases and could only tell you to take medicine to treat them.

Moreover, the cardio-cerebrovascular doctors can solve this problem, which is to put stents in your heart and cerebral blood vessels.

And now, as medical technology has become more developed, people have more and more ways to deal with this disease.

For example, endoscopic surgery to remove thrombus, or thrombectomy with drugs, but there are still not many ways to deal with vascular stenosis and arterial plaque.

There is only one way to put a stent to solve the problem of insufficient blood supply.

However, the patient after the stent is placed is likely to face the problem of long-term medication. This will greatly affect the patient's quality of life.

And the emergence of this kind of Klick serum has greatly alleviated this problem.

First of all, this kind of serum can effectively clean up the garbage in the blood, such as triglycerides and other harmful substances that easily cause blood clots.

Moreover, it can effectively remove or even inhibit harmful substances in the blood from adhering to the blood vessel walls.

At the same time, it can really soften the blood vessels. It is necessary to know that plaque usually occurs because of the hardening of the blood vessel wall.

The drug has been born and has been on the market for more than a year.

More and more doctors are discovering the benefits of this drug, and some medical experts even found out after following experiments.

This drug, even the first in the world, can really soften blood vessels and reverse the pathological changes of blood vessels.

You must know that there is such a famous saying in the current medical field.

It is said that your life span will be determined by the life span of your blood vessels.

In fact, a careful analysis of this sentence can say that this sentence is absolutely reasonable.

Because people are old, they often start to age from the peripheral nerves.

Like fingers, legs and feet become inflexible.

The reason for this aging is actually to start with insufficient blood supply to the capillaries.

The reason why the blood supply of the capillaries is insufficient is due to the aging of the blood vessel, the hardening of the blood vessel wall, or the excessive crop on the blood vessel wall.

Many people may not be able to imagine how the blood vessels of the human body can undergo such changes.

On this point, you might as well refer to the water pipes you have seen.

I believe many people have seen water pipes, and they will know that even the water company produces purified water.

But even if the water is very clean, but the water pipe only needs to be used for a few years, not to mention decades.

After only a few years, countless attachments will be attached to the wall of the water supply pipe.

Therefore, every time the water supply company stops water, when the water supply is restored, a lot of muddy water will always be washed out from the tap of your house.

And part of this muddy water is the soil that fell into the water pipe when repairing the water pipe, and the other part is the attachment on the water pipe.

Because the water pump is pressurized again, the water pressure becomes larger, so the attachments on these blood vessels are washed down.

The blood vessels in the human body are actually the same as the water pipes of tap water. The water pipes will age after a long time, and there will inevitably be attachments on the wall of the water pipe.

This time, it was discovered that this Klick serum can actually help people clear the attachments on the blood vessels. This is a rather remarkable discovery.

You must know that so far there is no drug in the world that can do this.

Moreover, this medicine has a very obvious softening and improving effect on the blood vessels of the human body.

This is also the first time in the world that a drug that can reverse changes in blood vessels has been discovered.

So since the discovery of the magical effect of this drug, this drug has become completely popular.

Especially in Europe and the United States, it is crazily sought after by foreigners.

Because of their eating habits, why do you think foreigners grow so strong?

That's because their annual protein intake per capita is almost four times that of the Chinese.

To put it bluntly, that group of foreigners in Europe and the United States eat four times more meat each year than the Chinese, or even more.

And eating a lot of meat, especially red meat, the choline and cholesterol in it will lead to increased blood lipids in the body.

High blood lipids will cause the blood to stick, which makes it easier for blood to hang on the walls of blood vessels.

Therefore, people who love meat have a higher rate of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

And the appearance of this Klick serum is simply their savior.

Not only can it clear the blood vessels, but it can also soften the blood vessels. This is simply a life-saving medicine!

Although heart exchange surgery can save people with severe heart disease, there are still people with cerebrovascular problems.

And even if you can change your heart, you can't change all the blood vessels in your body, right?

As a result, the market for this Crek serum has grown.

Even many European and American doctors have published papers, saying that this drug is simply the second panacea discovered in the history of human medicine after aspirin.

So now this magic drug is also starting to sell well in the European and American markets.


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