Moreover, the drugs that the Ninth Laboratory sells to flying in Europe and the United States are definitely not limited to the Klick serum.

And their artificial gamma globulin, and human albumin, such life-saving drugs, are also popular to fly.

Now because of this global epidemic, clinicians around the world have reached a consensus.

That is, once the patient enters a high-risk state, or even enters the ICU care, then the rejuvenating capsule should be used.

Because this medicine is really amazing, this medicine can maximize the patient's own immunity and allow the patient to fight against various diseases.

Therefore, many doctors now believe that this rejuvenating capsule is the last line of defense in life.

Before that, human albumin and gamma globulin were the life-saving drugs.

And human albumin, to put it plainly with gamma globulin, is to increase the amount of protein in human blood.

It can deliver the maximum amount of nutrition to the major organs in the human body that are in urgent need of nutrition.

On the other hand, at the fastest speed, the toxins in human cells are replaced and transported out, and the burden on the liver and kidney is reduced to the greatest extent.

Therefore, the sound from major hospitals is regarded as a life-saving medicine.

Generally, human albumin is mainly used for patients with massive blood loss, severe burns, cerebral edema, and severe liver and kidney diseases.

Gamma globulin is mainly used for patients who have severe illnesses due to virus damage.

However, with the rejuvenation capsules, these two predecessor magic drugs have basically retreated to the second line of the emergency system.

However, they have not all retired from active service, but the price is indeed much lower than before.

After all, although the Rejuvenation Capsule is good enough, it is not something that everyone can afford.

If this medicine is left open for use, it can burn tens of thousands of yuan in that day.

In the face of a very serious family, it may take several days or even ten days to use it.

So many ordinary people simply can't use this medicine.

At this time, second-line drugs such as human albumin and gamma globulin are about to appear.

Don't underestimate these drugs, which are now relegated to the second line. They are still expensive and magical medicine if they are put aside until before.

A 150ml bottle needs a few hundred yuan to start, and sometimes four injections at a time cost more than one thousand yuan.

And if the critical moment is really reached, it will have to inject more than a dozen shots in a row, and it will also cost more than 10,000 a day.

The reason why this drug is expensive is also the main factor that is expensive to extract.

In the past, it was refined through human blood or placenta, and later it was changed to cow blood.

However, no matter how it is refined, the cost is very high.

Of course, there is no denying that the pharmaceutical factory has played a role in raising prices to a certain extent.

Previously, the Ninth Laboratory used their unique small-molecule collagen to convert through other methods to develop alternatives for these two drugs.

And because of the use of brand-new raw materials and extraction methods, the prices of these two drugs have been knocked down a lot.

Therefore, the two drugs they sell are basically evaluation sales.

Really did it so that ordinary people can also afford it.

Many hospitals now purchase their two drugs in case of emergency.

In the past, ordinary people couldn't afford it if they wanted to use it. Now because the price has been knocked down, they can really open it up for use.

Because of the low prices of the two drugs launched by the Ninth Laboratory, they naturally greatly touched the interests of large foreign manufacturers.

And the products that cause harm to those large foreign pharmaceutical companies are far more than these.

For example, their hemostatic gel, which can absolutely curb accidental bleeding during surgery, has become very popular once it is launched.

In fact, long before this, many foreign pharmaceutical companies were studying this gel, and even Johnson & Johnson had similar products.

The small one sells for more than seven hundred yuan, which is more than one hundred dollars.

Unfortunately, the effect is very mediocre.

Because of their hemostatic gel, they generally face two very difficult problems.

One is when the blood vessels of the human body rupture, if you use this kind of gel to glue the blood vessels, if you use more.

It is indeed possible to block the blood vessels, but the problem is that it will also cause a large area of ​​thrombosis.

When these blood clots accompany blood circulation, they can easily cause pulmonary embolism, which is a more serious and fatal disease.

In addition, if their hemostatic gel is used, it is easy to cause adhesions in the internal organs of the human body, and ultimately result in poor recovery of the patient after surgery.

But the hemostatic gel of the ninth laboratory will not have this problem at all.

There are even doctors who accidentally break the aorta during the operation, but after using this gel, the blood vessels can be glued immediately without sutures.

This greatly improves the patient's chance of survival during the operation, and there is no need to worry about the recovery problem after the operation. As for the thrombosis, there is no need to worry at all, and it will not happen at all.

In addition, the best part of this gel is that it does not cause adhesion of various tissues and organs in the patient's body.

This is a great boon for all surgeons.

Because they will inevitably have to deal with blood vessels during the operation, and the sudden rupture of the blood vessel during the operation can be said to be a nightmare for all surgeons.

Once this happens during the operation, the chance of rescue failure is almost as high as 90%.

And now that the Ninth Laboratory has launched this hemostatic gel, even if such an accident occurs, the chance of them recovering the patient is actually reversed to 90%.

Precisely because of the existence of this new hemostatic gel, doctors have more confidence in difficult operations, and patients' families can feel more at ease.

Now almost all three large hospitals across the country are loyal customers of the Ninth Laboratory launching this hemostatic gel.

Almost every doctor will ask to prepare this medicine before the operation, in case of emergency.

There is another wound adhesive launched by the Ninth Laboratory.

The emergence of this drug can be said to perfectly solve the problem of stitches.

In the past, after the patient's surgery last night, doctors would suture the patient's wound to prevent infection, fluid leakage and other problems.

However, some parts of the human body are really difficult to suture, such as the intestines. This kind of organ is slippery because of the human tissue fluid.

And the doctors have to wear gloves to perform the operation, which is not very good at first.

Moreover, the level of each doctor is different. If the technique is good, the suture can be done well.

However, if the technology is average, it can only be stitched barely to ensure the most basic functions.

But the recovery after the operation is all the patient suffers.

But now with this adhesive, the last step of the operation is much simpler.

Just pick up the organ that needs to be sutured and glue it in the desired direction.

And after using this kind of adhesive, wrap a layer of casing on the outside, and there is no need to worry about adhesion to other organs.

In the end, the patient not only recovered quickly, but also not suffered.

This is still for major operations, and for minor operations, the benefits of this adhesive are even more.

Such as skin trauma, the skin flap needs to be sutured.

To put it bluntly, someone has a broken skin and needs stitches.

It should be understood that not all doctors know how to sew up cosmetic needles under the skin. Doctors who have mastered this technique can sew up once, but the price is very expensive.

The advantage of this type of suture is that it will not leave a scar on the patient.

However, most doctors only master the most basic suture techniques, so it is inevitable that they will leave unsightly scars on the patient.

But now with this kind of adhesive, it is much easier to handle.

Just align the wounds and squeeze the glue. The glue made from microorganisms can bond the wounds together in a matter of minutes.

It can grow in a week or so, and there is no scar at all. From the amount of it, there will only be a faint, shallow scar on the wound.

This is an absolute gospel for the majority of people who love beauty.

Especially for women who love beauty, the appearance of this kind of adhesive is simply a gift given to them by the gods.

So this adhesive did not take long before it appeared, and it was widely used by obstetrics and gynecology departments across the country.

It is mainly used for pregnant women who have undergone a Caesarean section. Doctors have found that using this adhesive can not only recover quickly, but also has fewer sequelae.

The most important thing is that it will not leave unsightly scars.

The second is the national medical beauty industry, and the demand for this adhesive is huge.

Not only domestic medical and aesthetic institutions, but also medical and aesthetic institutions in Europe, America, Japan, and South Korea have also paid big prices for purchases.

Because of this kind of adhesive, in the eyes of medical aesthetic doctors, it is simply specially designed for them.

Try to reduce the stitches as much as possible to reduce the scars, so that they can make their favorite works.

Moreover, this adhesive has great benefits for ordinary skin trauma, such as hemostasis and anti-inflammatory effects.

Therefore, this kind of adhesive has also become a key material for the military to purchase vigorously. With such a good thing, the survival rate of soldiers in the battlefield can definitely increase by dozens of percentage points.

Just because there are more and more good things in the ninth laboratory, I also responded to that sentence and guilty of it!

Therefore, the large foreign companies whose market share has been robbed of them naturally cannot help but come to probe how they did it.

So they have tried various methods, such as computer hackers, or commercial espionage, to enter the company to steal confidential materials...

However, after several waves of commercial espionage have come and gone, those big companies dare not act rashly.

Then they took a different approach, found their domestic computer manufacturers, and wanted to do something with servers and computers...

Anyway, they are familiar with this method.


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