But what surprised those interested people was that they actually failed!

They found the most powerful hacker, but they didn't even know the firewall of the Ninth Lab.

Later, they could only adopt a more direct method, which was to find the manufacturers that produced server chips and let them activate the backdoors on the servers and computers purchased by the Ninth Laboratory.

This time they finally sneaked into the LAN inside the ninth laboratory, but they were surprised.

They fumbled for many days in this local area network, but they didn't find the information they were looking for at all.

Instead, during this period of time, the computers and servers they used were counter-tracked by the other party, and many of them were burned continuously.

It was then that they suddenly realized that they had been given a routine by the Ninth Laboratory.

In the network security department of the ninth laboratory, there must be masters.

From there, those big factories never dared to play such crooked ways anymore.

But now they don't dare to follow the crooked way, so they can only follow the right path.

For example, high-paying digging, but the incumbents of the ninth laboratory, because the salary is good, and they all have development prospects.

No matter how high they pay, they can't dig.

And if the salary is too high, it is not worthwhile.

So they moved their brains to those who left the Ninth Lab recently.

The normal operation of a company is just like the human body needs a normal metabolism. Every year, a group of people will leave the company for one reason or another.

On the ninth laboratory side, due to competitive pressure, many people who feel that they can't keep up with the company's progress choose to leave the company every year.

It's not because the company is not good enough, or because the salary is not high enough, but because they really can't fight young people.

For example, those who are middle-aged scientific researchers have made almost the same money and made a lot of achievements.

With their qualifications, if they don't go to other companies in the same industry, go out to start their own business, or go to a school to be a teacher, or apply for a job in a national laboratory, it's all good.

Moreover, for such jobs, the competitive pressure will not be as fierce as the Ninth Laboratory.

The current ninth laboratory recruits many doctoral and master students from prestigious universities around the world every year.

You must know that these people are all the pride of heaven, and none of them are given for nothing.

And many people come with the most cutting-edge scientific and technological concepts, as well as many wild ideas.

And these middle-levels, as the bosses of these late waves, although their name is the leader of the family.

However, neither the technology nor the concept can compare to these late waves.

Once or twice, you can still rely on your seniority to hold people back, but after a long time, who can think of you?

After all, in this company, everything depends on strength.

And because of the existence of the OA system, you want to rely on the old to sell the old, which is not very realistic here.

Precisely because of the existence of this system, it will be clear how much everyone contributes to each project.

The above will definitely assess your level based on your personal achievements.

So by the end of the year, many previous waves may be demoted or deployed to idle positions.

Many people feel that instead of losing face like that, it is better to resign as soon as possible, so that they can leave more decently.

Anyway, these years, the company has treated them well, and they have made enough.

It's good to say that such people still have a sense of gratitude for the company.

Other people who are not broad-minded are different. They feel that Lao Tzu has contributed so much to the company.

As a result, now that the company is doing well, we kicked us away, which is a bit too much.

Although leaving was also grieving, and at this time, when a few foreign companies hooked up, these people immediately took the bait.

And as far as He Xiaojun knows, the treatment offered by some foreign companies is really not low.

The first is to directly help apply for immigration qualifications, as long as these people have the information and have joined their company.

These foreign companies directly solve the immigration problem for them.

The other is to solve the problems of housing and car, even children’s schooling, spouse’s work, etc.

Secondly, the salary offered is definitely not low, at least it can be twice to three times that of the ninth laboratory.

In this way, even if those former employees have signed a competition agreement with the Ninth Laboratory, how many people can withstand the temptation?

As far as He Xiaojun knows, many of those employees have chosen to emigrate recently.

And among these people, almost 90% chose to join those big foreign companies.

Although they signed a competition agreement with the Ninth Laboratory, it is only valid in China.

Once you go to the two or more in North America, then the Emperor Tiangao is far away, even if you know the Ninth Laboratory?

Are you still going to those two countries in North America to sue others?

Not to mention the cost of going to North America to sue others, even if you sue at that time, whether the lawsuit can be won in the end is still one thing.

After all, there is the land of others.

In the past two years, the ninth laboratory has been so popular abroad that I am afraid that it has long been unpleasant to our eyes.

And speaking of these researchers who have transferred to large foreign factories, they are top secrets about the company.

Such as small molecule collagen, or K-alpha active factor, these things.

Xiao Feng wasn't worried, because these substances were not from this world.

Even if they know the principles and benefits of these substances, they don't know anything about how these substances are produced.

But the point is that they may reveal some secrets of other drugs in the Ninth Lab.

For example, their creek serum, or artificial human albumin, or drugs such as burn cream.

These drugs, although some of the key ingredients are also obtained from other worlds.

However, some of the manufacturing ideas and technologies are still very important, and some of these substances may be able to find corresponding substitutes in this world.

For example, the snake venom used in their Klick serum, in fact, in this world, the Australian Taipan snake venom is very similar to the snake venom of a sea snake near the coast of Africa.

If a certain proportion of these two kinds of snake venom were mixed and debugged, it might be possible to produce a snake venom serum similar to the one Xiao Feng brought back from another world.

With this serum, it is possible to produce drugs similar to Klick serum.

Even if the effect cannot be 100% to restore the Klick serum, as long as it can achieve 80%, or 90%.

Then those large foreign companies can rely on their own channels, cost advantages, and the Ninth Laboratory to grab the market.

The same goes for those burns and scald creams, artificial gamma globulin, and human albumin and other drugs.

We must know that with the popularity of these drugs, the net profit ratio of these drugs to the Ninth Laboratory is getting higher and higher.

A year ago, in the financial statements of the Ninth Laboratory, the main source of profit was almost all their cosmetics.

Medical beauty materials, and their rejuvenation series of health products.

These three product series alone account for 90% of the company's total revenue.

But now the situation is completely different. With their burn ointment, artificial human albumin, and Klick serum and other drugs, they have been recognized by hospitals and patients all over the world.

The revenue brought by these product series to the company has also increased significantly.

For example, this year, the company's revenue from the three product lines of cosmetics, medical beauty materials, and rejuvenation series of health products has also increased by almost 20% over the previous year.

However, these three product lines accounted for 60% of the company's total revenue.

In other words, the sales revenue of other drugs now accounts for 40% of the company's revenue.

But if other major manufacturers can also produce products that are similar to drugs, even if the efficacy is only 70 or 80% of their products.

That will definitely affect the company's 40% of its revenue!

This is also the main reason why Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun suddenly talked about the recent waves of leaving the company.

Because of these people, when it comes to technology and scientific research capabilities ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ may not be considered top-notch in the Ninth Laboratory.

But if they know the secrets about the technology of the Ninth Laboratory, then these people definitely know the most.

Because almost 95% of these people are veterans who joined the company since its inception.

Just let them go and watch them being dug away by the big factories in Europe and America. This is definitely an act of digging their own graves.

After listening to Xiao Feng's own views, He Xiaojun also realized the seriousness of this problem.

It seems that this issue must be taken seriously!

But what should I do?

If these people let them stay in the company, there is no suitable place in the company for them to play.

After all, their technology and ideas have fallen behind the waves.

Secondly, even if the company finds an idle department to support them, this will greatly increase the company's operating costs.

And with the development of the company, there will only be more and more such people. Is it because the company has to keep them?

So how to solve this problem immediately became a huge problem before them!

At this time, He Xiaojun moved his brain to the tenth level and began to ponder the way to solve the problem.

But he just wanted to break his head, and he didn't think of a good idea.

Even if he recalled the contents of the company's operations and management taught in the MBA course several times.

I have never thought of any company in history that has properly solved such a problem.

However, he remembered that in history, many large companies have suffered a lot in this regard.

For example, Japan's Panasonic, Toshiba, Hitachi, Toyota, Honda and other companies have suffered big losses on this issue.


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