My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1360: Make the best use of

It is said that Samsung in the Southern Dynasty was only a small company selling dried fish and agricultural products.

But by the 1970s, the boss of the company felt that the company could not continue like this and had to make major changes.

Just over the first 30 years, they have accumulated a certain amount of funds by buying dried fish and agricultural products.

At this moment, they saw that the Japanese electronics industry next door was suddenly emerging and opening up and down in the world market.

Even Japan's semiconductor companies once beat their teachers to the world's number one power company.

Their DRAM and other products once occupied 90% of the North American market.

This pointed out the direction for Sansang, so they planned to learn from Japanese companies such as Toshiba, Hitachi, and Panasonic, and began to enter semiconductors.

It's a pity that they started late, and Japanese companies have already taken the lead in the industry.

And at that time, although they were considered the top companies in the Southern Dynasties, they were younger brothers and younger brothers in front of the giant companies in Japan.

No way, they can only use high-paying digging methods.

Without the skills, they would go to Japan to stay in Japan to dig out those Japanese companies who have retired, or were eliminated, or who have failed in internal struggles.

Regardless of whether it is a management post or a technical post, please come back anyway.

Let's first build up the company's framework, and then rely on the teaching of these people to finally understand what is the semiconductor industry and what is the electronics and microelectronics industry.

After that, it is to spend money to import technology and equipment from Japan.

Fortunately, the government of the Southern Dynasty also gave them a lot of support, which allowed them to solve the problem of funding.

However, the Japanese are not stupid. Although they have also sold them some technologies and equipment, those technologies and equipment are all obsolete second-rate technologies and equipment.

And Sansang was not upset either, instead, he followed the technical route of the Japanese giants, learning step by step in the back.

It was not until the 1980s that the world's number one power finally couldn't help being attacked by Japanese semiconductor companies.

Many domestic semiconductor companies jointly put pressure on White House, and then White House joined forces with several Western countries to force Japan to sign a plaza agreement.

This forced appreciation of the yen has lost most of the international competitiveness of Japanese products.

At the same time, Americans also began to deliberately support the Southern Dynasties.

For example, the technology that Japan hides and tucked, the Americans directly taught them to the Southern Dynasties.

There were also equipment that the Japanese refused to sell to the Southern Dynasty, and the major companies in Milecan also sold it to the Southern Dynasty.

Even since the 1980s, several giants in Silicon Valley in the United States have joined forces.

All their orders were not given to Japanese companies, but were all transferred to Sansang from the Southern Kingdom.

From then on, Sansang began to rise all the way.

And in the following two consecutive business battles in memory, flash memory, and LCD screens, they have shown superb skills.

Finally, Japan's semiconductor companies were completely destroyed in one fell swoop.

Think of Japan’s NEC, Toshiba, Panasonic, and Hitachi, all of which were once dominance in the semiconductor industry.

But in just twenty years, their little brother Sansang actually became the eldest brother above them.

Here I have to sigh, Sansang's luck and ability.

The rise of Sansang started from digging the roots of Japanese companies.

The story of Yu Sansang is exactly the same, and there are also a number of automobile manufacturers such as Hyundai and Kia in the Southern Dynasties.

When it started that year, it was also the corner of Mitsubishi and Honda.

It is the help of the technical and management personnel dug from these two companies that have created today's Hyundai and Kia.

And our LCD screen manufacturing enterprises are actually taking the same path as the Southern Korean state-owned enterprises back then.

Now it is to spend high salaries and invite many technicians from Sansang and LG from the Southern Kingdom.

It is precisely because of their ‘help’ that our LCD screen production and manufacturing technology has advanced by leaps and bounds in recent years.

And now I think that some of the employees eliminated in my company will soon be poached by those big foreign pharmaceutical companies.

He Xiaojun suddenly felt panicked.

We need to know those major foreign companies, such as Merck, Pfizer, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline, and Johnson & Johnson. Which of these companies has a century-old history?

And even now, they are full of talents, and the company's internal technology accumulation is very deep.

Even if it comes out casually, it can be coveted by domestic pharmaceutical companies.

To be honest, these pharmaceutical companies, no matter which one they are, must have been the ninth laboratory for a long time.

The product series of the ninth laboratory must have been thoroughly studied.

There may be a lot of knockoff projects now, maybe it's almost impossible.

This is not an exaggeration at all. You must not underestimate the technical strength of these foreign companies.

And once the researchers eliminated from the company join them, they may be able to have even more powerful consequences.

He Xiaojun really didn't pay much attention to this aspect before, but today Xiao Feng said so, He Xiaojun also realized the seriousness of the problem.

Those scientific researchers who were eliminated by the company, perhaps in the ninth laboratory, are indeed unremarkable ordinary scientific researchers.

But when you arrive at the big foreign factories, you might become the guide who opens the door to a new world for them.

"So for these people, we must not let it go?"

"Especially in the future, as we have to add a lot of fresh blood to the company every year."

"If you are shot dead, or feel powerless, there will be more and more researchers who want to retire."

"Could it be that I just watched them and they were all dug away by those big foreign companies?"

"Maybe, they go to the big foreign factories, and anyone who brings up a little about our company's technical secrets will enable those big foreign companies to make breakthroughs."

Xiao Feng's thoughts were broken, He Xiaojun frowned at this moment.

"Then Mr. Xiao, what should you do in the end? We can't just raise them like this, right?"

"Well, I think so."

"As for these people, we can select some of them, and those with a higher level, we can contact Bencheng Medical University to see if they are willing to accept it."

"In addition, don't we and the country also have a lot of scientific research projects? See if their project team is willing to accept a batch."

"At the same time, those who have no ambitions and plan to live in retirement and want to open a small shop in the future, we don't have to worry about this batch of people."

"After all, everyone has their own ambitions, but as long as we want to get involved in this field, we will try our best. If we can arrange, we will arrange a group first."

"Even if it is for them to go to work in a domestic counterpart company, it is better than for them to work in a large foreign factory."

"After all, there is still a big gap between these domestic counterparts and our business level. These people will not help them improve too much, and it is unlikely to pose too much threat to us."

"But if they were allowed to go to a foreign company, it would be quite another matter."

"Moreover, if these people go to other domestic companies in the same industry, the salary they get will certainly not be low."

"Moreover, everyone is Chinese and they are used to living in the domestic environment. I believe that if they can find a suitable job in China, not many people are willing to go abroad."

He Xiaojun nodded after hearing this.

"I understand Mr. Xiao's meaning. What do you mean, is to open an opening on the competition agreement in disguise?"

"Well, I think so! The dedication agreement still has to be signed, but we shouldn't be too stuck in the later management."

"After all, it is better to be sparse. They are only in their forties. It is when they are young and powerful. Maybe they are not top talents in our company."

"But if you get other domestic pharmaceutical companies, maybe they are the top elites! Moreover, it is better to block them than to let them go to other companies to make the best use of them!"

"It is better to let them go to other domestic pharmaceutical companies than to let them go to foreign pharmaceutical companies."

"Of course we can go back. We can even help introduce and write letters of recommendation. But that also has a prerequisite."

"That is, after they go to a new pharmaceutical company, they are absolutely not allowed to participate in the research and development of generic drugs from our company..."

When Xiao Feng said this He Xiaojun's eyes lit up on the opposite side.

"Mr. Xiao, I understand! This is indeed a good way..."

Xiao Feng nodded: "Well, I will do that in the future. Actually, when I just talked about the land in the Sports City, I had another idea."

He Xiaojun heard what Xiao Feng said and knew that Xiao Feng must have other ideas.

And this boss, speaking of brains, is not inferior to those scientific researchers at all, but every idea of ​​his will bring good benefits to the company.

So he couldn't wait to understand Xiao Feng's thoughts.

"Oh? What do you think, let's hear it."

"In fact, it is also related to the rules and regulations of 3M that we will implement this time to liberate creativity."

"This time, if the rules and regulations are promoted, I believe it won't be long before many people in the company submit new ideas."

"However, according to the traditional culture of our country, the initiators of these ideas may have many other ideas..."

He Xiaojun understood what Xiao Feng said.

We Chinese people, influenced by traditional culture, have been the first in Wenwu and the second in Wuwu since ancient times!

Once a person has some abilities, he wants to go out and do it alone.

As the saying goes, I would rather make chicken heads than phoenix tails.

Many people have the desire to start their own company and become the boss.

Now that the company encourages innovation, these researchers will have new ideas if they are really brainstormed and cremated.

Maybe someone wants to pull out and do it alone!

What should the company do when it encounters such a problem?


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