My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1361: 1 hero and 3 helpers

"In fact, why can a company grow bigger and stronger?"

Xiao Feng suddenly said a word, which made He Xiaojun confused.

Xiao Feng did not immediately give an explanation, but continued to speak.

"After a company grows larger, what exactly does it take to give back to the society?"

"Just hiring employees and paying taxes to the local area, is it all over?"

At this time, after hearing Xiao Feng's words, He Xiaojun, who was sitting opposite, could no longer sit still.

"What about the good medicine? Hiring employees, paying taxes normally, even hiring people with disabilities, and participating in various public welfare and charity activities every year, is it not enough?"

He was really confused, what did Xiao Feng mean when he talked about it suddenly?

And Xiao Feng smiled: "It's really not enough! Brother!"

"As the saying goes, there are three gangs of a hero. If our company wants to become bigger and stronger, and to have a stronger influence, it must open up the links of the upstream and downstream industrial chains."

"Many industries, we don't have to do it ourselves, but we must have allies."

"For example, we can support some people to do it..."

When Xiao Feng said this, He Xiaojun's brain suddenly banged, and he felt that a wall in his mind that had hindered thinking was suddenly collapsed by Xiao Feng and his heavy punches.

"I see, Mr. Xiao, what do you mean..."

"Yes, my idea is to support a technology industry alliance."

"Look at what happened to H company this time? Once a technical blockade was implemented abroad, many of their businesses encountered difficulties, from hardware to software, they encountered insurmountable problems."

"Even some problems are enough to threaten the company's future survival."

"At this time, there is not even a company in China that can help. This explains the problem."

"In fact, our ninth laboratory is also facing such a problem now."

"That is, we seem to be very strong now, but in fact we have always been out of a single-handed manner."

"In the field of biopharmaceuticals, we are really strong in some aspects. But as the company grows in the future, we are bound to enter multiple fields."

"In some areas, we definitely want to purchase externally. Perhaps at the beginning, those foreign-funded companies will not restrict our purchase of equipment or materials."

"But once our products become competitive and threaten the status and living environment of those international giants, what do you think those foreign bigwigs will do?"

When Xiao Feng said this, He Xiaojun who was opposite also took a breath.

As the ninth laboratory is now getting bigger and bigger, he is also confident that in the future this company will become a world-class enterprise.

Some time ago, he had organized many meetings within the company.

The content of the meeting mainly discussed the future development direction of the company.

Recently, the company's main business centers have been placed in the direction of He Fangzhou's scientific research and project optimization.

For example, for the reconstruction of human organs, the Ninth Laboratory has undertaken a considerable part of the technical support.

Now they are advancing scientific research projects on artificial livers, artificial kidneys, and artificial lungs.

Even the artificial liver project has advanced to 80%, and the other two projects have reached 50%.

Once these projects are completed, they will inevitably have an overwhelming impact on the company's future business and even the future structure of the world's pharmaceutical industry.

Because once these artificial organs are made, they can be transplanted.

So many of the drugs developed for these organs by other major pharmaceutical companies in the world may be obsolete.

Tell me about this, how many people's cakes have been moved?

And their main public relations are more than just these projects.

In terms of new drugs, they are also increasing their efforts in research and development.

For example, in traditional pain relief and anti-inflammatory drugs, they also have several projects in progress.

There is also a drug for diabetes, which is currently under intensive research and development.

According to the estimates of the project team below, these drugs will continue to make breakthroughs in the next three to five years.

At that time, if these drugs are launched on the market, most of the other pharmaceutical companies in the world will probably be overwhelmed by them.

At that time, the situation they have to face will really be the same as that of H Company today.

Because the Ninth Laboratory is a non-listed company, and in accordance with Xiao Feng's business philosophy, it will not be listed now, nor will it be listed in the future.

If you do this, it is equivalent to eating alone.

Your own business can make money every day. You make a lot of money, but you squeeze to death all the hens who can lay eggs and starve to death.

What would you say to your family?

Think about the 3D fluoroscopy imaging device they launched before. It is so advanced in technology that it is a very useful and useful device for patients and doctors.

But when it was promoted, it encountered countless problems.

It is good to say in the country. After all, our domestically produced equipment, the Chinese people will only be happy for our domestically produced excellent equipment.

As for the promotion, everyone is welcome with hands and feet, because both doctors and patients can benefit from this device.

But when it comes to a foreign country, that's another matter entirely.

Especially when it was promoted in North America, it encountered very big resistance.

The reason is very simple, it is because this device has moved people's cakes!

In the field of traditional medical fluoroscopy imaging, it was originally the world of giants such as GE, Philip, and Siemens.

Well now, when you launch this device, you are several generations ahead of others.

In this way, even if your equipment is too easy to use, others will inevitably push back and prevent you from entering the market.

In the end, it was not because Xiao Feng used some methods during his tenure in North America, coupled with the outbreak of the pandemic at that time.

This machine was able to enter the North American market smoothly.

But even now that 3D imaging equipment has begun to spread in North America, there are still many people who make irresponsible remarks about this equipment.

The reason is very simple, because this equipment is made by us.

And there are always some persecuted delusional guys who will make irresponsible remarks about this machine.

To be honest, there are such squirts all over the world.

A device that obviously can bring them benefits can be sprayed like this.

In the future, no matter how good your medicine is, you can imagine what you will end up with.

And those big pharmaceutical factories that are endangered, and the big chaebols behind them, will definitely explode.

When the time comes, all kinds of open guns and dark arrows will definitely be swarming.

Although the Ninth Laboratory is strong, Xiao Feng is still a little worried if one person can deal with the counterattack of a group of people.

That's why he had the idea of ​​supporting such an industrial alliance.

Try to fully cover the upstream and downstream industry chains involved in the ninth laboratory.

In this way, no matter how much the other party uses, they won't have to be afraid.

And supporting some powerful partners to come out is also more beneficial to them.

When the time comes, they don't even need to show up in front of the stage. Just these little friends coming out will be enough to cause headaches for the big foreign companies.

After listening to Xiao Feng's explanation of his worries and his thoughts on the future, He Xiaojun even raised his hands in favor of Xiao Feng's proposal.

"Mr. Xiao, this is a good idea. Taking advantage of our free time now, we can really make arrangements in this area in advance."

"Moreover, there are several benefits to doing so, especially for the internal metabolism of our company, it has great benefits."

"Think about it, how did the two domestic Internet giants get bigger? Didn't they all support a bunch of younger brothers around them to stand up, so that, naturally, there are a bunch of natural allies around them? "

"As the saying goes, there are three gangs of one hero! It is with their support that the surrounding Internet companies have also developed."

"Doing so will not only allow the two of them to benefit from the vigorous development of other Internet companies, but also give them a greater voice in the industry!"

People who have gone to quickly think of the changes in the Internet in our country in the past two decades.

In fact, in the first ten years of this century, the domestic Internet landscape has not yet been clarified. Back then, there were three giants in the domestic Internet industry.

But when we entered the second decade, one of the giants had already begun to fall behind.

The other two giants are beginning to show signs of change. They have begun to invest heavily in the industry.

Whenever they are interested in companies, they have invested in shares one after another.

For example, if you invest in KD, I will invest in DD, and if you invest in a small blue car, I will invest in a small yellow car.

If you invest in this video, I will invest in that entertainment culture.

That's how you chased me. The two companies continued to support many companies, and at the same time they became major shareholders of many Internet companies.

Some of these Internet companies have grown up, and some have died in the process of development.

Although the dead companies have made them lose money, the companies that have grown up have made them a lot of money.

And this kind of large-scale net investment behavior has also made them the out-and-out boss of the Internet industry.

Because many rising star Internet companies are more or less dependent on their shares.

And this makes them the out-and-out hegemon in the Internet ecosystem.

Today Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun talked about this, and He Xiaojun reminded him of these two bigwigs in the Internet industry.

But he was thinking far more than that. From then on, he began to gradually understand that Xiao Feng was playing a very big game.

"This is the best choice for the company's metabolism and internal circulation!"


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