The latest website: After these companies have made a scale and accumulated enough funds, the Ninth Laboratory will still give these companies technical direction guidance.

Of course, if they have a good idea, it is better.

If they make a scale in the future, the Ninth Laboratory will definitely support them to go public.

Anyway, when these companies go public, not only can they earn benefits themselves, but they can also help them alleviate those powerful external pressures.

You must know that the Ninth Laboratory has been clenching teeth and insisting not to go public, which has already made many people dissatisfied.

If a company is so large in scale, making money every day is about the same as the flow, how can you not make people jealous.

Numerous domestic venture capital, private equity, and various funds are looking at them eagerly, waiting for them to announce that they are going to go public that day.

But the ninth laboratory is good, it is just a stubborn head engaged in research and development, and never mentions the listing.

Do you think this makes those big guys anxious? Especially the countless trusts, this kind of fund, the most favorite is the thick eyebrows, big eyes, and honest guys like the Ninth Laboratory.

They are eager for the Ninth Lab to go public or raise funds, so that they can get a share of the Ninth Lab even at a very low price?

But this ninth laboratory is like a man of science and technology who is incomprehensible. He is doing research and development there. No matter who it is, they just turn a blind eye.

How can the capital and the bigwigs behind the capital not be angry?

Many people have approached He Xiaojun before and talked about the issue of listing their company. In the end, he bit the bullet and went back.

This has made countless people grit their teeth with hatred of the Ninth Laboratory.

It was also because of the mysterious background of the Ninth Laboratory that those talents did not dare to take other actions.

Otherwise, if this is changed to other companies, I am afraid that they would have been degraded and degraded by the various doorways that those people have put in place.

But this time, Xiao Feng's intention to cultivate such a large number of peripheral companies is to show some kindness to the outside world.

After all, you can't eat the meat of the Ninth Lab, but the Ninth Lab can still share the benefits for everyone from other angles.

Our ninth laboratory is not listed, but these upstream and downstream companies around us can be listed?

In fact, these companies, as long as they are scaled up, even if they do not have too many unique technologies, as long as they can stay in the supply chain of the Ninth Laboratory.

When they go public, they can become a company with assets of tens of billions or even hundreds of billions in minutes.

If you don’t believe me, you can just look at those companies in Apple’s supply chain.

There are many companies in Apple's supply chain, but in fact they are not outstanding in terms of technology. They rely on scale and stable supplier identity.

In the technology sector, it is very popular among investors. Medium-sized enterprises with assets of tens of billions? or even hundreds of billions of dollars? That's even more common.

So if these upstream and downstream companies in the Ninth Laboratory, how many? They have mastered some rare domestic generic drug technology.

If these companies go public again at this time, their market value will exceed those in Apple's supply chain.

The market value broke hundreds of billions? In Xiao Feng's eyes, it was all commonplace.

Those capitals who are staring at the Ninth Lab? Although there is no benefit from the Ninth Lab, they can buy the stocks of those companies.

From those companies, they can still get enough benefits.

And this is also part of the goodwill released by the Ninth Laboratory.

After all, if you eat meat yourself, you have to give someone some soup to drink, right?

"Otherwise, to engage in this persuasion fund? I think we don't have to invest all our own funds!"

"After all, once this Quanye Fund is announced? It will inevitably attract countless people and companies, and they all hope to get investment from us."

"These money is not a small sum..."

Xiao Feng suddenly said again, He Xiaojun was also taken aback when he heard this?

"Mr. Xiao, how much do we plan to invest in the education fund? I think we are not short of this amount of money, right?"

"Now we have hundreds of billions in the bank! How to spend this money now, I feel a headache!"

Speaking of money? He Xiaojun is excited.

Now, the company with the least money in the country, the Ninth Laboratory says that it is first? I am afraid that no one else dares to say second.

This is hundreds of billions, or their share of domestic sales? And excluding expenses, the net profit alone is two to three hundred billion.

And the share of overseas sales? Has been directly transferred to the group's overseas head office? In the account of Southern Cross Bank.

That part alone? There are hundreds of billions of... U.S. dollars...

In China, part of the money is stored in Citibank, another part is stored in a local bank in Bencheng, and part is stored in a large state-owned bank.

After all, if a company is so large, it must always be balanced.

It is impossible to deposit so much money in Citibank.

Taking into account the return of support to the local municipal and provincial governments, the Ninth Laboratory will naturally take a considerable part of its profits and deposit it in the city's local banks and provincial state-owned banks.

If they are so sensible, they will naturally be more at ease and take care of them.

It is precisely because of so much money that He Xiaojun's biggest headache now is how to spend the money.

Originally, Xiao Feng designed such a Quanye Fund, which he thought was a good thing.

This project looks like a fund on the surface, but in his opinion it is a business incubator.

On the surface, this Quanye Fund looks like that kind of extremely risky angel fund, but with the technical support of their Ninth Laboratory, it can be said that the risk of participating companies has been reduced to a minimum.

And those companies, if they can do one or two things, they can just sit and count money in the ninth laboratory in the future.

With their current strength, this fund can at least put 10 billion into it at the very least.

This little money now has to be weighed and weighed for any domestic enterprise.

Even the two giants of the Internet industry who were brilliant for a while, if you ask them to spend 10 billion yuan at a time for such an angel venture capital, it is estimated that they are not willing.

Even if they agree with this idea, they will certainly not come up with so much money on their own. They will definitely join other big bosses in operating capital to make such a venture capital.

But with 10 billion, for the current ninth laboratory, that is definitely a trivial matter.

Even if the tens of billions are all lost, it is nothing to them.

Because of this tens of billions, it is only their one-week sales profit.

Therefore, He Xiaojun was full of confidence in this Quanye Fund.

But now Xiao Feng said, let him invest cautiously, don't put too much money in it, he doesn't understand.

"Mr. Xiao, I don't know how to spend the money on our account now, but you still..."

He Xiaojun's proposal to Xiao Feng can be said to be puzzling. It is obvious that we are not short of money.

Xiao Feng glanced at him, and then said with a smile.

"Our fund raises funds and can issue bonds. Remember to issue bonds in the form of bonds."

"Just issue our corporate bonds!"

Originally, I didn't understand why Xiao Feng wouldn't let himself pay, but now Xiao Feng actually wants to issue debt, which makes He Xiaojun feel even more trapped.

What do you mean? There is really nowhere to spend more money, right?

Xiao Feng gave He Xiaojun a meaningful look, and then said.

"Xiaojun, I understand what you mean. But you have to know the environment we are in. Sometimes it's not a good thing for you to eat alone."

"If you have money, everyone makes money! That way you can make friends all over the world. The more friends you have, the more paths you have, understand?"

"Let others know that although we are not listed, everyone can still share the profits to the benefit."

"If you just want to eat alone, you won't be in business for long."

Xiao Feng's words are very meaningful. Although he didn't say it thoroughly, He Xiaojun already understood it.

As the saying goes, it's a tree that suffers from the wind! In the circle of Confucian culture, there is even a saying that the wood is beautiful and the forest wind will destroy it.

Even ordinary people know that the rafters in their early days rot first, which definitely makes sense.

Now the ninth laboratory can be said to stand out among many domestic companies.

Several star products in the company are simply cash cows.

Because it has an insurmountable technological moat with other companies, coupled with their products' reputation in the market.

They can really say that they can count money while sitting at home.

Their current situation can really be said to be similar to that of Apple back then.

Although the market share is not the largest in the world, they have taken away the bulk of the net profit of the entire industry.

Think about it, that's on a global scale!

Profits in a year alone are worth hundreds of billions, and they are still earned in U.S. dollars.

How can you say that such a company is not so popular?

Especially those good companies with capital, who do not go public or raise funds, what do you think they would think?

If it weren't for the special background of the Ninth Laboratory, and the environment they are in now, I'm afraid someone would have been making noises long ago.

In the early years, weren't there a few capital predators who wanted to slap the ninth laboratory?

In the end, they were all settled by Xiao Feng, but now that they are getting bigger and bigger, they will definitely attract the coveting of stronger and more greedy capital.

Although the current ninth laboratory is no longer the Amon of the year, the business is about peace and wealth, and they still don't want to dispute with any party.

Therefore, this business has reached the stage it is today, and those at the helm must know how to give up in order to have this truth!

Only when they become friends of all forces can they truly stand firm!

And this is a college question...

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