My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1365: Disguised dividend

Latest website: With the reputation of the ninth laboratory, if they want to issue a corporate bond.

Even if the interest rate is set extremely low, even lower than the country's benchmark interest rate, even if they issue corporate bonds, the cycle is still very long, basically starting in three years.

But as long as they publicize the idea of ​​issuing bonds, I am afraid that major domestic banks will come to the door, and even foreign banks will follow the trend and even step on their threshold.

No way, who made their company behave so well now!

With their company's profitability and their company's name, it is the guarantee of the rigid redemption of these bonds!

So as long as their company debts can appear in the bond market, they will definitely be looted.

Moreover, although the pricing of their bonds is set lower than the benchmark interest rate, it is important to know that this interest rate standard will still be madly sought after when it is taken abroad.

Because the interest rate in the overseas bond market is much lower than ours.

Of course, if the general company wants to issue bonds, the interest rate will definitely be set high, and even the pricing power will not belong to those companies themselves.

Even bond underwriters, brokerage firms and banks have the final say.

But for the Ninth Lab, that's another matter entirely, for banks and brokerages who want to grab their bond underwriting rights.

The Ninth Laboratory must have the final say on the interest rate pricing of this bond.

And because everyone in the market who is not a fool knows that the Ninth Lab is not listed.

But this kind of bond is almost equivalent to the distribution coupon of the Ninth Laboratory's targeted dividend distribution to the society.

Only if you own these bonds, then you have the right to share the development dividend of the Ninth Lab.

And with these bonds, you can do a lot more.

For example, if you buy the corporate bonds of the Ninth Lab in China, you can also get the secondary mortgage financing overseas.

Because domestic interest is definitely higher than overseas, there is a certain interest rate difference between the two.

In the overseas capital market, there may be a large number of national sovereign funds and pension funds that are most seeking stable returns.

The amount of these capitals is huge, and they don't want to make too much profit, more just pursue stable income and safety.

So generally like Germany, H country, and Japanese national bonds, they are the most favorite investment targets of this kind of fund.

And the bonds of Lab Nine, in overseas markets, are definitely safer and more reliable targets than those of national bonds.

Because of this company, its current performance in the market is absolutely phenomenal.

Judging from the current performance of their other competitors? Few companies can threaten their market position.

The ninth laboratory now? It is the same as Apple in the first few years of the smart phone.

In the smartphone market, that is definitely a proper one? Big Mac!

Although the Ninth Lab is not listed? It has never issued a bond before.

However, the three major international rating agencies have already rated their companies.

And the rating standards given by the three? Unsurprisingly, all are AAA!

We must know that such qualifications can only be obtained by us? There are only a few banks? and large state-owned enterprises.

For private companies, the ninth laboratory is already the only one.

Therefore, the name of the Ninth Laboratory alone is already a golden sign in the bond market.

Moreover, Xiao Feng's plan this time? Is definitely to issue bonds first in China.

Even if the interest rate is set a little higher? But as long as it is lower than the benchmark interest rate, they are not considered a loss.

After all, the underwriters have to make a profit, and then all kinds of capital parties.

You don't have to think about it. As long as they are released publicly, their bonds will definitely be robbed by various private placements, trusts, and so on.

And these capitalists will definitely take these bonds? Go to the overseas bond market as the target, earning one.

After all, the domestic interest is more than four o'clock? But the interest in the overseas bond market is more than one.

And with the reputation of their ninth laboratory, this bond will definitely be robbed if it is taken out? I am not afraid of cashing at all.

So the interest rate difference? It must be earned by those capitals.

Even those with energy? These bonds can be used as collateral to raise funds from certain places.

Anyway, for these capitals, this is simply the Ninth Laboratory giving them disguised benefits.

It's almost nothing to give them money, so why don't they?

With this bond sale, I believe that the grievances of those capitals who have been eyeing the Ninth Lab will definitely be much smaller.

After all, they are finally willing to take them to play.

Although it is not the long-term stable stock they imagined, at least they can enjoy dividends, right?

Banks and brokerages will also be happy, after all, they have money to make money.

The capital is also happy. After all, with the development of the Ninth Laboratory, they can also enjoy the dividend.

So no matter how you look at it, this bond issuance method is simply a win-win model of multi-party cooperation!

The most important thing is that although the Ninth Laboratory has issued a debt, it will definitely not lose money.

Because the funds they raise publicly through the issuance of bonds, they will put them into this Quanye Fund.

At that time, they will invest these funds in companies and companies that they are optimistic about.

And provide corresponding technical support to these companies.

At that time, as long as these companies have made generic drugs, they will be sold in the Haiwang drugstore through Wan Gongzi.

Soon they can make money back from these investments, even if the company develops well.

They can also help these companies go public and raise funds, and once these companies go public, not only will they make a lot of money.

When the time comes, those outside capitalists will also be able to follow the meat.

Anyway, as long as they can eat meat, they won't be thinking about the ninth laboratory.

When they become shareholders of these companies, they will also become peripheral personnel of the Ninth Laboratory. By then, everyone will be comrades-in-arms on the same boat.

By that time, these companies have become the pawns and meat shields of the Ninth Laboratory.

At that time, the Ninth Laboratory will naturally become the core hegemon of this industry alliance.

At that time, if anyone dared to speak disrespectfully to the ninth laboratory, hehe, they don't need to act in person.

One of these little brothers popped out at random, and they could straighten out those rebellious guys.

And this is Xiao Feng's ultimate goal for this alliance!

And after He Xiaojun listened to Xiao Feng's true thoughts, he couldn't help but sigh that the boss is still calculating!

To be honest, in recent years, because he is the head of the ninth experiment, he has received countless invitations every year.

Invite him to participate in various business forums, various cocktail parties organized by business leaders and so on.

And almost every time on the forum, someone will introduce him to people of all kinds, and these people can say that they have different backgrounds, but they can be sure that they are. Any one of them is stomped, which can shock the domestic economic circle. Shocked big shot.

And these people are very eager and familiar with his attitude, but once they get to the real subject.

What I mean by that, I just asked him, when will the Ninth Lab have the idea of ​​going public?

Obviously they have become the fat in the eyes of many people.

And He Xiaojun either pretended to be stupid every time, or resolutely gave him back.

It is also because of the mysterious scientific research team behind Mr. Xiao and the mysterious background.

That's why those people didn't dare to act on them easily.

However, in recent years, as more and more people have known each other, He Xiaojun has never tire of such a situation, but he has become more and more feeling a little overwhelmed.

Because this feeling of worrying about being missed by the culprits every day is really uncomfortable, even if I sleep every day, I am afraid that something big will happen.

Why did they finally decide to move R&D institutions and good factories to Daxing Island, far away from the city?

In fact, it is to reduce the contact with the outside world as much as possible, and reduce the opportunities for outsiders to come to their company and production base.

Moreover, many raw materials are transported to the island, which seems to be a waste of freight costs, but it allows them to better control the source and route of the materials.

Similarly, we can do our best to reduce the risk of being sabotaged.

Companies do what they do. If someone wants to add materials to their products to cause damage, the destructive power is very huge.

And their method of controlling the transportation path of all raw materials can make every batch of products to the greatest extent possible and simply trace the source.

Once a certain batch of products has a problem, they can solve and control the problem as quickly as possible.

However, as the scale of the enterprise grows bigger and bigger, He Xiaojun feels that he is under increasing pressure every day.

After all, there are too many people jealous of them And now Xiao Feng suddenly plays Tai Chi, disguisedly paying dividends to those capitals, this will definitely calm the grievances of many people.

Even if in the future, if you develop in-depth cooperation with those companies that they have invested in, they will be more likely to turn your enemies into friends.

After understanding this, He Xiaojun really admired Xiao Feng's beautiful Tai Chi.

And even though they are issuing bonds to the outside world this time, they have to pay a certain amount of interest to the outside world, but to them, this transaction is completely empty-glove white wolf, and it is definitely a transaction that makes no money.

Although the money was eventually invested through the foundation, I don't want other funds. The probability of their investment in failure is definitely the lowest.

The reason is also very simple, because the technology of their ninth laboratory underpins these investments.

The interest of their debt issuance may be more than three points a year, but they can rely on these financing funds to earn back several times or even dozens of times...

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