Latest website: Although Xiao Feng did not say clearly, he firmly believes that with these funds, they can definitely cultivate more unicorns.

At that time, their return is definitely not a few points of interest and net profit dividends...

As for the source of funds for the Quanye Fund, Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun reached a consensus.

Next, naturally, it is time to discuss how this fund should be used and where to invest.

"Our first choice for this fund is naturally employees who voluntarily go out to start businesses within our company."

Speaking of these, He Xiaojun also has a deep understanding.

Now that the ninth laboratory has developed to such a stage, there are many senior executives in the company, but they are all thinking about it.

For example, some people with "great ambitions", when they joined the company, thought that the company might go public in the future.

At that time, everyone will be able to divide a share of the original stock, but the ninth laboratory's current results.

At that time, as long as they are listed, everyone will basically be able to achieve the small goal of financial freedom.

However, after working in the company for a few years, everyone discovered that the Ninth Laboratory really had no idea of ​​listing!

Although the company's salary and various benefits are not low, the company has no plans to go public at all!

In this case, wouldn't everyone's idea of ​​financial freedom be broken?

so what should I do now?

Some ambitious people, to be honest, at this time, have already begun to restless.

Some people want to change jobs, but when they think of joining the company, they have a lot of brain pain when they think about the competition agreement they signed with the company.

They want to go but can't go, and the company is not listed. Although they can earn more than one million or even two million every year at their level, they still can't satisfy their ambitions.

Such people, if they stay in the company for a long time, something will happen sooner or later.

Moreover, people who can generally achieve this level actually have some hard skills at hand.

It's like the bigwigs of those Internet companies when the Internet was booming.

When I reach a certain level, I have my own creativity and ideas in my mind, and maybe someday I will give up my million annual salary and go out to start a business.

And many of them have achieved success.

Many companies founded by people have received tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of venture capital investments. Although they may not be able to make them in the end, at least tens of millions of them must have been made.

Although he failed to become a boss, he finally achieved financial freedom.

Others, although entrepreneurship may not be successful, they eventually changed hands and sold their own companies to those big companies, and many of them cashed in tens of millions.

Therefore, people are at different heights, and naturally they have different ideas.

For example, He Xiaojun now knows that several of the senior executives in the Ninth Lab have a desire to start a business.

After all, because of the restrictions of the competition agreement, after leaving the company, it is impossible to switch to another company.

In this way, there is only one path left to start a business.

As for talents at this level, they have come to this stage in their lives, they are also well-informed, and they definitely look down on working for others.

More of them, they definitely want to be their own bosses, taking advantage of their best years to fight, and strive to give themselves financial freedom.

As for such people, Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun both felt that naturally they should focus on support.

After all, first of all, they were born in the ninth laboratory, which is a kind of incense.

Moreover, if they voluntarily resigned, they saved the company a lot of trouble, and it was naturally beneficial to the company's internal circulation and metabolism, and it was considered to have made corresponding contributions to the company.

Secondly, they originally worked in the ninth laboratory, so the company knew them well.

I know their technical prowess and temperament very well, and they can easily figure out the projects they want to enter.

If it is found to be really valuable, it is very worthy of in-depth training and support.

If it is done in the future, it can also become a benchmark for mutual fulfillment between enterprises and individuals.

Secondly, after the company implemented the 3M management method, those R&D personnel who suddenly had a bright light and were ambitious.

After all, not everyone likes to be a R&D staff for a lifetime.

If these R&D personnel have a sudden insight and come up with a good idea.

He decided to go out on his own, and the company naturally supported him vigorously.

Because if his project is successfully incubated, the Ninth Laboratory will naturally benefit from it.

As for the third, it is the carefully selected affiliated companies upstream and downstream of the Ninth Laboratory.

In fact, these companies now have a certain economic foundation, and among the helms of these companies, there must be a few ambitious ones who want to strive for the top.

It's just that they haven't found the right way yet.

At this time, if the Ninth Laboratory gives them money and technology, these companies will soon leapfrog the dragon and complete a beautiful transformation.

"These three are only the objects we need to support first. But in the future, the objects that our Quanye Fund will support will definitely not be limited to these three areas."

Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun discussed the use of the fund. Regarding the first three key support goals, both of them have basically no objections.

But when Xiao Feng said that it was definitely not limited to this, He Xiaojun was shocked again.

This boss is brave, he knew it, but he never knew that Xiao Feng's ambitions were so big.

"What do you mean, boss?"

"We want to spread the influence of the Quanye Fund to the whole country and even the whole world!"


After hearing what Xiao Feng said, He Xiaojun couldn't help taking a breath. This boss thought too much!

Only a fund of 10 billion yuan, which can support the first three goals is not bad.

But the boss actually wants to spread his influence across the country?

Xiao Feng, who was sitting opposite, naturally saw He Xiaojun's unbelievable look, so he smiled and said.

"In the early stage, as long as you find a few projects to become benchmarks and support those companies to go public. Then you can then issue a second corporate bond."

"This time you want to raise funds. With the previous successful cases and our golden sign, it is estimated that those capital houses will take the initiative to find them to send you money."

"In fact, those capitals, do you think they don't want to invest in potential stocks in the pharmaceutical industry?"

"It's just that in this respect, they are not our professional!"

"And our investment intentions are their weather vane. Which company do we invest in, believe it or not, if we go on the front foot, they will follow?"

"So this is a two-way earning business for them. On the one hand, financing us can make a safe return."

"On the other hand, they will follow our investment route closely, and if they find our investment targets, they will swarm them."

"We won't lose money even if the business fails at that time!"

When Xiao Feng said this, He Xiaojun couldn't help but slapped his thigh and thumbed up at Xiao Feng.

"Boss, you're so awesome, I found out for the first time, you are so cunning!"

And Xiao Feng smiled, the sly expression on his face flashed past.

Although the Quye Fund he wants to set up is destined to be very powerful, it is not eye-catching. It is destined to be successful in every project.

So what about companies that are not growing as expected?

Is it just watching the investment lagging behind?

Xiao Feng will definitely not agree. He is clear about what those capitals think, but they must regard their Quanye Fund as the vane of the technology venture capital sector.

Especially after they successfully invested in a few projects in the first period and made a lot of money.

Those capitals will definitely regard them as a beacon, and investment in this circle will definitely follow them.

They invested in a certain company in the forefoot, and those capitals would surely rush up in the back.

So even if the companies they invest in are not growing as expected, Xiao Feng is not worried that these companies will lose money, because there will always be greedy guys to help them take over.

Therefore, the Quanye Fund, even though it hasn't started operation, is already invincible.

"As for how to spread the influence across the country? This is what I told you about the plot in the Sports New City."

"I came to you this time. My idea is to build an industrial park over there. Put all the companies we invest in and support in which park, and then talk to the city and introduce some preferential policies for the park."

Xiao Feng said his thoughts, and when He Xiaojun heard this, he couldn't help but slap his chest suddenly. ,

"Don't worry, Mr. Xiao, it's up to me to come forward, and it will definitely give me this face."

It is true that he went to talk with the city with his card face today, and the city would definitely agree, after all, this is a great thing.

"Secondly, I will build a large exhibition hall in that park, and then set a few times a year to hold a nationwide medical ~ and medical equipment expo..."

"Hey, this idea is good!"

Xiao Feng just said his thoughts, and He Xiaojun who was opposite had already slapped his hands.

As a master who is accustomed to seeing the world, Xiao Feng only said this idea, and He Xiaojun already understood what he meant.

Holding such an expo on medicine and medical equipment can not only attract all kinds of large and small pharmaceutical companies across the country.

It can also attract companies that develop medical devices.

Everyone is here for exhibitions and exchanges. If there are new medicines and medical devices, it is really creative.

The Ninth Laboratory can naturally provide channels and support.

Even if your medicines and medical devices have not been fully developed yet, as long as your creativity can be recognized by the Ninth Laboratory, you will be able to get the support of the Quanye Fund...

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