My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1367: Black-hearted middleman

Latest website: At this point, He Xiaojun finally understood that Xiao Feng came to talk to himself about the sports new city plot today.

It turns out the boss is going to do a big thing!

It seems that the new sports city sector is really interesting.

It seems that I really underestimated Xiao Feng before, thinking that he was just taking the land to engage in comprehensive commercial development, and in the end he would return to the old path of traditional real estate.

Unexpectedly, the boss's situation was not what he could predict.

Where does he want to engage in real estate, he has to rely entirely on his own efforts to build an industrial park over there.

And this industrial park is far more than just a well-known incubator.

This is completely prepared for the future expansion of the domestic medical field.

At first, it was mainly to support the upstream and downstream of their ninth laboratory, but later, it was for all participants in the medical field.

It doesn't matter where you are in the business, it doesn't matter if you are in medicine or medical equipment.

As long as you have a good idea and get the approval of the Ninth Laboratory Review Committee, then you can get investment from the Quanye Fund.

Where does the Quanye Fund's money come from?

According to Xiao Feng's vision, in fact, more than 70% are fundraising from the society!

From this point of view, what Xiao Feng does is not simple. What he has to do is to guide social funds and enter the medical industry upgrade field as a guide!

We must know that the state advocates social funds and private capital to enter the medical sector. The slogan has been chanted for many years.

Even in the financial sector, a lot of openings have been made for medical companies, but why has our domestic medical industry failed to develop for so many years?

In the final analysis, it is because of the wrong way of funding and industry matching.

Capital pursues profit. They always want to make the fastest and most money with the fastest speed and the least risk.

As for the medical industry, it needs a long-term, capital-intensive, and smart-intensive industry.

Therefore, in this regard, there is a natural contradiction between medical research and capital.

In addition, many domestic pharmaceutical companies have done little to develop original research drugs for so many years.

However, there are many pharmaceutical companies that frequently broke out many scandals, which makes capital even more distrustful of R&D companies.

Therefore, although the above has long advocated private capital, it has entered the domestic original research drug company.

However, the matching of the two parties has been unsuccessful. What we can see is that the capital of each party is frequently in the stock market, attacking pharmaceutical companies, entering and exiting.

However, they all took the short, flat and fast route, relying on various information gaps to make a fortune, and then quickly ran away.

In doing so, not only did they fail to help the growth of those pharmaceutical companies, but instead made many pharmaceutical companies that were otherwise good enough to survive.

After all, the company’s stock price frequently rides the roller coaster, which will inevitably affect the confidence of other investors, and even corporate insiders will have mistrust in the future of the company due to frequent fluctuations in the stock price.

And the funds that can really settle down and help the development of the enterprise are even rarer.

In fact, everyone in the financial industry knows that betting on the original research drug companies is actually a very profitable industry.

For example, if you look at Pfizer, it developed a small blue pill that year, which directly increased their stock price tenfold.

Just such a medicine has made all those investors profit.

And because of the patent protection of the drug, after the small blue pill was released, this drug has been sold exclusively on the market for a full 13 years.

In the past 13 years, they have been able to harvest tens of billions of dollars from the world every year by relying on this medicine alone...

If you are an investor in Pfizer, as long as you hold their stocks, even if there is no cash, you will earn more than the dividends every year.

And more than ten years later, even if you wait until the patent protection period expires, you are dumping Pfizer stock.

But at this time, Pfizer's stock has more than doubled more than ten times...

Such a good thing for both ends to make money, but it really made the investment in Pfizer that year was full of mouthfuls for the big investment institutions.

Don't look at the stocks of Apple and Google in the market in recent years, but you actually let the institutions that hold Pfizer stocks change them.

I am afraid that not many people are willing to change, after all, the return on Pfizer stock is not low at all.

Therefore, these domestic capital players are actually not companies that do not want to invest in actual research and development. The problem is that it is really difficult to encounter such companies in China!

After all, for so many years, they have often dealt with the well-known large pharmaceutical companies in China.

But after some dealings, they also found out. You count on these companies to really succeed in research and development, but you don't know if you have to wait until the year of the monkey.

So it's better to make some quick money in the stock market.

The only thing that makes them feel infinitely regrettable is the ninth laboratory. This company can be said to be one of the few pharmaceutical companies in China that has the real ability to engage in original research drugs.

Moreover, looking at the original research drugs that others have produced, the company's ability is not at all inferior to Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, GlaxoSmithKline, such established world-class drugs!

But the **** thing is, this company is not listed at all!

What's even more hateful is that this company's background is still very strong and mysterious.

Even if they wanted to talk to someone, they couldn't catch up.

They just didn't go on the market, but they were helpless with others, so they could only hate the roots of their teeth, and then stare at them.

However, the situation is different this time. The Ninth Laboratory plans to start anew this time.

The project they made this time seems to be just a fund focused on industry.

But they are more professional than any other capital, especially in the fields of medicine and medical equipment.

Through their hands, successful companies will be hatched one after another.

Those capitals who had gritted their teeth on the Ninth Laboratory can get tangible benefits from them this time.

In fact, the Guiye Fund of the Ninth Laboratory has played a role as a channel.

Help financial institutions with money but no suitable direction to find the most suitable investment direction.

Then why these financial institutions believe them, it is because of their ninth laboratory's golden signature, and their super ability to cover the bottom.

"At the very beginning? We must have set up procedures for those financial institutions so that people are willing to hand over the money to us for investment."

"But once the Quanye Fund's reputation becomes established, after we have successfully invested in several companies in a row, hehe, this all-in-one program can be removed."

"When the time comes, they will not come in love. Believe me, even if we don't give them any bottoming promises, those capitals will rush to squeeze out their heads and give us the money to the Quanye Fund."

"At that time, it won't be the thing that we give them interest margins. It's that we have to charge them the management fees for fund management and investment."

Xiao Feng is now discussing the future process of the Quanye Fund with He Xiaojun with a smile.

And He Xiaojun also nodded frequently, agreeing to Xiao Feng's statement very much.

It really wasn't that the two of them were too crazy, but because of their confidence in the scientists on the Ninth Laboratory's review committee.

The seven people on the review committee were all human cloning experts appointed by Xiao Feng.

These people may be dismissive of modern medical technology, but they will never miss the direction of the future development of science.

That project has a future, what kind of technology, what kind of field in the future, and a breakthrough in going back.

They are absolutely clear about what impact it will have on the future medical field of mankind.

So once a project is approved by them, it is basically a certainty, and it will be absolutely successful.

At that time, such projects will not only receive financial support from the Ninth Laboratory, but also their technical support.

Originally, these companies may take five or even ten years to produce results.

But with the support of the ninth laboratory, these companies may take two to three years, or even a year, to produce results.

In doing so, it can be said that the risk is extremely low.

Moreover, it completely avoids the big pits of the large-scale pharmaceutical companies that are already on the market, and relies on supporting the latest industries to get on the road.

Such an industry can be said to have great potential, and once it grows explosively, then any one may become a hot spot in the stock market.

As long as a few are made, the Quanye Fund can become the vane of the domestic venture capital industry.

Perhaps it is not comparable to those giants such as Hongshan and Gaoling Capital.

However, in the field of investment in medicine and medical equipment, they are definitely the No. 1 in hand.

As long as there are five successful cases, then in the future they will be a golden rule in this field.

At that time, there will be countless people and companies who will take the initiative to find them, hoping to get their support.

And all kinds of capital will rush to them and treat them as guests.

Even if they know that they are the middlemen who are black-hearted to make the difference,, they will unconditionally offer the money in their hands.

This is the basic rules for the operation of the capital circle. At that time, they can not only make money from the investment projects, but also make money from those capitals.

And those capitals will not have the slightest complaint, on the contrary, they will take the initiative to offer the funds with a smile, for fear that Persuasion Fund will not let them play.

"Suddenly talking about this today, I feel a little messy in my mind. This is a big deal, and I can't rush it."

"Or tomorrow, call Laoguan and Teacher He Fangzhou, let's talk together."

"Finally implement the details of the operation of this fund."

He Xiaojun suddenly said to Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng smiled and nodded.

"I also have this intention, and I am thinking, if you have money on hand, you might as well buy some shares."

"You have been with me for so many years..."

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