My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1369: The best balance plan

Latest website: In fact, Xiao Feng had already considered this issue a long time ago.

Like his current celebrity chef group, the ninth laboratory, and the future Spark technology.

These companies are all core companies in his hands, and he does not intend to go public.

With his current strength, he can indeed block out a lot of coveting from the outside world.

But the fortress often collapses inside, and you can't always guarantee that the executives under you are one mind with you.

People are greedy, regardless of his current salary for these executives is not low.

There are many people with an annual salary of tens of millions, and these executives also enjoy a certain right to the company's dry stock dividends.

Even within the company, there is a prize pool for equity incentive dividends.

Every employee who has made a great contribution to the company will be allocated a certain percentage of dry shares as an incentive.

These dry shares cannot be sold, but as long as you, an employee, are still in the company for one day, you can enjoy the annual profit dividends brought by the equity.

Although these equity is very small, maybe only a few tenths of a percent...

But because the ninth laboratory has the enviable super profitability, this seemingly inconspicuous little equity may bring you as little as hundreds of thousands, and as many as tens of millions of dividends every year.

Although this dividend is not small, Xiao Feng is still uncertain about whether he can retain talents in the future.

Because as the company becomes more and more profitable, the competition it will face in the future will definitely increase.

Just talk about those foreign industry giants, such as Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, or large pharmaceutical companies such as Merck, Roche, and Johnson & Johnson.

I have tried all kinds of ways to dig a wall from them.

The wages offered now are not too high, that is, they are twice as high as their current wages.

In addition to guaranteeing immigration, employees are also allocated houses and cars to ensure the education of their children, as well as the work of their spouses and other issues.

This is very tempting for many ordinary employees, even employees in important technical positions.

This is still not enough, those competitors are pressing!

If it is the day when the bayonet becomes popular, they will definitely offer more attractive conditions. At that time, how many employees will be able to survive?

You can see how their boss Li **** digs people from Japanese companies when the Samsung empire just started.

When he dug Panasonic and Toshiba's technical staff, the salary of those technical experts was even higher than the salary of the CEO of Samsung Group.

How many people can withstand such treatment?

Even the Japanese who don't always value the Southern Dynasties in their hearts can't hold back in the face of the temptation of Chi Guoguo.

It is precisely because of this treatment that Samsung has completely transformed from a trading company that bought dried fish and groceries into a high-tech company.

We must know that when Samsung was just starting, even building a DRTM factory, where should we start?

NEC, who was in business talks with them, had nostrils on his forehead, let alone transfer technology.

Even how to build the factory, how big it is, don't even give them a drawing of the factory.

And it is the employees they hired from Japan who gave them the idea that the people who asked them to negotiate should first measure the length of their step.

Then I walked around NEC's factory area, noted how many steps I took, and used my feet to measure the length and width of the factory.

Moreover, it was the Japanese who had taken refuge in the past and continued to give them advice that allowed them to build factories step by step and master the DRAM production technology.

Even in the end, when they were able to produce DRAM, Samsung's life was difficult for a while.

Because at that time they could only produce 64MB of DRAM, but at that time the major manufacturers in the United States and Japan had already entered 256MB of DRAM.

At that time, they didn't sell a single memory stick, they were losing money, and each one had to lose about 100 million dollars.

But they did not admit defeat, they still insisted on clenching their teeth, and the Southern Dynasties at that time also gave them enough support.

Basically, it helped them withstand their debts.

As a result, Samsung stayed in this way for several years, until the U.S. and Japan completely fell apart and the U.S. began to no longer give Japanese companies orders.

Instead, all the orders were transferred to Samsung, and Magnesium shot them, directly giving them technical support.

From then on, Samsung started the real road of turning over, and it took less than ten years to knock down all the Japanese companies that once bragged on their heads and stepped under their feet.

Up to now, several Japanese electronics giants have completely withdrawn from the DRAM market.

Even if there are still a few companies that insist on production, they are only used to meet the needs of domestic enterprises.

In the international market, there is no place for Japanese companies.

And what Xiao Feng is most afraid of is this kind of company that has Samsung's vigor.

There are not only such companies in Japan and South Korea, but also in the U.S. as well as in the country.

So don't look at the salary offered by the Ninth Laboratory now, but when it does come, they will push the international giants to a dead end.

When the time comes, the gang of guys are struggling to die, and the effect is still quite terrifying.

They will definitely be able to do a lot of digging, and after that time, they will raise their salary and save the employees.

It's too late!

What's more, he has heard a lot of news within the company just recently.

Although he almost never shows up in the Ninth Laboratory at all, even when he comes, he is in direct contact with He Xiaojun.

He rarely went to the company's grassroots to slosh, but in the past two years, he has mixed a lot of sand into the company.

These cloning experts are either the important person in charge of the finance department or the team leader of some of the company's projects.

Coupled with the smart OA Xiao Ai that has been promoted throughout the company this year, it is not difficult at all to grasp the hearts and minds of the people within the company.

For example, in recent times, the most popular topic within the company is financial freedom.

In fact, this trend is mainly brought about by the domestic Internet giants in the past year or so.

In the past year or so, several domestic Internet giants with very good business operations have been listed successively.

For example, there are group buying, short videos, and a third-party payment platform that will be listed soon.

The listing of these companies has created a large number of employees with financial freedom.

To be honest, who doesn't envy such a company?

However, most people just chant just a few words. After all, everyone knows that the company they are in is not an order of magnitude compared to other people's companies.

Moreover, people's ability to achieve financial freedom can be said to be due to factors such as the right time and place, and many other factors, one of which is indispensable.

What about your own company? In such a big environment as this year, without layoffs, everyone can still have food and food, which is pretty good.

At this time, the thoughts of other ordinary company employees.

But the ninth laboratory is different!

Speaking of the strength of the ninth laboratory, outsiders may not understand it.

But the people working in the company naturally know how terrifying is the profitability of this company?

Even the parent company that sells fruit machines all over the world may not be as profitable as they are.

But such a profitable company does not go public and does not pay its employees dividends.

Do you think these employees can balance mentally?

Although the wages of these employees are not low, it is really unpopular.

Even those who are engaged in scientific research are not grown up with Fengyinlu. They also want to live and have the same desire to compare.

Although they have gotten a lot, they still want to get more.

This is also human nature, and it is precisely because of such greed that stimulates the progress of human society.

Xiao Feng absolutely understands this feeling.

So when discussing management with He Xiaojun this time, they plan to give the employees a choice.

One is that if they have good ideas, they can choose to start a business.

As long as their ideas are good and recognized by the company's review committee, they will receive investment from the Quanye Fund.

As for those employees who choose to stay, the company will not treat them badly.

Xiao Feng intends to set aside a part of the Quanye Fund this time to distribute to these employees.

Or let them simply invest in shares.

At the beginning of this fund, Xiao Feng only wanted to make a few hundred million yuan.

But after talking with He Xiaojun for a while, he decided to make it bigger.

The size of this fund is directly set to 10 billion, and the plate is bigger.

He took out a portion of the cash and was out of the jury, accounting for 60%.

The remaining 40%, of which 10% is directly distributed to the company’s executives, and the other 20%, of which 10% is directly distributed to the company’s employees.

The other 10% will be reserved for executives and employees.

As for the remaining 10%, it is used as an incentive pool, reserved for employees who will contribute to the company in the future.

This should be able to raise a certain amount of money and then issue a corporate bond in the ninth laboratory to fill up the remaining amount.

Then it can work.

This will not only meet the needs of external investors, but also meet the needs of employees within the company.

You must know that as long as this fund is operated, it will not lose money in Xiao Feng's view, and this is also the best solution for balancing internal and external needs.

There may not be much output in the early stage of the project, but as long as it can survive the first one or two years, then there will be a lot of dividends every year.

The employees of the company can make a fortune with dividends.

At the same time, before the company they invested in goes public, the employees of the company will also have the opportunity to obtain the original equity incentive distribution as an insider.

Regardless of how this project looks, it is the best route for his employees to achieve financial freedom...

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