My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1370: Down-to-earth Sunshine Hospital

Latest website: This evening, Xiao Feng simply lived on Daxing Island and did not leave.

Anyway, there is also a hotel specializing in entertaining VIPs, and there is a senior suite all the year round.

He Fangzhou didn't leave that day, so he just stayed and talked about the wine with the three of He Xiaojun.

Early the next morning, Guan Zhenhai, who was notified yesterday, rushed to the large island early.

Then Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun directly stated their idea of ​​establishing such a fund.

Unexpectedly, Guan Zhenhai, who heard this suggestion, started to applaud on the spot with a thigh beat.

Especially after hearing Xiao Feng say that he intends to let them all senior executives buy shares, he is even more happy.

You know, as the CEO of Sunshine Hospital, he rarely goes to the front line to participate in surgery now, and he mainly does management work.

Although the current Sunshine Hospital is not as powerful as the Ninth Laboratory, when it comes to earning power, it is really not much better than the Ninth Laboratory.

They have opened more than 30 branches nationwide before, and recently, they have opened more than a dozen stores one after another.

At present, they have opened about fifty branches nationwide.

This was the fifty stores opened only when Xiao Feng requested Ningquewulan.

And these fifty branches, almost any one can be used to describe the daily Jindoujin.

Even if they started with burns and scalds, they don't know who in China now. The best department in their Sunshine Hospital is medical aesthetics.

In addition, their recent rise in ophthalmology and dentistry have also emerged.

Even in big cities, they are not ashamed of XX ophthalmology.

Which ophthalmology department is nothing more than a product of capital, and their ophthalmology department is different, especially the liquid contact lenses they have launched in the past year, and now they have shown that a single spark can start a prairie fire.

This kind of eye drops-like liquid glasses, because of the use of nano-coating technology, the liquid used in the liquid are all robots that automatically metabolize.

As a liquid drips into the eyes, it can naturally form a protective film that fits in front of the eyeball.

And the most amazing thing is that this protective film can also play the same role as a myopia.

While it can play the role of glasses, it can also effectively protect eyesight? In addition, unlike other contact lenses, it will rub the eyeball and cause eye inflammation and discomfort.

The birth of this kind of liquid contact lens? It can be said to be a huge gospel in China.

Want to know because of the domestic test-oriented education? Now we can be said to be one of the largest myopic countries in the world.

Elementary school is a little better, if you go to middle and high school for a walk? It's almost hard to find a student who doesn't wear glasses.

This is not a good phenomenon in Xiao Feng's view.

Although there are laser surgeries of one kind or another that can help correct myopia? To be honest, these surgeries? More or less will have some sequelae.

Wearing glasses will affect the appearance, and in winter, there will be various inconveniences caused by fogging of glasses.

The emergence of this kind of liquid contact lenses can be said to solve the headaches of many beauty lovers.

So in the recent period? Sunshine Hospital has made a lot of money just by relying on this liquid contact lens.

And their newly launched dentistry? After two years of cultivation of market reputation, they have also gained a very good reputation.

Because before this, most of our domestic dental filling materials were produced in Southern Dynasties, or Japan or Germany.

The raw materials in this area can be said to be very expensive? In addition, those dental clinics will also be very tacitly interconnected.

So to fill a tooth, it will cost hundreds or thousands at every turn? If a brace is made, it will cost thousands at every turn? Expensive is even more than tens of thousands.

If you do all-ceramic dental implants, the price is even more jaw-dropping.

And Sunshine Hospital suddenly entered this market? It can be said that the price was knocked down in one go.

Because from the entire industry chain? They have their own exclusive technology? Raw materials do not need to rely on foreign countries, so the prices of their dental clinics are very reasonable.

Because of this, they can be said to be extremely popular in major cities across the country.

For example, if you are forgotten in the capital, or in the magic capital, if you fill a tooth, you may start at four or five thousand at every turn.

But now that there is a Sunshine Hospital, the ceiling is basically just one or two thousand.

The price of the treatment was directly broken. Although other dental clinics and hospitals hated them, they gave the common people a real benefit.

We must know that it is precisely because of the emergence of this dentistry that Sunshine Hospital has become more accessible to the people.

In the past, Speaking of Sunshine Hospital, after all, it is a private hospital. Many people have prejudice against private hospitals and are not at ease.

Because the certain field department has completely tarnished the reputation of private hospitals.

Fortunately, Sunshine Hospital gradually restored its reputation as a private hospital by relying on its superb medical skills and unique skills in the field of burns and scalds.

But people's impression of Sunshine Hospital is still: the technology is very good, but the price is too expensive!

Because everyone knows that this hospital is most famous for its medical aesthetics and plastic surgery.

Don’t you see that the most popular actress on TV nowadays is their live advertisement!

When filming the movie that year, she was completely disfigured because of accidental burns. As a result, Sunshine Hospital rescued her.

Not only was she saved, she also gave her a more beautiful face than before.

In the mixed entertainment industry, if anyone wants to say that he has never been to Sunshine Hospital, he will definitely be looked down upon.

Nowadays, everyone’s acceptance of plastic surgery is very high. After all, in the era of short video pandemic, artificial beauties are rampant on short video platforms, and everyone is accustomed to artificial beauties.

In addition, there are various medical aesthetics and plastic surgery institutions everywhere on the market, so the acceptance of medical aesthetics has been much more open than it was ten years ago.

But just because the acceptance is high, there is more understanding.

With this understanding, everyone found out that the Sunshine Hospital is really expensive!

It costs a few thousand yuan to cut a double eyelid in someone else's family, but it costs 20,000 yuan to start with.

As for what to cushion the bridge of the nose, things like grinding bones are even more expensive.

But having said that, although their asking price is expensive, the results of this operation are indeed impressive.

The effect is better than the level of the other two knives, it is not a star and a half!

The double eyelids of other people's homes can be seen at a glance after finishing them.

There is also the synthesis of the nose, after finishing it, let people see, they all follow the Avatar planet.

But the Sunshine Hospital is different. They will design a plan for the patient based on the patient's own facial features before performing the operation.

Then it can be executed 100%, and the final result is closer to nature.

Anyway, in the eyes of people who don't know how to do it, the surgical products made by their family are no different from natural ones.

The most important thing is that people dare to shout the slogan of a three-year warranty!

With this alone, which medical and aesthetic hospitals in the world can do it?

So don't blame it, those Hollywood stars who are flying will also go to their homes for surgery.

Don't look at other people's high prices, but even so, their operations by well-known doctors will have to be scheduled for several years.

Now how many little girls are willing to work hard, and when they save enough money, they go to the Sunshine Hospital for medical and aesthetic surgery.

Not only are girls like this, but boys who have the same ideas are also in the minority.

It is precisely because everyone knows that their home is very expensive, so it is born the perception that their home is not very close to the people.

In the eyes of many ordinary people, if there are three people in the family, they would not dare to go to the Sunshine Hospital easily.

But since Sunshine Hospital launched affordable dental care, their image in the hearts of the people has immediately changed.

Everyone knows now, is their family so grounded?

If you pull a wisdom tooth in a public top three dental hospital, you will dare to ask you more than one thousand.

It can be put here, that is, three to five hundred, unless it is troublesome and requires minor surgery, they only charge a thousand yuan.

But for the same operation, in those public hospitals, there are basically no three or five thousand you can't get, not to mention other private dental clinics.

Moreover, their dental fillings, inlays, and dentures are really cheap.

The price is basically about half of other hospitals.

The other thing is that they do orthodontics, the price is also very cheap.

Orthodontics in other homes start at 10,000 to 20,000 yuan at any time, but their prices are also only half the prices of other homes.

Because of their cheap dentistry, they have brought countless customers to the hospital.

A dental treatment basically takes one or two weeks to start, which means that these patients will have to go to Sunshine Hospital at least three to four times.

However, their frequent visits to Sunshine Hospital have brought in the flow of people, and the higher the number of times, it has become customer stickiness.

These customers will buy liquid contact lenses from their hospitals, even if the price is very expensive, but as long as they experience the benefits of this liquid contact lens ~ ~ consumers will no longer be able to do without this magic Glasses out.

There are more frequent visits, and bald men will enter their hair transplant department.

Beauty-loving aunts and aunts will go to their hospital to pull double eyelids and get hair removal.

Anyway, Sunshine Hospital didn't have much advertising. In the past one or two years, relying on this word of mouth, it has become popular all over the country.

It is even called the most conscientious hospital in China by consumers.

So even though they only have fifty branches, they still make a lot of money now.

A net profit of hundreds of billions per year is definitely appropriate.

As for Guan Zhenhai's salary, along with the increasing profitability of Sunshine Hospital, the tide is rising.

From the beginning, I got hundreds of thousands of annual salary, and now it is also tens of millions of annual salary, and I can get hundreds of millions of dividends...

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