My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1371: Sheng Mi En Dou Mi Chou

Latest website: So Guan Zhenhai really appreciates Xiao Feng's plan to set up an investment fund and encourage senior officials to buy shares.

In fact, Xiao Feng had already meant to lead these people to make a fortune.

In fact, the company has achieved the status it is today, and it is said that his celebrity chef group and the ninth laboratory have already achieved fame.

The profits that can be made every year are in the hundreds of billions. If the ‘hidden costs’ are figured out, the net profits brought to him by these two companies will exceed one trillion every year.

As far as Xiao Feng is concerned, by this time, money is already a number.

And his subordinates, although they earn a lot every year, from tens of millions to hundreds of millions.

But don't these people know how much money he makes as a big boss?

Think about the big boss, who earns hundreds of billions every year, and he divides it into tens of millions, or even a little more, even if he can earn hundreds of millions.

But compared to the hundreds of billions Xiao Feng made on the face, is their money a lot?

Perhaps at the beginning, these executives would be grateful because Xiao Feng led them to make a fortune.

But when the business gets bigger and bigger, these people will inevitably have a double heart.

Don't doubt, why the concept of professional managers hasn't become popular in China is because people can't control the greed in their hearts.

Some people will say, why do professional managers in Europe and the United States do well.

That's because on the one hand, their domestic laws are relatively mature, and professional managers don't dare to go too far.

On the other hand, it is also because large foreign companies are generally listed companies.

Even if the company makes a lot of money every year, it is the money of the shareholders, and the shareholders will divide the money every year.

And these foreigners are very willing to help CEOs who can make money for them, and they are willing to let shareholders share their money.

Take, for example, the great manager of General Electric, Jack. Welch.

In the beginning, he was just a professional worker, and later he became a worker emperor, and then he became a shareholder of the company.

Speaking of Jack. Welch may not be known to many people, so let's talk about two things that are easier for people to understand.

For example, the two super giants in the Premier League, Manchester United and Arsenal, and their two meritorious coaches, Ferguson and Wenger, are two typical examples.

They were all part-timers at first, but later because of their outstanding performance in leading the team, they brought the two clubs that were otherwise unremarkable into Premier League giants, and even world-class giants.

In order to reward the club’s owners, these two meritorious coaches gave shares to them for their contribution to the club, and they also became shareholders of the club.

This is the typical inspirational experience of being a boss by doing a good job.

In Xiao Feng's case, such an experience is obviously impossible.

It's not that he is too greedy for power and is unwilling to divide the shares of the Ninth Laboratory and the Famous Chef Group to the top executives of these companies.

To be honest, these senior executives are not as capable as the many recent recruits of the company.

But the key is that they were the first batch of old courtiers who accompanied him to fight the battle, and Xiao Feng was naturally more willing to trust them.

When he reaches his level, it doesn't really matter whether he is capable or not. More importantly, he is loyal.

And old courtiers like Guan Zhenhai, He Xiaojun, and Zhou Jing are naturally the people he trusts most.

For example, he often travels in and out of other worlds, and it takes several months after he left, and these officials did not take advantage of his absence to hollow out his company.

It even guarantees the operation of the enterprise very well.

Although so far, he has infiltrated many cloning experts in several companies in key positions.

It can also ensure that the company can operate normally when he is not in the company.

But in fact, he was still more willing to trust these old courtiers in his heart.

But the key issue is that now his two companies do not plan to go public.

Because the secrets involved in these two companies are too much to be disclosed.

For example, the beef of the famous chef group has the problem of the source of special seasonings.

These two points must not be made public. If the company is not listed, these two points can still be regarded as the company's core secrets.

Only Xiao Feng knew about it.

But once you become a listed company, you must make a financial report. When you make a financial report, you must write these clearly.

The ninth laboratory is the same. For example, the history of his small-molecule collagen must be made public.

And these are not public, so Xiao Feng did not plan to list these two companies.

But once the company does not go public, it is inevitable that these old ministers who follow him will be disappointed.

After all, being a leader to achieve their level, although it is also a lot of money, but looking at other senior managers.

If you can be a shareholder of the company, you can enjoy the company's dividends every year, and you can also earn a lot of salary. Do you think these senior managers will have two hearts.

For one or two years, they can still maintain their loyalty to Xiao Feng, but what about ten or eight years later?

If you still make so much for them, do you think they will get bored?

Although they make a lot of money, compared to what the company makes, there are other companies in the society and their managers at the same level. They really don't make much.

Xiao Feng knew the truth of Shengmi's fighting against the mistress, so he had planned to find a good way out for them a long time ago.

After all, for some things, it is most appropriate to make arrangements early when the wind is smooth.

In order to avoid any accidents in the future, he and these old courtiers will also have a fight, or even tear their faces, that would be unsightly.

Therefore, Xiao Feng's plan was still very early.

And Guan Zhenhai is naturally very satisfied with Xiao Feng's plan.

It seems that the boss doesn’t always want to eat alone!

Although this time the boss gave up only 40% of the equity, not too much.

But Mr. Xiao also said that the reason why he retains so many shares is to prepare for future capital increase and share expansion.

If this fund becomes bigger in the future, it is very likely that a specialized asset management company will be established.

Until then, it is very likely that strategic cooperation capital will be introduced from outside.

In the future, this fund is likely to become Abu Dhabi or a large asset management company like Berkshire Hathaway.

Therefore, the boss must retain a little more shares to ensure that he can guarantee control of the company even after introducing more strategic cooperation capital in the future.

Regarding this point, whether it was Guan Zhenhai, He Xiaojun, or He Fangzhou, they all agreed with both hands and feet.

After all, they are very convinced of Xiao Feng's strategic vision. The most important thing is that they trust the mysterious scientific research team behind Xiao Feng more.

The Ninth Laboratory and the famous chef group can go to this day, it can be said that they are inseparable from the mysterious team behind him.

So they have absolutely no doubts about Xiao Feng's control of this investment fund.

Moreover, they are all gearing up to prepare, take out all the assets, and prepare to subscribe for more shares in this fund.

After all, Xiao Feng's management ability and vision are quite trustworthy for them.

As for Guan Zhenhai, he is now even more eager to test Xiao Feng's fund.

Because recently he has too much money on hand.

Although Sunshine Hospital may not be as well-known as the Ninth Laboratory in the world.

But in China, they are now definitely the rising star in the medical industry, and the best in the typical back wave.

Although in the past year, they have transformed from a specialized hospital to a general hospital.

But relying on several star departments in the hospital, they just spurred their fame.

If you say that before, everyone still thinks that they are just a small hospital that can do medical and aesthetic surgery, treat burns and scalds, and sell glasses for myopia.

Since Xiao Feng decided to place He Fangzhou in the new organ transplant surgery department in Sunshine Hospital, their status has changed immediately.

Although they are private hospitals, they are now on an equal footing with the top public tertiary hospitals in China.

For example, Ruijin, Huashan, Sichuan Medicine in Xichuan, Qilu in Dongshan, Xiangya in Xiangnan, Zhongshan in Yangcheng and so on are among the top domestic hospitals.

Sunshine Hospital is now fully qualified to challenge him.

Even recently, because of He Fangzhou, they have beautifully completed several hand-exchange operations in Sunshine Hospital, which made them famous in the domestic medical field.

Relying on the prestige of this new organ transplant operation, they have even faintly surpassed the posture of those hospitals.

In terms of momentum, it is only weaker than the top domestic Beijing Concord.

After all, the century-old history of Concord is not so easy to surpass, and their connections in China are also the deepest.

In addition, Xiehechai is good at all kinds of intractable diseases, which can't be diagnosed by other homes, and can't be treated. You can try them at their homes.

If their family really says no, they can only go back and prepare for the funeral.

It can be said that this hospital is the last goalkeeper in the domestic medical industry. UU reading

However, although the other party has a century-old academy, they are also fearless for the new medical force of Sunshine Hospital.

After all, He Fangzhou, as a new generation of surgical leaders, can be said to have created the 2.0 era of surgery.

It can be said that his surgical philosophy will affect thousands of doctors in future generations.

Although the domestic traditional medical profession is very uncomfortable with the rapid rise of He Fangzhou and Sunshine Hospital.

Some people even started to talk rumors and rants, ready to see them making jokes.

But soon they were severely slapped by reality.

For example, the Cleveland Hospital in the United States, known for its cardiothoracic surgery, the Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins University, Harvard Medical School, and so on.

They have already contacted Sunshine Hospital in various names and are ready to cooperate with them...

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