My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1372: Combination of production and investment

The latest website: These famous medical institutions, and universities, whichever is taken out, are not well-known in the world?

With their qualifications, if they come to China, they will be robbed by countless medical workers who want to enter the unit.

Even the World Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery has set up a doctor training center in Sunshine Hospital.

Starting from next year, all countries in the world can select a group of the best cardiothoracic surgeons to go to Sunshine Hospital to apprentice to He Fangzhou.

Learn this with him, the latest and top-notch heart transplant surgery...

You said that the Sunshine Hospital has grown to the point it is today.

What if those people feel sour?

Some people originally planned to use a loss to provoke them. After all, the Sunshine Hospital's daily gains in Doujin has already made many people's eyes red.

Originally, if this hospital only deals with burns, scalds, and medical beauty, then they will endure it.

Because doing these trades will make some money at best.

But now they have entered comprehensive medical care in one step, and this first step is so beautiful, which makes many people feel unbearable.

Because of their new organ transplantation technology, this represents the future direction.

This means that Sunshine Hospital can not only make money, but also earn a reputation.

This has made many people intolerable. Even before, there was a rumor that people hoped that the country would reorganize the Sunshine Hospital.

To put it bluntly, this hospital was recruited...

At first glance this may seem like a good thing, but in fact...everyone knows what will happen if they do.

Fortunately, the above is very clear. Not only did they fail to agree to the bad intentions of those with bad intentions, but on the important occasions and news in the country, they used Sunshine Hospital as a typical example of private enterprises entering the medical industry. Come for recognition.

This is to rectify the name of Sunshine Hospital...

So now Guan Zhenhai is very tough!

And with the above endorsement, his status and status are now somewhat different from before.

Although he may not be as famous in the business circle as He Xiaojun, as long as he is in the circle, no one dares to despise him.

After all, everyone knows that the medical resources he controls are no joke.

Everyone eats whole grains. Who can guarantee that there will be no illness in the future?

And looking at the posture of Sunshine Hospital, they all wanted to use their superior technology to create an earth-shaking song title in the traditional medical world.

They want to completely update the old medical technology in the past!

Even in this posture, big men from all walks of life dare not offend him easily.

In the past year or so, Guan Zhenhai has also received frequent invitations and has participated in various domestic economic forums.

His social influence is even on par with He Xiaojun.

But unlike He Xiaojun's straight man's posture, he is an old social fritters.

He used to work in the top three hospitals before, and later worked as a manager in a private hospital, so his way of dealing with others is smoother and more likable.

Because of this, he has made a lot of friends in the business world and is very popular.

And in the past two years, Sunshine Hospital, under his leadership, can be said to be steady and steady, gradually getting on the right track.

The foundation for each step is very solid. Originally, Xiao Feng planned to adjust his salary or dividends by the end of this year.

But after thinking about it, it is still more appropriate for him to participate in this Quanye Fund project at this time.

Because to be honest, Guan Zhenhai’s current salary is already the highest in the Sunshine Hospital system.

Even in the celebrity chef group, he is second only to Xiao Feng and Katja.

Zhou Jing, Xiaolin and other old officials who are engaged in fast food, are not earning as much as Guan Zhenhai.

If he is asked to raise his salary, it is likely to break the salary balance within the celebrity chef group.

And even in the Sunshine Hospital, there are probably many highly skilled specialist doctors who will be dissatisfied.

If that happens, it is very likely that the entire group will have to adjust salaries.

Although the celebrity chef group can afford it, Xiao Feng doesn't want to do that.

If you do that, the company will be burdened with heavier operating costs. Now that the company is doing well, it is naturally understandable.

But what if one day the company encounters a difficult situation, will the employees' wages be reduced?

It was impossible. At that time, he would be replaced by his boss and hired these employees to work. That would be putting the cart before the horse.

Therefore, Xiao Feng would rather let them participate in the project of the Quanye Fund, and would not easily break the company's internal salary balance structure.

"This Quanye Fund is really good, boss, we should really support those young people who are creative and thoughtful in China."

"In recent years, the hospital has recruited huge schools every year. There are so many famous schools in China, and I sometimes pay attention to it."

"Our company's HR director personally visits those colleges and universities every year. We are not only recruiting young students who have just graduated."

"It is mainly aimed at those masters and doctors in colleges and universities. Not to mention, many masters and doctors are very thoughtful, and their creativity, I also think it is very good."

"It's a pity that we are a hospital, and we focus more on front-line work. And we don't have a dedicated scientific research team in the hospital, otherwise I really want to recruit them all."

"But as far as I know, Pfizer from the United States is doing very well in this regard."

"They also go to major hospitals and medical schools to recruit each year, and they also listen to the theories of those candidates."

"If they think these people's ideas are very creative, and they are very likely to come true."

"Then they will recruit these people into the company, set up project teams for them, and make investments."

"If those people are not willing to join Pfizer, then they can also be pure investors and inject capital into their project team."

"Support them to continue their scientific research projects. If the projects are completed in the future, they can be sold to Pfizer or sold to other companies as a match."

"If the project team gets bigger and sets up a company, they can also help with packaging and contact a broker to help the company go public, so that they can make more profits."

"This is a very complete mode of combining production and investment. In fact, I have been researching it before. I originally wanted to start experiments in our Sunshine Hospital..."

Guan Zhenhai talked freely in front of Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun, and this series of theories popped out of his mouth, which really stunned Xiao Feng.

He really didn't expect it. In his opinion, this was Guan Zhenhai who was an old **** in the world, but now he still has such a mature theory.

Doesn’t he seem to be a fool?

Although he did not enroll in any MBA class like He Xiaojun, he can see that he has been charging himself during this period of time.

Seeing Xiao Feng's surprised eyes, Guan Zhenhai smiled.

"Hey, isn't this recent time, I often visit the campus? So I often communicate with the group of experts and professors on the campus."

"This exchange with them has also brought me a lot of improvement, and it has made me burst out a lot of new ideas!"

When he said this, Xiao Feng only remembered.

By the way, Bencheng Medical University is a school that has suddenly exploded. ,

Although the school has never taken the initiative to advertise for itself, there are foreign students who flock to the school, as well as several new ace majors in the school.

This school has now become a must-have for college entrance examination candidates every year.

There used to be such a jingle in the domestic college entrance examination before.

What I said is to persuade people to study medicine and thunder.

In fact, it is nothing more than to say that it is not easy to be a doctor in our country.

But now with the emergence of Sunshine Hospital, the situation is different.

Now many top students in the college entrance examination have changed their number one volunteers to Bincheng Medical University.

Because compared with other schools and majors, this school is really amazing.

In particular, the admission scores of those major majors are comparable to Tsinghua University and Peking University.

And once you can pass these majors, it will be no different from entering a safe.

As long as you can graduate with excellent grades, it is safe to enter Sunshine Hospital in the future.

For graduates of Tsinghua University and Peking University, the starting salary for entering the workplace is around 6,000 to 8,000.

As long as the graduates of these majors can enter the Sunshine Hospital, the starting salary is 12 thousand.

The level of promotion and salary increase in the later period is even more unmatched by other schools and majors.

Therefore, the Bencheng Medical University is now a nationwide, and it is very popular among the examinees.

And now Guan is no longer the subject director of the year, and now he has been promoted to one of the vice principals of the school.

It is said that the above is very interesting. I want him to be the president of this university after this term.

But Xiao Feng guessed that if he asked him to make a name, he might be happy to let him go, but he would definitely not go. After all, the CEO of Sunshine Hospital is much more fragrant than the principal.

But no matter what, if you still have thoughts about what he said today, you can see that his deputy principal during this period is really not in vain.

He really learned a lot by dealing with the theoretical experts in the school every day.

If he doesn't say anything, Xiao Feng really doesn't know that this type of combination of production and investment has already been popular in the United States.

Think about it, too, Pfizer's so-called leader in the pharmaceutical field is naturally the most familiar with the rules in the pharmaceutical industry.

Therefore, they are very accurate and thorough in seeing many projects in the medical field.

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