My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1373: Break out of the siege

Latest website: So when Pfizer invests in these projects, it naturally has more control than those outside investors.

And what they have to do now is to make this mode of combining production and investment in China, and do it!

What Lab Nine has to do now is to copy what Pfizer made in the United States.

If this set is completed, it will not only be a matter of making money, but the most important thing is to enhance the company's position in the industry.

For example, Pfizer, you have to know that this company has a huge influence in the beautiful country.

It can even be said that wherever they go, they always have their own halo.

People who are not in the medical circle may not know that the representatives of this company, no matter where they go in the industry, are the targets of others.

Why is this happening?

In fact, it is because they have done so well in the combination of production and investment.

Not only do they develop new drugs by themselves, but while making money on their own, they also bring a bunch of younger brothers to make money.

People in the circle are famous for being kind and charitable. As long as your company is creative and passes their assessment, you can get money from him.

Moreover, the prices and conditions are very fair.

This is much easier than going to venture capital to get money.

Many pharmaceutical companies actually have a headache when they start, and that is how to get sufficient initial start-up funds.

Although in the beautiful country, there are many kinds of angel funds and venture capital.

But unlike those companies engaged in the Internet, those companies can easily get initial capital from venture capital.

However, it is difficult for those engaged in medical research and development to obtain funds, because the risk of their research and development failure is too great, and venture capitalists are not willing to invest money for them.

Moreover, the R&D cycle is long, and it is very likely to invest money in it for a long time. Therefore, ordinary investors are not willing to invest in such R&D companies.

In addition, even if someone is willing to invest, the requirements will be very demanding, and they will require very high shares at every turn, or assign someone to the R&D team to mess around.

What's more, they will directly ask to take away the results of research and development.

Therefore, many people engaged in medical research and development do not like to deal with investors such as venture capital and angel funds, because in their opinion, these investors are robbers and liars.

On the other hand, large companies like Pfizer, in their opinion, are much more kind.

After all, first of all, everyone is a peer, and everyone understands the pain of developing a dog.

The second is that Pfizer can better understand the value of the projects they develop, so the requirements will not be too much.

Because of this, every year when Pfizer holds the Pharmaceutical Expo, countless small and medium-sized pharmaceutical companies, even research groups in universities, sign up to participate in the United States and even around the world.

Because this is a very good platform that Pfizer provides to everyone to show itself.

Here, if your ideas and projects can attract Pfizer’s attention and get their investment, then you are not far from success.

Even if you can't get the favor of Pfizer here, you still have the opportunity to get the attention of other pharmaceutical companies.

Even if you can't get investment from other pharmaceutical companies, at least you have the opportunity to get in touch with some maverick investors.

We must know that in this business, there are always a few investors with very unique vision.

If you can get their attention and investment, then you can also get the initial starting capital.

This is the main reason why Pfizer has the status it is today.

Now what the Ninth Lab and Xiao Feng have to do is to learn and apply Pfizer's set in China.

We must know that China has always been very backward in the field of original research drugs.

In the past few decades, they were mainly catching up. At that time, the main purpose of the major pharmaceutical factories across the country was to make the people in the country have medicinal use.

In the past two decades, the basic drug needs of domestic residents have been met.

However, many domestic pharmaceutical companies, with their backs on the big market, can easily eat food, so the pursuit of original research drugs is not so great.

After all, the investment required for the original research drug is too large, the cycle is long, the investment is high, and the effect is slow. Any boss is reluctant to engage in such a project.

Therefore, many parts of the domestic high-end drug market are basically monopolized by major pharmaceutical companies in Europe, America and Japan.

Recently, the country has also noticed this problem, so it is also encouraging domestic pharmaceutical companies to start taking the route of R&D and innovation.

So recently, major domestic pharmaceutical companies have also stepped up research in this area.

In the domestic medical universities, there are still many subject projects, all of which are keeping up with the international trend, and are looking for the latest and most suitable R&D route.

Even in China, a lot of small companies have sprung up like bamboo shoots after the rain. They are also engaged in research and development relying on Internet thinking.

In fact, these small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as the research groups in universities, are very worthy of investment, and they are indeed in urgent need of funds.

However, I have never had a suitable channel to get funds.

For example, the research groups in domestic medical universities rely mainly on school funding for their funding sources.

To be honest, the funding of the school is really very limited to the dozens of project teams waiting to be fed.

Everyone can get a little bit every year, and it would be nice to be able to guarantee not to starve to death.

As for those small and medium-sized enterprises, the same is true. The people in the company are very creative and creative, but in the process of research and development, a large amount of capital investment is required.

And even if the data in the laboratory is successful, when the next step is to conduct in vivo clinical trials, these small companies will be blinded.

Even if they can afford the initial cost, the cost of the later in vivo clinical trials is too high.

Domestic clinical trials will take five years, and the data collection will basically start with thousands.

Except for the large-scale pharmaceutical factories in China, only the national research institutes can afford this kind of consumption.

For small and medium pharmaceutical companies, their work is basically over at this point.

After all, they can't afford to go overseas to conduct clinical trials, although clinical trials in India and Africa are very cheap.

But they don't have such resources, and they are not familiar with their lives, so they can't afford to invest at all.

So generally at this point, the first choice of these pharmaceutical companies is to sell their research results.

And their first choice is to sell to large foreign manufacturers, because it is true that these large foreign manufacturers will pay a good price.

And these large foreign pharmaceutical companies, although they spent a little money when they got these results, but compared with what they got, the money they paid was just a drop in the bucket.

Because these small and medium-sized pharmaceutical R&D companies in China have completed the most difficult early stage of a project, from creativity to later laboratory experiments, and laboratory data collection.

In the end, all they have to do is to complete the clinical trial, and this step is nothing to them.

Once you have completed the last step, you can apply for the new drug to be marketed. By then, this drug can bring them tens of billions of dollars in revenue in the global market.

This is really not an exaggeration at all!

And looking back, they will support their local media, saying that the people of H country have no sense of innovation...

Anyway, such a **** thing is not a secret that cannot be said in the medical circle.

However, Xiao Feng didn't know this when he didn't enter the industry before, but after learning about it, he would always feel sorry and distressed for those domestic companies.

No way, who made us unconditional to reach out for them at that time!

But now it's alright, their Ninth Lab is finally capable.

Moreover, there are so many rich domestic capital and big bosses. In fact, many of these people also want to invest in the pharmaceutical industry.

After all, aging in China is already very serious now. Everyone knows that the big health industry in the future is definitely promising.

However, the barriers to entry in the field of medicine are not low. Not only do you have to be rich, but the most important thing is that you have enough knowledge in the field of medicine.

Knowing that business can be done and that business is completely a liar, so you can avoid being deceived.

For this reason, those big bosses and capitalists are very cautious about investing in small and medium-sized pharmaceutical companies.

What the ninth laboratory has to do is to integrate the resources on both sides, and then make a connection for them.

Xiao Feng meant to build a large-scale exhibition hall in the new sports city section that is about to start construction.

Usually, it can undertake various exhibitions, and when it is fixed every year, the Ninth Laboratory can also come forward to organize large-scale national medical fairs and medical equipment fairs.

With the status of the Ninth Laboratory in the domestic pharmaceutical industry today, they exclaimed that the large domestic pharmaceutical factories and hospitals really have to give face.

And they will definitely like it. There is such a platform that can give them the opportunity to meet the pharmaceutical companies and hospitals that are given by the whole country.

At the same time, they will also give the national pharmaceutical companies engaged in original research drugs or pharmaceutical companies engaged in medical device development an to allow them to show their creativity on this platform. If their creativity, Accredited by the Ninth Laboratory, you can get investment from the Quanye Fund.

In addition, their platform can also help other capital interested in investing in pharmaceutical companies, and big bosses, to find suitable goals for them.

Anyway, Xiao Feng's original intention was to make money for everyone.

As long as this combination of production and investment is done well, domestic pharmaceutical research and development will be on the road to prosperity in the future.

And their Ninth Laboratory, and the Quanye Fund, can rely on this move to establish their status in the domestic medical community in one fell swoop.

The current domestic medical field can be said to be the era of coexistence of heroes.

Established state-owned enterprises are still old and strong, and many new-generation private pharmaceutical companies have also sprung up.

And when this platform is completed, that is when the Ninth Lab stands out!

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