My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1374: If you have money, you can earn one, but if you have difficulty, you can carry it!

Latest website: Many people may not understand why the Ninth Laboratory worked so hard to make wedding clothes.

With their abilities and strengths today, wouldn't it be enough to make money safely and steadily?

Why do we have to earn those fame?

Actually Xiao Feng didn't want to! However, if an enterprise has reached the stage it is today, it is no longer just a matter of the enterprise's own operations.

It involves all aspects, social responsibility, social recognition, and social influence, etc., which are all problems.

Especially what he values ​​is social influence.

In particular, he wants to make the ninth laboratory into a century-old brand like Pfizer, Mohs, and Johnson & Johnson.

If you want a company to survive for a long time, word of mouth is naturally indispensable.

And look at the two giants in the Internet field, why do they have so much power to speak and live so nourishingly?

Isn't they doing a good job combining production and investment?

When I was growing up wildly, I also invested and supported many other Internet companies.

So now in most of the Chinese business community, as long as you look closely at the shares behind many companies, it's hard to miss these two companies.

It is precisely because of this crazy investment in equity in the early years that they have a detached influence in today's domestic business circle.

It can even be said that what they say is really comparable to a golden rule for many companies.

And sometimes they obviously made mistakes, but they don't have to stand up and clarify things by themselves.

A vote of the younger brother has already jumped out to protect the lord, which also allows them to do more with less in the domestic business community.

This is the advantage of being a real hero if you are rich.

In the future, the future of the Ninth Laboratory is destined to go abroad in a big way and enter the world.

And as their strength increases, in the future, many foreign pharmaceutical companies are destined to be crushed and eliminated by them.

This has smashed the traditional and powerful golden rice bowls in Europe and America. What do you think they will do then?

It is certain to lift the table. By that time, they will use stricter sanctions than they are now.

What to do then?

Is it still a lone brother in the ninth laboratory, and he resists?

That would be too awkward. By that time, if the Ninth Laboratory was around, an industrial cluster had already been cultivated.

A whole industrial chain, from upstream to downstream, they can achieve full coverage.

In addition, there are a large group of domestic and foreign brothers around him, and they come forward to be thugs.

What will happen to you even if there are sanctions?

It is not necessary for them to come forward in person, and their little brothers will take the initiative to jump out to help them block guns.

Even some younger brothers are more able to transform into vicious dogs and take the initiative to help them fight.

This is the benefit of raising a little brother...

If there is money, everyone will make it together, and when there is difficulty, everyone will naturally carry it together...

So this is the main purpose of Xiao Feng's early deployment of the Quanye Fund.

The idea that Guan Zhenhai put forward was very good for Xiao Feng.

Don't tell me, this time I got this guy for a meeting, and I really got it right.

Previously, he and He Xiaojun put together that the first thing that the Quanye Fund must support is those in their company who have ideas and want to start their own businesses.

After all, on the one hand, it is to know the roots of these people, and these people have a certain degree of technical strength, and they are reliable and trustworthy in their careers.

The other is to select a group of people from their upstream and downstream industrial chains for key training.

If there is no technology, give them technology and let them upgrade and transform.

But now after stopping Guan Zhenhai's words, they suddenly discovered that their situation was still small.

Guan Zhenhai put forward this set of Pfizer's ideas, which is very suitable for their future development, and can even be said to coincide with the future development direction of their Quanye Fund.

They can simply move in and use it.

"Well, this way our strategic goals will be more clear. Very good, let's follow Pfizer's method."

Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun both agreed with Guan Zhenhai's proposal.

At this time, He Fangzhou on the other side also coughed dryly.

The three of them turned their heads to see what He Fangzhou looked like, and they knew that he must have something to say.

"Well, Mr. Xiao, Mr. He, look, is it possible for our Quanye Fund to relax some investment scope."

"Oh? Do you have any new ideas?"

Xiao Feng smiled and asked him when he arrived, but He Fangzhou nodded unceremoniously.

"Hey, it is true, in fact it is like this. While we are paying attention to the upstream and downstream industry chain, can we also pay attention to some outsourcing companies?"

"Huh? Outsourcing company? Is there any outsourcing company in our Ninth Lab?"

Xiao Feng was also taken aback when he heard it, and then casually asked He Xiaojun.

After hearing this, He Xiaojun also scratched his head in embarrassment: "Hey! How do you say this? I really forgot about it."

It turned out that the ninth laboratory has developed to the scale it is today. Most of their experiments must have been outsourced.

For example, in the high-tech park, several industrial parks close to Daxing Island, there are now dozens of data collection companies, large and small, and various laboratories.

And these data analysis companies, and laboratories, basically rely on the outsourced tasks of the Ninth Laboratory to survive.

Companies like the Ninth Laboratory have developed to the point where they are today, conducting countless experiments, data collection and analysis every day.

If these experiments are all done by themselves, it will greatly affect their work efficiency and will greatly increase the cost.

For example, when there are only fifty people in a research group, they want to achieve a goal.

In order to achieve this goal, they designed three sets of experimental programs.

Then they have to do all these three sets of plans, and then compare them to confirm that that set of plans saves time and effort, and saves costs.

And continuously optimize the data during the experiment.

Maybe the experiment will still fail in the process, so they will have to repeatedly examine and verify which step is the problem in the process.

In this way, these three sets of experiments are likely to be conducted for a whole year, or even longer.

However, if these three sets of experiments are carried out at the same time within the company, it will require very high labor costs and consume more resources.

Greatly increase the cost of the project, resulting in insufficient funds and other problems.

So when encountering such a situation, the best way is to outsource the experimental steps.

The whole experiment process was broken up, disrupted, and then subcontracted to different external laboratories and data collection companies.

Let them complete different steps, and then aggregate the data at a fixed time.

In this way, the three sets of plans can be carried out at the same time, which makes it easier for the project team to monitor the three sets of plans at the same time.

They can even take out the different steps of the experiment in stages, carry out different combinations of experiments, and create credit for scientific research.

This is the most commonly used method for collecting experimental and scientific research data in major pharmaceutical companies.

This method is not only popular in the medical field, but also very applicable in other scientific research fields.

For example, in the field of software engineering, the same is true.

Big companies like Google and Apple feed countless Indian software development outsourcing companies every year.

Even in China, there are many software companies that specialize in undertaking large-scale foreign data development.

In Magic Capital, and Beijing, there are many laboratories that are also alive by undertaking the outsourcing work of large foreign pharmaceutical companies.

In the pharmaceutical field, it has done a good job in outsourcing, and Pfizer is still a typical example.

For example, in recent years, they have made rapid progress in the research and development of tumor-targeted drugs.

It is necessary to know that the development process of targeted drugs is very painful and long for many pharmaceutical companies.

In the past, large-scale investment in the long-term research and development of this drug was unavoidable.

It is even possible that the leader of the project has already died, and the project has not yet produced results.

He will have his apprentice to take over and continue to study this project.

A project that lasts for 20 to 30 years is commonplace.

However, in recent years, Pfizer has continuously made breakthroughs in targeted drugs, and successively launched several very successful drugs.

The reason is that they redesigned the entire experimental process.

The original philosophy of the pharmaceutical company was to let a project team continue to experiment until the final results were obtained.

The main reason for not seeking outside help is the fear of leaks.

But now Pfizer is designing several sets of plans for a project, and each set of plans is divided into sections, black box processing is carried out, and then subcontracted.

In this way, the subcontracting company has got the subject they are going to do, and they don’t know what the results of the subject will be.

They can only complete the experiment and collect data according to Pfizer's requirements like a screw. On the other hand, Pfizer will monitor in real time, collect data from all over the world, and aggregate it.

Then, based on the data, make a judgment as to which step has a problem, and that step of the experiment needs improvement.

In this way, the theoretical research of a drug can be perfected soon, and then the clinical trial phase can be quickly entered.

And they also set up subcontracting companies in various places around the world.

In this way, even if the beautiful country is here at night, their scientific researchers have already left work.

However, the laboratories in Asia just happened to go to work at dawn, so the experiment didn't need to stop at all.

They can collect the data from the subcontracting company in the U.S. and send it to the laboratories in Asia for them to continue.

Then when the day is over in Asia, they can send the collected data to Europe again...

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