My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1375: The sun never sets working mode

As soon as I go to work in Europe, I can send data from Asia and continue to experiment.

By the time Europe is off work, the beautiful country has just started to work, and the European laboratories can send the data collected by them during the day to the United States.

In this way, you can go round and round, and work around the clock without stopping.

Make full use of twenty-four hours to carry out uninterrupted experiments.

In this way, the work that would have taken three days to complete can be completed in one day.

This kind of working mode without setting sun greatly improves the efficiency of the experiment!

This is also the main reason why Pfizer has been able to make major breakthroughs in tumor-targeted drugs one after another in recent years.

This is a major breakthrough in the global division of labor.

And don’t look at their domestic quarrels, saying that they want large companies in their own country to bring job opportunities back to their own countries as much as possible.

But in fact, giants like Pfizer will never bird the twittering politicians at all.

In fact, the noisy guys also know that it is difficult for them to influence the judgment of these giants, but they still have to do what they should do.

An important reason why Pfizer refuses to bring all these jobs back to China is that doing so will greatly reduce the company's operating costs.

For example, in the beautiful country, if you hire a senior scientific researcher, such as a company like Pfizer.

The scientific researchers they recruit must at least be graduates of prestigious Ivy League schools.

For such a researcher, the starting annual salary after joining the company must start at US$80,000, which is definitely higher than their local median salary.

And after entering the job, as long as the performance is good, then there will be a salary increase every year.

The salary increase is basically around 15% every year.

After five, six, seven or eight years, the annual salary will basically be doubled.

Moreover, at this time, many people have basically become talented, and it is the easiest time to produce results when they are around 30 years old.

By this time, many scientific researchers will take up leadership positions, so his salary will rise to 200,000 to 300,000 US dollars at this time.

If there are outstanding contributions, the basic annual salary will be about 500,000 US dollars.

If it is that kind of great ability, has published countless SCIs, and even applied for a few patents, then it will have to earn more.

The annual salary of basic million dollars, even several million, is not a minority.

So doing scientific research in a beautiful country, we see that their large companies invest very high in the field of research and development every year.

But if we take a closer look at the cost they invested in R&D, we will find out.

They invest in the field of scientific research and innovation. In fact, the salary of personnel will account for half of the total R&D cost, or even higher.

Generally, there are very few companies that can control personnel costs to 40% of project research and development.

Basically, it is around 50 to 60%, which means that 40% of the funds invested in the project can be spent on experiments, which is not bad.

Of course, except for those large-scale investments, such as large-scale projects that cost hundreds of millions of dollars, such as Musk's Falcon project.

In other scientific research projects, especially medical research projects, a large part of the investment is actually spent on personnel expenses.

Therefore, the scientific research in the beautiful country is indeed powerful, but the cost of personnel expenditure is also very high.

But if they take part of their work to Asia and Europe, it's another matter entirely.

For example, many large pharmaceutical companies, such as Pfizer, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, and world-class pharmaceutical giants such as Johnson & Johnson and Bayer, have established laboratories in H country.

And many of them are located in the magic capital.

Even if it is a magic city, they recruit an experienced scientific researcher, and an annual salary of 150,000 to 200,000 is enough.

If the skills are better, and the strength is stronger, giving an annual salary of 500,000 will be great.

However, the difference between half a million soft sister coins and half a million US dollars, but an exchange rate coefficient of more than seven points.

Moreover, the scientific researchers on the Magic Capital side are more hard-working, unlike the employees on the beautiful country side, who don't work overtime at all.

Go to get off work on time and leave work on time every day, and when there are special reasons, you can do nothing about arriving late and leaving early.

In addition, they still have one month of paid holidays each year, and you can't ask them to go to work at all.

On the side of Demon Capital, that's another matter.

You only need to pay a small amount of overtime to allow the researchers here to work overtime, and even to stay up late in order to match the time in the US, it is common here.

And they don’t have one month’s paid vacation. Even if they take annual vacation, they can still get three times the overtime pay to replace their vacation.

So for Pfizer's operations management team, no matter how you look at it, it is cost-effective to outsource part of the work.

Moreover, the quality of the scientific research personnel in the magic city is not low at all.

Doing things well and knowingly, at the very least, is more reassuring than contracting to those Indians.

Once there is some outstanding performance among them, they can also directly transfer this talent to the headquarters.

Give them the same treatment as ordinary American researchers, and they are grateful that Dade is willing to serve the company.

This kind of opportunity that only needs to pay a small favor to harvest global elite talents, how can you say that those big companies are willing to give up?

In contrast, the laboratories in Europe are the same. They can put the laboratories in Portugal, where the cost is relatively low, or in countries and regions such as Eastern Europe.

You don't need to give too high a salary to get the results they want. How can you say that big European and American companies are unwilling to outsource their work.

If it is taken back, it will not only greatly increase their operating costs, but also greatly extend their R&D cycle.

So in this regard, Pfizer’s gang of beautiful countries will definitely not agree to take those positions back to China.

And now, the ninth laboratory has basically learned this system of Pfizer, and many research groups have now greatly reduced the number of experimental projects in the department.

Now the research group of the ninth laboratory, basically after starting the project, the first thing to do is the project test design.

In order to get the results of the theoretical design, they will design several different experimental programs.

Then divide these experiments into various steps, and then subcontract them according to the different importance of these steps.

Except for the most core key steps, which need to be carried out in the headquarters, all other experimental steps are outsourced.

This feeds the high-tech park, close to Daxing Island, in seven or eight science and technology industrial parks, thirty or fifty data collection companies, and various laboratories.

In fact, there were dozens of various industrial parks of this kind or that in the original high-tech zone.

These industrial parks, as early as more than a decade ago, were still in various industries.

There are high-end biochemical materials, as well as furniture processing, such as low-end industries.

The dozens of industrial parks in the southwest are still very tall, mainly IBM, Microsoft, and the branches established by companies such as Hewlett-Packard in the beautiful country.

And around these companies, there are nearly a hundred various outsourcing companies, large and small, to undertake various outsourcing work of these companies.

But since ten years ago, because of the rise of the real estate boom.

Land prices here began to rise all the way, and those large and small enterprises have moved out one after another.

The real estate developers who sold the park were then developed into large and small buildings.

Since then, it has become another high land for housing prices in Bencheng.

Companies large and small fell down accordingly.

Because of the continuous increase in housing prices, the employment costs here have also continued to increase, as long as there are no special tax concessions.

Many foreign companies that originally invested here have moved out one after another.

This has led to this generation of industrial parks, which have also begun to appear vacant in large areas, and many small companies can't stick to it.

Either change careers, or move to other places with those big Anyway, the days in the high-tech park during that time were very difficult.

This situation was immediately reversed until the appearance of the Ninth Laboratory.

Just such a company has fed the high-tech park.

Although various preferential policies, such as various tax reductions and exemptions, have been given to this company above, and the exemption lasts for several years, even looking at the trend, the exemption will be lengthened.

But the ninth laboratory will also come, although the tax is reduced or exempted.

But they went to great lengths on Daxing Island, engaged in projects, and even built a cross-sea bridge by themselves with the help of an enterprise.

This Nima, these consumptions alone have greatly promoted the taxation and economy of the high-tech park.

Moreover, their employees are also powerful high-spending people. Their eating and drinking in the high-tech zone has also greatly boosted the economy of this location.

As for the various outsourcing companies that have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, let alone.

Every year, just relying on the work leaked from the fingers of the Ninth Laboratory is enough for these outsourcing companies to eat their brains and their mouths filled with oil.

For example, due to geographical and cultural constraints, the Ninth Laboratory cannot be like Pfizer. It is impossible to set up a laboratory in China, a laboratory in Europe, and a laboratory in the Americas to complete the 24-hour relay model.

But we have a nine-96 overtime model in our country?

For these outsourcing companies, as long as your money is in place, they will have employees not to mention 996, it is 770, they are willing.

Of course, the Ninth Laboratory will never ask for it, and absolutely not allow it. Their outsourcing company squeezes its employees so crazy...


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