My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1376: Retain vitality

Latest website: It stands to reason that the ninth laboratory only needs to outsource the work.

As for what those outsourcing companies do or ask their employees, they can't control it.

As long as the outsourcing company is able to complete the tasks they require, and submit the data back on time, on time, it will be fine.

But as a large company, especially a company that has the ambition to become the first brother of the domestic pharmaceutical industry, they still know the word cherish the feather.

Not only do they not squeeze employees themselves, even their outsourcing companies squeeze employees, which is not good.

Because the outsourcing prices they give are generally fair.

It can be said that at least 30% of profit margins are reserved for these outsourcing companies.

If an outsourcing company only uses the same batch of employees, and squeezes the employees frantically and asks them to work overtime, this is a bit too unreasonable in the view of the Ninth Laboratory.

For a company that does not treat its employees as human beings like this, it is impossible for the Ninth Laboratory to cooperate with him next time.

Because in their view, such bosses are no different from those in sweatshops.

You know that the experimenters in his company are not employees on the assembly line of the factory.

These experimenters are also basic scientific researchers who have received university education.

They majored in biochemistry and environmental materials, probably because they were not at a prestigious university, not 985 or 211, so they could not enter big-name and well-known companies, but could only enter such small companies.

But this does not mean that there will be no talents among these people.

You have to give them a suitable environment, maybe 10% of these people can grow up.

At that time, the Ninth Laboratory also plans to recruit these people to complete the talent harvest.

But you boss, at this time, all these people are used as donkeys, and they will all be used up in a few years.

The aura is lost, and within a few years of work, you will become a screw-driver on the assembly line. He will only mechanically complete the experiment according to the requirements, without his own ideas and creativity. How can this work?

In fact, this is also a common problem in many domestic companies. When an employee is caught, it will be used to death.

This is very undesirable in Xiao Feng's view, and for He Xiaojun, the current helm of the ninth laboratory, it would be a crime to do so.

So even though they outsourced projects, they also require outsourcing companies to be able to do round-the-clock uninterrupted work.

But their requirement for outsourcing companies is that they will never allow companies to require unlimited 996 employees.

The best solution is to work in three shifts and let these outsourcing companies hire more employees to complete the experiment and data collection.

To know this requirement, it is not too much for these outsourcing companies.

Because the ninth laboratory pays per person!

And they check regularly to see if you actually hire three shifts.

Anyway, if you work in three shifts a day, the cost is still cheaper than completing the experiment in the Ninth Laboratory, or setting up a laboratory in Europe and the United States.

Nowadays, many domestic companies like to talk nonsense about being in line with international standards every day.

Then what kind of laboratories were established in Europe or North America.

Sometimes Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun really can’t figure it out. Are you so special, have you cultivated the talents of your company?

The local talents are reluctant to spend money, and it hurts to give parents a salary.

But going overseas to hire that group of uncles is willing to spend money. You have to know that the salary of the group of European and American scientific researchers is several times that of domestic scientific researchers.

Moreover, they are also covered by labor unions. As long as you hire them, you have to give them the local salary and treatment, and you must increase your salary every year. You must not be dismissed easily. You have to increase your salary every year and give them one month of paid leave each year.

You are totally different from domestic employees!

But please come back to this group of foreigners, and the contribution they made to the company is not as good as the contribution of this group of domestic employees.

Therefore, it is inevitable that domestic employees will defect frequently.

I won’t say more about which companies like to do this. It’s easy to be four or four.

And Xiao Feng absolutely does not allow the Ninth Laboratory to do such a thing.

Not to mention that there are so many college graduates in the field of biochemistry and environmental materials every year in China, and they face unemployment and even change careers after graduation.

We have spare money in our hands and recruit more domestic students. Isn't he good?

If the children of his own family don't love them, they love the children of outsiders. If He Xiaojun dares to do this kind of behavior, Xiao Feng will definitely smash his head.

Therefore, He Xiaojun's requirements for outsourcing companies are also very simple.

First of all, it is not allowed to squeeze too many employees of the company, and the second is to recruit as many domestic graduates as possible in the field of biochemical and environmental materials.

The top domestic graduates in the field of biochemistry and environmental materials, now the first choice after graduation, is naturally the ninth laboratory.

After the ninth laboratory harvests a batch, some of the other people will choose to go to foreign companies, and the other part will choose to work in major domestic scientific research institutions, such as a certain research institute.

Another part is to choose to stay in school for further study.

This is already the greatest contribution that the Ninth Laboratory has made to the development of the country. It is necessary to know that in the past graduation season, the first choice of these famous domestic college students who graduated from the chemical and environmental materials major is to go abroad.

Going to a foreign university for further studies, and then naturally staying abroad, mainly staying in a beautiful country, to contribute to the development of a beautiful country.

If you don’t believe me, you can go to the major biochemical laboratories in the United States. The basic research is done in them. It can be said that most of them are ours.

You can see this from the list of biochemical contributions published by Beautiful Country every year. Among the top ten scientists, almost five of them are ours.

Now the Ninth Laboratory has become the first choice for these students to graduate. They have done their best to help the country keep cutting-edge talents in the country.

Moreover, with the training model of the ninth laboratory's internal transmission, the success rate of this group of people will definitely not be low.

Although they did not go to the United States for further studies, in the ninth laboratory, they have leading cloning experts in this era to guide them on the concept.

In addition, there are sufficient funds and inexhaustible experimental equipment.

We must know that many scientific research elites are unwilling to come back after studying in a beautiful country. This scientific research environment is very important.

So what is the research environment?

With a salary of tens of thousands of dollars a month, they can lead a worry-free life so that they can concentrate on scientific research.

This is the first condition to solve their most basic life problems.

The second is that there is no intrigue environment, and there is no layman who can lead people out of breast cancer.

This is absolutely non-existent in the ninth laboratory. It seems to be peaceful here, but the competition is also very fierce.

All the project teams and the team leaders of the research team are almost all masters both internally and externally, that is, they must understand scientific research as well as management.

Coupled with the existence of only OA Xiao Ai, every effort you make here will get its due return.

Such things as being embezzled scientific research results will certainly not exist in the Ninth Laboratory.

In addition, the most important point is that there are enough scientific research equipment and scientific research materials.

As long as your authority level is sufficient, you can open it up.

We must know that for scientific researchers, scientific research equipment is very critical.

One of the main reasons why many scientific researchers are unwilling to come back when they go to beautiful countries is opportunity cost.

To put it bluntly, in the beautiful country's laboratory, there are all kinds of equipment, and all kinds of consumables can be used at will.

It's like in China, for example, in a scientific research institute, there is only one high-speed and high-precision optical electron microscope.

Every day, the major project teams have to take turns to use, and even in order to use the time, everyone has to schedule.

What other high-speed centrifuges, such high-precision imported equipment, have to queue up and even apply for a report.

There are some more expensive consumables, even more so, you have to apply for a report...

Nima, you must know the age at which a scientific researcher is most likely to produce results, that is, from 30 to 45 years old.

In the American laboratories, there are everything like this equipment. In any ordinary laboratory, there are three such high-definition electron microscopes, and you can use them openly.

As for the consumables for various experiments, as long as you register them, they can be used openly, and there is no need to make a report application.

So they can do experiments whenever they want, and do them whenever they want.

There are three sets of equipment, which can be used openly, and the chance of others producing results is three times higher than yours.

And looking back at us?

Speed ​​and efficiency are several times slower...

In this way, after understanding the, do you think those talents who are engaged in scientific research are willing to come back?

And the most frightening thing about this kind of brain drain is that it lasts for a long time.

For example, Beautiful Country has harvested our domestic scientific and technological elites, which have been quietly carried out for more than 20 years.

You can see this by looking at the names of scientists on their artificial intelligence and life engineering contribution lists announced in the last two years.

At the top of the two most important scientific research rankings, at least five of the top ten are our domestic scientific research elites.

And the emergence of the current ninth laboratory finally helped stabilize the situation in the country and retained such a breath of energy.

Especially in the past two years, the elites who graduated from the top domestic colleges and universities majoring in biochemistry and environmental materials, now the first choice after graduation is to stay in the country and enter the ninth laboratory.

Because the Ninth Laboratory now has scientific research conditions and environment that are not weaker than those of foreign countries, and even in some respects, the performance of the Ninth Laboratory is even better than those of foreign scientific research institutions.

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