My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1377: Invigorate biochemical ring materials

Here, you never have to line up to use certain equipment, and there is no need to report when using various consumables.

Moreover, the salary is not only enough, but it will also give you a house. It can be said that the wife is divided. It is almost all-inclusive here...

It is precisely because the Ninth Laboratory now has a scientific research environment that is not inferior to that of foreign countries, and the treatment of its employees is not worse than that of foreign countries.

Coupled with the company culture here, it can be said to be completely different from other domestic companies.

So now this company has become the first choice for graduates of top domestic biochemical and environmental materials.

In fact, people engaged in scientific research are very simple. Many people simply like to engage in scientific research, but our current living environment is too complicated.

The society is too impetuous, housing prices and prices are not low, scientific researchers also have to live, if they can not meet their basic living conditions, then they must be distracted to find ways to make a living.

In this way, naturally they cannot use their best in scientific research, and it can even be said to be a waste of their talents.

And this is done much better in the United States, where there are various large and small laboratories, and scientific research institutions.

As long as you have real skills, you won't have to worry about finding a job in such a place.

Moreover, the salary that can generally be earned is definitely not low. Although there is no guarantee that every scientific researcher will become a millionaire, it is absolutely okay to ensure that they have nothing to worry about.

In addition, the minds of scientific researchers are relatively simple, they all prefer to focus on scientific research, and do not like to participate in some messy things, such as office politics.

But this aspect is precisely the place where our domestic major institutions have the most slots.

In foreign scientific research institutions, it is basically relying on strength to speak. It cannot be said that there are no related households, but at least the situation of forming gangs and ranking in seniority is not as serious as ours.

And they rarely have laymen leading experts, because their companies are basically capital-led.

The purpose of capital is very simple, that is, for the benefit, whoever can bring them benefits, they will choose who, there is no question of position.

In this way, their workflow is much simpler.

Researchers only need to step by step every day to complete their own work. The relationship between colleagues is also very simple. It is the relationship between colleagues, and there is no need to squat and form cliques.

Anyway, as long as you can complete your work on time with quality and quantity, it is your greatest contribution to the company.

This kind of tonality is also the favorite environment of scientific researchers. It is simple and straightforward, and there is no mess.

On the other hand, in our country, it is really hard to explain in a word...

This is another main reason why we cannot retain talents.

There is a third point, which is the opportunity cost issue just mentioned.

Because of insufficient money, equipment, and other resources, many of our scientific research institutions cannot provide perfect working conditions.

Naturally, the ratio of scientific research personnel's results is not as good as that of the beautiful country.

And these problems do not exist in the ninth laboratory.

Here, the working environment is very simple, as long as you finish your work on time, no one will bother you.

You don't need to specialize in research and worry about complex social relationships.

In addition, it can provide scientific researchers with sufficient living security, so that they can live a decent life without being distracted.

The third is that it can provide scientific researchers with a perfect working environment. If there are no conditions, they can even create conditions.

Just ask such a company, who would not like it?

However, the problem now is that the top talents in China are indeed attracted by the Ninth Laboratory.

But what about the graduates who are not the top biochemical and environmental materials?

We must know that in China, there are still many non-985, 211 colleges and universities, and hundreds of thousands of biochemical and environmental materials graduates are required to graduate every year.

Many people said before that the biochemistry and environmental materials are all dismissed majors because it is difficult for graduates of these majors to find jobs after they graduate.

But why our country lags so much behind the international top level of science and technology, in fact, is lagging behind in terms of biochemical and environmental materials.

Basically, it means that materials science is too far behind.

For example, machine tools, why the Japanese and German machine tools can be the best in the world.

In fact, it is the leader in materials science!

To put it bluntly, it is leading in metal smelting technology.

For example, their cutting tools can cut more than a thousand man-hours, and can guarantee no deformation and high precision.

However, the tools we produce, work for 100 hours, there will be problems such as deformation, reduced accuracy, and so on.

For example, Japan's carbon fiber, thermal insulation materials, and American DuPont's quick-drying fabrics, these materials are all indispensable to modern clothes, building materials, or various mechanical tools.

Because of the use of these materials, other people's machinery and equipment have the characteristics of long life, high precision, and good durability.

And we produce the same product, the life span is one-third of others, and the accuracy is ridiculously low.

The root of everything is the gap in materials.

As for materials, in fact, they mainly come from the disciplines of chemistry, smelting, biochemistry and so on.

However, there are not many companies in our country who are willing to work **** basic materials.

Because, like medical research, this material science is an industry with a long cycle, a large investment, and a very high risk.

If you win, maybe you will take the entire industry, but if you lose, you may have invested tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars in the early stage, and it will be lost in a few years.

Therefore, major domestic companies are more willing to find the next outlet and be a pig standing on the outlet.

I don't want to be down-to-earth, and be a down-to-earth scalper.

And now the emergence of the ninth laboratory can be said to have become a benchmark in this field.

The country has also seen the leading role of the Ninth Laboratory in this regard, so it has repeatedly provided them with various conveniences and supports.

Previously, I have repeatedly told many companies that we must be down-to-earth, engage in scientific research and innovation, so that the country can complete industrial upgrading.

But what about the following companies?

Most of them are violations of yang and yin, and they are joking and joking in their mouths, but very few are really willing to chew on hard bones.

Because everyone knows that real scientific research is a chore. The investment is large, the cycle is long, and there may not be results.

With that time and strength, it's better to build a few buildings to make a lot of money. How fragrant is that?

I have also seen this problem above, so I only used financial means to squeeze water and guide investment, but the results have been poor.

It was not until the appearance of the Ninth Laboratory that it was a relief to the above.

Look, it's not that we can't do it, we can also have a truly top international technology company!

And other companies are also seeing the Ninth Laboratory. After the country and even the world is crazy for gold, many of them are stunned.

It seems that doing scientific research is not a bad thing? 》

Although the investment is large and the cycle is long, once a good thing is really produced, what about the winner-takes-all industry?

Can you make money when you lie down?

Therefore, in recent years, many major domestic companies have begun to transform, set up their own laboratories, and start investing in real scientific research.

On the Bincheng side, there are many flexible people who have established various laboratories and data collection companies, specifically looking for the Ninth Laboratory to undertake their outsourcing work.

There are also many of the founders of these companies, who simply left the Ninth Lab.

They are well aware of the pain points of large companies like the Ninth Laboratory, so they have also worked **** the needs of the Ninth Laboratory.

And companies like them, although they can't like the Ninth Laboratory, frantically harvest the talents of the top domestic colleges and universities in the field of biochemistry and environmental materials.

However, they have absorbed many graduates from general colleges and universities in the field of biochemistry and environmental materials.

In this way, it provides a new way for domestic graduates in the field of biochemistry and environmental materials.

In the past, students who graduated from these majors rarely found good jobs in large companies because their academic qualifications were not strong enough after graduation.

So every year when graduating a small part of them go back to take the civil service examination.

Most of the rest will switch to other jobs, and most of them will do sales. In the end, everyone is gone.

And now these various large and small laboratories have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, and the studio provides them with a very good job opportunity.

Perhaps here, they did not earn as much as the ninth laboratory, or the laboratories of other large foreign companies and large state-owned pharmaceutical companies.

But here, they can at least find a professional counterpart to ensure that the theoretical knowledge they have learned in school can be put into practice.

So when the experience accumulates to a certain level, some outstanding people will stand out.

For example, some people may use their outstanding work results to switch jobs to a large company or the ninth laboratory.

Some people with flexible minds may add a sudden burst of inspiration based on the knowledge they have learned and then jump out to start a business.

In this way, the entire domestic circle of basic materials science can be revitalized.

Unlike before, many graduates of these majors directly give advice to new students and sisters, which is to persuade them to leave and change careers...

As a veteran scientific researcher, He Fangzhou is naturally aware of our scientific research shortcomings and pain points.

"The most lacking thing in China now is companies that are down-to-earth and work hard in the field of biochemical and environmental materials."

"The reason why I propose to let Mr. Xiao pay more attention to, those companies that undertake our outsourcing orders, in fact, the purpose is to cultivate many of these companies."

"As long as these companies can grow, we will have more help in the future..."


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