How can a small biochemical and environmental materials company grow up?

First of all, he must have a market to survive.

This point depends on the ninth laboratory, in this field, they have become a super invincible dad.

To put it bluntly, if they want, they can milk hundreds of small biochemical and environmental materials companies.

The start of these biochemical and environmental materials companies almost always starts with outsourcing them.

Just like Foxconn, it started by doing OEMs for Intel, and then later doing OEMs for Apple.

They used to be an assembly line assembly factory, but they worked hard and they had enough financial resources, so they began to research and dare some projects on their own.

For example, many people don't know that Foxconn is still a very famous computer motherboard manufacturer in the electronics market.

This computer motherboard can only be made with considerable technical content.

In addition, they are fed up with bringing Sharp now, and relying on the low price strategy, Sharp has begun to come back to life in the LCD screen market.

At present, the first thing that domestic small and medium-sized biochemical and environmental materials companies must face is to survive.

They only have a husband who survives, and then they have the opportunity to grow up to become Foxconn.

And their survival is naturally inseparable from the support of the Ninth Laboratory. To put it bluntly, they rely on the Ninth Laboratory for milk.

And such a company is not the same as Foxconn.

Foxconn is an assembly plant with assembly lines. What they need is a lot of labor, no brainy workers.

Just train enough workers who can sit on the assembly line.

And these outsourcing companies in the Ninth Lab recruited college students in biochemistry, environmental materials.

College students who can do experiments in the laboratory and master the most basic scientific knowledge of biochemistry and environmental materials.

Even if these college students are not graduates from prestigious schools, but as long as they are given the right environment and good opportunities, who can guarantee that there will be no sparks in their minds?

Maybe someone will complete the transformation from quantity to quality in a certain day, directly coming to a blockbuster.

And such a person, even one out of 10,000 people, is enough to support the domestic scientific research field of biochemical and environmental materials.

After all, we only have hundreds of thousands of graduates in this field every year.

As long as there are enough leaders in this field, there will be a steady stream of people investing in this industry and field in the future.

Just like the programmers of previous years, it is a hot job.

It is precisely because a large number of people in the front have tasted the benefits in this field, so that countless people in the back began to apply for this major and enter this field.

However, the consequences of a swarm will result in the end of involution.

Now many people have said that the number of programmers in China is only 5 million, but our current programmers are 10 million.

And every year, the number of new graduates is increasing by one million.

It can be seen that in the future, the programmer industry is destined to be sad.

Regardless of how programmers can earn a high salary of two to three million yuan, in a few years, when the market is severely overpowered, what price will those black-hearted capitalists offer you?

However, the most critical problem in the domestic software industry is not actually the internal volume caused by over-staffing.

But we have no innovation! ! !

The important thing is said three times, we have no innovation, no innovation, no innovation!

If you don’t believe me, you can take a look at our current domestic Meteor apps. Except Douyin and Manshou, these two entertainment short video softwares are the first of our own research.

For other various shopping platforms, spelling software, which idea is not borrowed from foreign countries?

In addition, the most critical foundation is that we have not developed our own software ecosystem.

To put it bluntly, it is all our software, from programming tools, to computer languages, to computing logic.

In fact, they are all rooted in the original theories of the Americans and originated from the C language developed by others.

So if we really want to make a breakthrough, then we really have to build our own ecosystem like Company H.

This is just the beginning, and the ultimate goal is that you can come up with a Chinese network that is compatible with Western networks.

If you really do this kind of development, then there can be a market that can accommodate more than 10 million programmers in China.

Even more than ten million is not necessarily enough, tens of millions can be accommodated...

The aspect of biochemical and environmental materials is completely different from the aspect of software development.

As long as it is a high-biochemical and environmental material company, it needs to do experiments.

As long as conditions permit, it can be an uninterrupted experiment 24 hours a day.

In this case, a large number of grass-roots scientific researchers are needed.

Major companies do not necessarily have very high entry requirements for these researchers, as long as they have a formal university degree, as long as they can understand the basic knowledge of experiments.

Their first job is to complete the experiment in accordance with the steps designed by the experiment designer and record various data at the same time.

And it is such a simple job that can accommodate hundreds of millions of young graduates.

After a period of growth, there will definitely be a few of these graduates who have become talented.

As long as such talents can continue to emerge, then Xiao Feng and the others will have achieved their goal.

Some people continue to make breakthroughs in the field of biochemical and environmental materials and start their own businesses. Although some of them will be eliminated in the big wave, but if they grow up, even if they will not become towering trees in the future, they will bring earth-shaking changes to many industries in our country.

"So, the first thing we need to do now is to let these outsourcing companies survive."

"In other words, we can cultivate more outsourcing companies, which can also greatly reduce our operating costs..."

He Xiaojun agrees very much with He Fangzhou's statement.

The company recruits top talents, but the cost of using these top talents is also very high.

Salaries and benefits, plus they have to do various experiments.

If they are allowed to rotate around the clock for a long period of time, the overtime pay alone will greatly increase the company's operating expenses.

Not to mention that you have to guarantee their logistics. Food and drink are also a big expense.

But if some unnecessary trivial work is outsourced, it will not only feed a large number of outsourcing companies outside, but also reduce the company's operating costs.

At the same time, let these senior researchers focus more on their experience and focus on the core technical fields. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?

Therefore, from the manager's point of view, He Xiaojun is very in favor of outsourcing part of the basic experimental work.

"At the same time, we must also select those with high ambitions and good foundations from these outsourcing companies, and carry out key training."

"If they do have some ideas and want to make innovative breakthroughs in certain fields, we can also provide financial and technical support."

"Once such a company grows up, it will also become a big help for us..."

I have to say that He Fangzhou's proposal is very good.

It can be regarded as an opening for He Xiaojun. In the past, he did not pay much attention to outsourcing work.

I just think that outsourcing part of the non-core business can greatly reduce the company's operating costs.

But now hearing what He Fangzhou said, he suddenly realized the importance of outsourcing.

In the past, he felt that by outsourcing a lot of work to a company, and then letting the company recruit more people and implement three shifts, he could complete uninterrupted experiments and data collection.

But now it seems that it is better to divide these tasks into three and then subcontract them to different outsourcing companies.

In this way, more outsourcing companies can be supported, and then from these outsourcing companies, we can select the objects suitable for the key training.

After all, if all these outsourcing work were subcontracted to a company, then the company would be too full.

In this way, he will lose his sense of crisis and feel that he can make a lot of money by just undertaking the outsourcing of the Ninth Laboratory, so what kind of research and development is he doing?

There is no motivation to make progress.

However, if the original project package is directly divided into three parts, subcontracted to three different companies.

Although the connection may be a little troublesome, in the face of the powerful Ninth Laboratory, these are nothing.

When the three companies are not full enough to eat, the three companies will have a serious sense of crisis.

Smart bosses will try their best to save themselves, and will rely on the company's existing foundation to find ways to engage in R&D and innovation.

As long as their ideas are good enough, the Quanye Fund can give them financial support.

Even if it fails, it's just a matter of tossing about it. The Ninth Laboratory will not die, and will give them more subcontracting projects to ensure that they survive.

In this way, presumably those companies will also be willing to let go. Anyway, the Ninth Laboratory will help them find the way!

With such a good Chinese dad like the Ninth Laboratory, they can confidently and boldly innovate.

If one or two of them can develop one or two important new materials, it would be a lucrative business for them.

As for the other veteran pharmaceutical companies and research institutes in China, if you see that the laboratories and scientific research companies of these grass-roots teams have made breakthroughs, they will be ashamed and courageous, right?

At that time, there may be a virtuous circle in the field of biochemical and environmental materials in China.

This is what Xiao Feng most hopes to see.

"Well, this idea is totally possible!"

"Anyway, all the capital money is used, and their money need not be used in vain. Instead of letting them take the capital market to cut leeks, disrupt the domestic financial order."

"It's better to let us guide and invest their money in the right place..."


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