My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1379: Come as you say

Speaking of these domestic capital, it really is...

Xiao Feng didn't know how to describe it either.

Venture capital, private equity, trust, etc., various financial terms, seem to have suddenly appeared in the domestic financial market in the last ten years.

If ten years ago, ordinary people had heard about the financial sector the most, that is, banks, stock markets, and funds.

However, in the past decade or so, the country has gradually opened up the financial market.

A large amount of international hot money began to quietly enter the domestic financial market in various ways.

At the beginning, in the early 2000s, their pace of entering the domestic market was still very clumsy, with an obvious taste of temptation.

The most typical case is that the Tangchen Yipin, a luxury mansion by the Modupu River, was priced at 130,000 yuan when it went public, which caused an uproar in the country.

You know that was the age of one or two thousand per capita monthly wages. A mansion of 130,000 square meters is simply unimaginable in the eyes of ordinary people.

What is even more unimaginable is that such an expensive mansion was quickly swept away.

Later, people learned that the people who bought these luxury homes were wealthy businessmen from Southeast Asia.

In fact, it now appears that those investors are just the vanguard of foreign capital.

And how is it now? The mansion that was 130,000 square meters back then has now risen to 400,000 square meters. No matter how you look at it, they have earned it.

After that, the domestic Internet field began to flourish, from the earliest BAT Big Three to the current era of Big Two.

From then on, Hongshan and Chenxing began to form and surface.

These venture capitalists seem to be domestic companies, but in fact, almost all of them are backed by overseas capital.

Later, foreign capital even went straight into battle, such as DCM, IDG and so on.

These companies have also made a lot of money by relying on the big wave of the Internet in the past few years.

Of course, there are a lot more ruthless is, quietly lurking in the stock market to make waves, crazy cutting leeks.

In fact, these capitals are not unaware of the benefits of investing in industry.

As long as you bet on the right treasure, your current investment may be returned to you ten or even a hundred times in the future.

The problem is that these capitals are fanatical and short-sighted.

And for areas they are not familiar with, they dare not enter easily, after all, no one is a god.

If you want to make a steady profit without losing money, no one can guarantee.

But now that there is such a leader as the Ninth Laboratory, it is different.

Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun were very trustworthy of the vision of the experts on their review committee.

But if it is the companies and technologies that they value, it will definitely explode in the future.

So they don't mind when they arrive, and lead those capitals to play in the domestic real industry.

After all, many physical industries in China are very short of money.

It can even be said that life is difficult.

Therefore, what the Ninth Lab will do this time is a bridge between them, so that funds can be well connected with the entity enterprises.

This is of great benefit to both of them.

At the same time, it can also be reduced. Those capitals are running around in the domestic financial market, affecting the normal domestic financial order.

"By the way, speaking of good projects, I actually have one in my hands now, I don't know if you are not interested in Mr. Xiao."

Everyone has just finished discussing how to make the Quanye Fund bigger and stronger, and how to lead those outsourcing companies to make breakthroughs in the field of biochemical and environmental materials.

Suddenly, a good project popped out of Guan Zhenhai's mouth, and everyone was really taken aback.

Xiao Feng also knows Guan Zhenhai. This guy doesn't look at the usual joking, but at the critical moment, he is not a person who only talks.

He said that a good project is naturally a really good project.

So he said: "Hey, you guys really come here, then you might as well talk and listen."

At this time, He Xiaojun and He Fangzhou also pricked their ears, and they were all interested in the project that Guan Zhenhai was talking about.

"Hey, in fact, the project I am talking about today really has nothing to do with the mainstream business of our Ninth Laboratory and Sunshine Hospital, because this project involves the mechanical field."

Xiao Feng laughed after hearing this: "You are a hospital, why do you think of setting foot in the mechanical field?"

"Hey, it's not me doing it, but one of my old classmates."

"That's it..."

After moving the headquarters from the Ninth Laboratory to Daxing Island, they used to be the tall tower on the right side of the Twin Towers, and the 30-storey office above was abandoned.

When Xiao Feng bought the Petronas Twin Towers, the upper part of the tower on the left was used as the headquarters of the celebrity chef group, and the lower part was used as the hotel.

On the right side of the tower, the top was the headquarters of the Ninth Laboratory, and the bottom was given a few floors for Sunshine Hospital.

Two buildings, each with 68 floors.

To be honest, there were still many floors that were vacant.

However, due to technical safety considerations, Xiao Feng did not rent out the vacant floors of the building. He could afford it anyway.

Then the tower on the left, with the continuous expansion of the celebrity chef group, plus the hotel business is getting better and better, the two sides continue to expand.

The 68-story building was gradually filled.

The building on the right hand side, after the Ninth Laboratory was moved away, was empty for dozens of floors. Fortunately, the business of Sunshine Hospital had already started at this time.

And as the number of departments continues to increase, the floor space they require is also increasing.

More and more floors were requisitioned by Sunshine Hospital.

At present, the 68-storey building has been occupied by them with 30 floors. Recently, Guan Zhenhai has the intention of continuing to expand a few floors.

In the process of continuous expansion of Sunshine Hospital, Guan Zhenhai discovered a problem.

That's the problem of using the elevator in the building!

Because the flow of people in the hospital is very large, and there are patients coming in and out every day, the elevators are used very frequently, and it can even be said that they operate at full capacity 24 hours a day.

Even at night, it is often used non-stop.

As a result, the elevators in the building began to be overwhelmed.

Originally, these elevators only needed to be maintained once a year in accordance with the normal maintenance rules.

But now because of excessive use, maintenance is required almost every six months, and even recently, it has reached the point of maintenance every three months.

This situation makes the logistics of the hospital miserable.

Because the maintenance was not timely, the elevator failed during the day when they went to work in the hospital, which caused personnel to be trapped.

This also caused a lot of complaints to the hospital. The section chief who managed the logistics was also called to severely criticized by Guan Zhenhai.

It is no longer a day or two days for people to be trapped because of the fault. If it is usually a common patient, it is better to talk to the doctor.

But if the critical moment is to wait for the emergency patient, he gets stuck in the car.

Or maybe the doctor who was preparing to go to a certain floor and launching the first aid was stuck in the car.

What can I do if the patient missed the best treatment time?

Life is a matter of life. If someone takes advantage of the problem, wouldn't the golden signboard of Sunshine Hospital be discredited?

But the chief of the logistics department had no choice but to have a lot of bitterness with Guan Zhenhai.

Now there are tens of thousands of patients who come in and out of hospitals every day to seek medical consultations, and patients who come to consult medical and aesthetic surgery.

These people go in and out of every floor almost day and night from morning to night.

There are a total of six elevators in the building, and the hospital has high floors, and many departments are very scattered.

This is very unfavorable to the healthy use of the elevator, and now almost every time you get on and off the elevator you have to queue up.

Moreover, such overloaded operation greatly reduces the service life of the elevator.

At this time, Guan Zhenhai also realized why large foreign hospitals don't like to work in high-rise buildings.

He also thought that the twin towers had a superior geographical location and a beautiful environment, with a square outside and the sea in the distance.

Such a good environment is also very conducive to the rehabilitation of patients.

Now it seems that I was still sloppy. It turned out that convenience should be the first issue that the hospital should consider.

So he agreed very smoothly ~ to build the second branch of the Sunshine Hospital Headquarters in the Sports New City area.

However, the main problem facing the twin towers is that the elevators in the building are very unusable, and they often fail.

Even he has instructed the personnel of the logistics department to contact the personnel of the elevator company every other week, and at night when there are few people, they will come to regularly maintain and maintain the elevator.

Only in this way can the normal operation of the elevator be guaranteed.

According to the feedback from the elevator company, many parts of this elevator have accelerated aging due to long-term overload use.

No matter how they maintain it, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no problems during use.

In this way, this problem became Guan Zhenhai's heart disease. He was worried every day for fear of something wrong with the elevator.

At present, the most effective solution is to change the elevator.

To be honest, when the Twin Towers were being built, the contractor, in order to save on contracting, purchased the elevators that were not a very good brand.

It is a domestic joint venture brand, if the building is used as an ordinary office building, it can be used for more than ten or twenty years.

But if it is used as a hospital with a particularly large flow of personnel, it will definitely not be enough.

But now Sunshine Hospital, the daily flow of people is extremely large, if the elevator is replaced at this time, it will inevitably affect the normal operation of the hospital.

Maybe it will irritate the family members of some patients.

After all, waiting for half an hour, and still can't get on the elevator, there are certainly many people who can't help but feel emotional.

That is to say, when he was having a headache for this problem, Guan Zhenhai met an old classmate of his...


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