His classmate is his high school classmate. After the college entrance examination that year, he was admitted to the medical school.

As for his classmate, he passed the mechanical engineering major of Harbin Institute of Technology, which was very popular in their time.

Later, after the old man graduated, he worked in a central enterprise for a period of time.

Later, I went to work in the South again, working in Magic City and Yangcheng.

And his main business is the elevator.

The company he first worked for was Mitsubishi Elevator, which Moto cooperated in Japan, and then went to Yangcheng, where he went to Otis, which cooperated with local and foreign companies. Both of them are elevator industries.

Therefore, we can say that we have a good understanding of this industry.

Later, because of the outbreak of the domestic real estate boom, his very mindful classmate simply went out and did it on his own.

At the beginning, I acted as an agent for several elevator manufacturers and recommended their own elevators to real estate companies across the country.

Then I quickly accumulated my first pot of gold, and then I started to invest in some real estate projects, and then went to buy some real estate projects myself.

He soon became a small worthy billionaire, but his classmate is also very discerning.

As early as a few years ago, I realized that the real estate market might be changing, and many small and medium-sized real estate developers might not be able to afford it.

So I chose to quit early, and after more than ten years of fluttering, I also saved hundreds of millions of dollars.

According to common sense, he has already achieved financial freedom, and he can choose to retire early and enjoy life.

But Guan Zhenhai said that his old classmate just couldn't stay at home.

In addition, I always liked to tinker with machinery in the early years. After I quit the real estate industry, I kept wondering what I was doing.

But after choosing to choose, no suitable investment direction was chosen.

He doesn't know much about investing in e-commerce, and now that e-commerce competition is so fierce, it is a bit unwise to enter.

He didn't know much about going to other industries, so he finally chose his own line of business and chose to re-enter the elevator industry.

But this time, his friend is not planning to act for someone else’s elevator, but to develop and build the elevator himself.

"Well, in our country, the real estate industry has been so developed and prosperous in recent years, don't we have our own elevator in China?"

When Guan Zhenhai talked about his friend, he planned to make a major breakthrough in the field of domestic elevators.

And it seems that he has to devote himself to it.

Xiao Feng, He Xiaojun, He Fangzhou and the others were all stunned.

They haven't paid much attention to this field before, and they really don't know much about the domestic elevator industry.

At this time, Guan Zhenhai couldn't help but smile wryly when he heard the questions from several big guys.

"Hey! I didn't know before, but after I got on the line with my old friend, I learned that our domestic elevator industry is so much worse than others!"

Hearing what he said, Xiao Feng and the others couldn't help but become more curious, especially Xiao Feng, he really didn't know that he had so many talks about the elevators he took almost every day.

"Oh? How bad is it? Come and listen."

The smile on Guan Zhenhai's face at this time can be said to be very bitter, he glanced at Xiao Feng. Then said.

"Mr. Xiao, you may not believe it. The gap between our domestic elevators and foreign elevators is even worse than that of automobiles and chips."

"For example, for automobiles, many of our domestic brands can produce their own engines and transmissions. The level may be only one level worse than those of the major international manufacturers."

"Speaking of chips, although we are about five generations behind the world's top-tier chips, we can produce them somehow."

"But when it comes to elevators, hehe, the gap between us and foreign countries is 100%. There is almost no one in China that has assets!"




When Guan Zhenhai said so, the other three big men present were all dumbfounded.

Earlier, they heard what Guan Zhenhai said was so evil. They thought that our domestic elevators and foreign brands are only inferior in quality.

But now that Guan Zhenhai said so, they knew that our elevators were actually so much worse than others abroad.

One hundred percent!

This is unimaginable, especially in China, which is known as the entire industrial chain.

This is incredible, right?

"Hey, how do you say this? Don't look at the elevators installed in the building, it looks like a very inconspicuous device."

"But in fact, the technical content of this thing is quite high."

"The previous elevator was purely mechanical. To put it bluntly, it relied on the control panel, and then added the car, counterweight, and gear reducer."

"The working principle is very simple, that is, after a person enters the elevator, press the floor. Then the computer program in the chip behind the control panel will assign instructions to the counterweight box according to the floor and the weight of the person entering the elevator, and then the counterweight is allocated. When finished, pull the elevator up."

"When the floor is about to stop, there will be a gear reducer to stop and decelerate..."

"The process seems very simple, but the internal program settings are actually very complicated. Moreover, this kind of equipment has very high requirements for the steel cable towing the car. It must use steel cables made of special steel."

"A steel cable made of ordinary steel, after a certain amount of repeated use, will experience serious wear and corrosion."

"So the elevators in the early years actually had very high requirements for materials..."

Guan Zhenhai began to explain the common sense of elevator to everyone.

Of course, this is also to recommend his friend to these big brothers, so he works so hard.

And his knowledge about elevators was also explained to him by his old classmate after many contacts with his old classmate.

Otherwise, how could he know so much if he was the one with a scalpel.

But the three big guys on the opposite side didn't hate his popular science.

Because of the different majors, everyone didn't understand this knowledge before, but now after listening to Guan Zhenhai's popular science for everyone.

Everyone knows that there is so much high-tech on a seemingly inconspicuous elevator.

At this time, Xiao Feng also thought of his friend, Wan Gongzi's father.

It is said that this big man, when the domestic real estate industry is in full swing, has already begun to plan ahead and intends to change his career.

Because as a business tycoon, his forward-looking vision is naturally unmatched.

As the saying goes, when everyone else is caring, you have to know fear.

At that time, this big man had already realized that the sky is not good for a hundred days, and there is no reason for flowers to be red.

Although the current domestic real estate market is so hot, the real estate economy is not sustainable for such a long time.

Sooner or later he will end, when he quit.

At that time, the big man was already thinking about something else.

When choosing a new investment industry at that time, the big man chose to invest in elevators.

Because he is in the real estate industry, he naturally knows how bad our country is in the elevator field.

It can be said that domestic elevators, from escalators to box elevators, almost all need to be imported.

In his view, this is a big market, and you must know that there are so many high-level people in the country every year.

How many elevators do you need?

And so many elevators, future maintenance, and replacement of parts are all money.

Therefore, making elevators is an industry that is very worthy of long-term investment and management.

So this big guy planned to enter the elevator industry.

It's a pity that the research team he sent only went to investigate this industry for a while, and then was dissuaded.

Because the research report given to him by this research team shows that with the current domestic technology, he wants to make a breakthrough in the elevator field.

That is almost impossible!

Because of the technological gap between our domestic elevator industry and foreign companies, it is almost as far as the earth to the moon.

Although this is a bit exaggerated, it is enough to show how big the technological gap between us and foreign countries in the elevator field is.

And that big man did not make up his mind.

Because investment in the elevator industry is destined to be an industry with large investment, long cycle, and not necessarily results.

Therefore, as a business leader who prefers to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, he chose to give up.

Of course, this is also ~www.ltnovel.com~ when he was chatting with Mr. Wan before, Mr. Wan talked to him.

Without mentioning it, when his father gave up the industry, Wan Gongzi just shook his head for a while, feeling a pity for it.

Because it was a pity that this opportunity was missed back then, if his father could really seize the opportunity.

If his father was really willing to spend money on this project, he would really be able to make a breakthrough in this field.

So their family to this day, even if it can't become another H company.

At the very least, it is another company like Gree and Haier.

Because his father never thought that later in the domestic real estate industry, he would be so crazy.

Because according to their real estate company, their own statistics.

Between 2008 and 2018, the most glorious decade in the real estate industry.

The average amount of domestic elevator imports from abroad is about 200 million US dollars each year.

In the most glorious 12-16 years, the average annual import of elevators from abroad, worth about 300 million U.S. dollars.

In other years, the average import share was around US$150 million.

Even in the worst years, the average annual import of elevators from abroad is about 100 million US dollars...

Maybe many people hear this amount of money, and they will say what is the money?

If their real estate developers open a market at random, don't they have to make billions?

Hehe, then you are too naive.

Even if it is a large company like Yida, what is his net profit after one year's time you look at his report?

It's only a few hundred million. Although there is definitely a tax avoidance hedge, in fact, his real net profit scale is not too much.


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