For a company like Yida, its annual profit can easily start at hundreds of billions of dollars.

This profit scale looks really scary. Looking at his size and trillions of market value, this looks even more scary.

But these are not the most critical, the most critical is that you have to look at his net profit.

Whenever you see the net profit attributable to shareholders on the corporate statement, everyone will feel how is this possible?

How can a large-scale enterprise with trillions of assets and hundreds of billions of annual profits only have such a small net profit in the end?

For example, the company's net profit in 18 years did not exceed one billion!

Does this look pretty scary?

In fact, if you analyze it carefully, this is normal, because the company has a large plate and scale, and the operating costs are naturally scary.

In addition, they still have countless loans from the bank, which leads to their scary capital costs.

As long as you look at the report, you can find that their annual personnel expenses, as well as the interest returned to the bank, are astronomical figures.

So in the end, their net profit will naturally be pitiful.

Of course, whether there are tricks or not, those without accounting skills will naturally be confused, and even if you have professional financial knowledge, I am afraid it will be equally confused.

After all, the finance department of such a large group is full of talented people, so naturally it is not vegetarian.

But having said so much, I just want to make it clear that, in fact, his annual net profit is actually not high for a large enterprise with assets of trillions.

On the other hand, those companies that operate elevators, regardless of their annual imports, are only more than two billion US dollars, but in fact, their net profit can be as high as 90%.

To put it bluntly, for those foreign companies that have mastered core technology, the cost of manufacturing these elevators is actually not much money.

But as long as it is imported into the country, the price can be increased tenfold immediately.

At this time, Guan Zhenhai on the other side was still talking, and at this time Xiao Feng also recovered from the distraction just now.

Before this, it was also some introduction of Guan Zhenhai to the elevator industry. It reminded him of the time when he and Mr. Wan had eaten together and chatted with him before.

Mr. Wan told him about some classic investments that his family has missed over the years.

In fact, it was Young Master Wan who poured bitterness on him and sold him miserably.

At that time, Wan Gongzi’s family was indeed a bit difficult. It had been struggling in the traditional real estate industry, and the competition was getting fiercer.

And their family is always looking for a new breakthrough direction, but after several trials, they feel that there is no good direction.

And Young Master Wan had more contact with Xiao Feng, and realized that this guy is a very thoughtful and creative person.

So I always hope that Xiao Feng can give him a hand.

So during that time, he played the emotional card with Xiao Feng a lot.

So during that time, in order to draw the feelings between each other, he Wan Gongzi often mingled with Xiao Feng.

I often invite him to dinner every three to five, and at the table at every turn, I will tell him some interesting things about the rich circle, or just introduce how their family came here step by step.

How difficult is it now...

Anyway, it was both close to feelings and selling miserably at any time. Fortunately, Xiao Feng stretched out his hand afterwards.

So now, Lord Wan, he is standing up again.

The Penglai Pavilion APP he currently runs is now the hottest software in the country, although it has not yet been officially launched.

But it is already the goal that all capitals at home and abroad are chasing frantically.

Now only after the A round of financing, the valuation of this software has exceeded 100 billion.

If this is melted in so many rounds, it is estimated that it is possible to break the trillions.

Obviously everyone knows how powerful the Huaguo pharmaceutical market is.

As long as Mr. Wan does it well and his No. 1 app in the pharmaceutical sector surpasses the No. 1 financial giant that is about to go public recently, that's all possible.

2.1 trillion may seem scary, but after all, it is a financial group.

For Penglai Pavilion's APP that directly connects doctors and patients, and cancels the hospital's prescribing link, it is nothing at all.

Now Penglai Pavilion’s users have exceeded 300 million and went straight to 400 million...

"... And until the 1980s or so, the elevator industry carried out another update iteration."

"The permanent magnet synchronous elevator that entered the market this time was also due to the advancement of material science. People found that a permanent magnet motor was placed on the elevator shaft as the elevator drive system, which was far greater than the ancient mechanical counterweight. The elevator is much more convenient."

"So within a few years, this permanent magnet synchronous elevator began to become popular."

"Almost all of our high-rise buildings now use permanent magnet synchronous elevators."

"This elevator has several advantages, one is that it is fast, the other is that it has a low sound, and the third is that it consumes very little energy and occupies a very small area."

"Because it no longer needs a counterweight box like a traditional mechanical elevator, so its floor space is much smaller than that of a traditional mechanical elevator."

"Because of the characteristics of the permanent magnet motor, it occupies a very small area and has a large power. Unlike traditional elevators, which require a turbine and a worm, it occupies a large area and is bulky."

"So this kind of permanent magnet synchronous elevator, once it came out, it was widely welcomed by all kinds of businesses. And it quickly gained popularity..."

"At present, there are eight mainstream world-famous elevator manufacturers on the market."

"These eight are also mainly divided into Japanese and European and American departments."

"Among them, Japanese are Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Hitachi, Fujitec, and European and American ones, Otis, Thyssen, Schindler and KONE."

"And these elevator companies occupy more than 80% of the elevator market share worldwide."

"I'm Cao!"


Hearing this data, He Xiaojun and He Fangzhou who were sitting couldn't help but breathe in air.

Nima, this monopoly share is too terrible, right? Eight factories have carved up almost the world's elevator market!

Thinking about it, the products of their ninth laboratory, no matter how good their health products are, even if their cosmetics are in fidelity.

I can't say that it accounts for 80% of the world's market share!

In fact, they have not even managed to occupy 8% of the world's market share!

But take a look at these other companies, together they occupy 80% of the world's market share, this Nima...

No wonder Guan Zhenhai said before that the gap between our elevator technology and foreign countries is almost 100%.

Now it seems that it is really so much worse!

On the contrary, it was Xiao Feng, because he suddenly remembered the conversation between him and Mr. Wan about the elevator industry, so he didn't feel too surprised.

Think about it, too, the old man of Wan Gongzi was so rich and powerful, but after understanding the depth of the elevator industry, he retreated.

From this we can see how big the technological gap between us and others is.

"What about our domestic market?"

As a manager with a very strong patriotic feeling, He Xiaojun couldn't help but ask.

Unexpectedly, Guan Zhenhai shook his head with a wry smile.

"Our domestic elevator market is basically monopolized by these eight companies, and they occupy more than 80% of our domestic market."

"Some high-end buildings, such as landmark buildings in every city, buildings that are several hundred meters high, use almost all imported elevators."

"The other thing is that the high-end residences in every city, those high-end flat floors, are also imported from their elevators. Even our twin towers are all Mitsubishi elevators."

"As for the elevators used in other ordinary residences, they are basically joint ventures between them and domestic companies."

"For example, Otis in Yangcheng, Mitsubishi in Magic Capital, or Thyssen in Golden Collar, etc."

"It's just a joint venture product, but it's actually assembled in China. The key parts and components are still produced abroad, and they won't be brought to China at all."

He Xiaojun really felt very frustrated when he heard Guan Zhenhai say that. With such a large domestic market, hasn't even a domestic elevator company even been there yet?

"Well, Mr. He, I know what you are thinking..."

Guan Zhenhai's so fine Seeing He Xiaojun's expression, he knew what He Xiaojun was upset, and quickly explained to him.

"We also have some elevator factories in China. For example, there are some local elevator companies in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Dongshan, such as Giant."

"But to be honest, the technical strength of these companies is very average. They can only produce some ordinary escalators, but it's about the same, but they often have trouble.

"As for some of the box elevators they produce, it's really hard to describe!"

"In the early years, some small and medium-sized real estate developers used their products in order to save costs."

"But then I found out that their elevators often had problems of this or that kind. If you call them, they have a good attitude."

"I will send someone to fix it for you, but you can't fix it..."

"Moreover, these are some of the key parts of their elevators, all of which are purchased from abroad..."


After hearing what Guan Zhenhai said, He Xiaojun couldn't help but explode.

Their ninth laboratory is now the top high-tech enterprise in China, so even if he meets a foreigner, he will hold his head high.

But those foreigners, when they saw him, they nodded and bowed.

So he is used to it. He originally thought that, as a major manufacturing country, we should have everything we have in China.

Even if it is not comparable to the top international standards, it should definitely be enough.

But he did not expect that in the elevator field, there is such a big gap between us and foreign countries.

The domestically-produced products actually slacken the straps as soon as they come up, let alone second-rate. Listening to Guan Zhenhai's words, compared with other products, ours is simply not popular!


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