"Hey, I really don't accept it. Laoguan looks like you know the elevator industry very well!"

"Come on, you can tell us again, how is our domestic elevator industry worse than others abroad?"

He Xiaojun was rather unconvinced.

Since the ninth laboratory became famous, he has become the number one in the domestic business community, and he often attends various business forums and expositions.

They are all high-level business leaders in various fields. Although everyone does not have a boundary in the industry, they often eat together, chat and beat up.

And every time we chat, everyone will more or less mention the current situation of their own industry.

And he heard almost all kinds of good news from those big guys.

For example, we have made a breakthrough in a certain field, or we have scrapped the original foreign overlord in a certain field.

So he really didn't expect that we are so much behind foreign countries in an inconspicuous elevator field, and it is really 100% so scary.

So the more he thought about it, the more he felt unconvinced.

At this time, Guan Zhenhai smiled and said.

"Boss, I think everyone is also very interested in this project. As for me, in fact, I only learned about this field from my old classmates."

"My old classmate also contacted us because the elevators at our hospital headquarters often had problems and needed maintenance."

"His main project now is to act as an agent for the sales and after-sales maintenance of some foreign brands of elevators, and he is also developing elevators by himself."

"The reason why I mentioned my friend this time with all the bosses here is also because we talked about the Quanye Fund. I remembered my friend’s project. I think his project is very worth investing in. Speaking of it."

"As for the bosses, if you want to learn more about the elevator industry, then I don't think so. I save a bureau and let's have dinner together. I also call my old classmates, and we all eat and talk together."

"If you have any questions you don't understand, you might as well ask him directly. After all, he is more professional in this area, and he knows a lot better than me."

"I'm afraid I am half a bucket of water. If I explain it to you, everyone is not satisfied..."

What Guan Zhenhai said, everyone thinks it is really okay.

Anyway, there is nothing wrong with today, and the main purpose of the persuasion fund is to encourage people to pay more attention to industry.

It's more real than going to the finances in a swarm, or doing webcasts to bring goods.

As for the elevator project that Guan Zhenhai introduced, to be honest, He Xiaojun and He Fangzhou were not very interested when they first heard it.

After all, this belongs to the category of mechanical manufacturing, which is not related to the biochemical field where they are located.

But now after listening to Guan Zhenhai's rough description, they became interested.

It turns out that we are so far behind foreigners in this field. From this point of view, this field seems to be really promising!

Neither of them are fools. Knowing that in this elevator field, the gap between us and foreign countries is not terrible.

If we can catch up, how big is the domestic market?

What about foreign markets?

According to the urination of our domestic businessmen, if these international giants can be defeated in China, then it is time to enter the international market.

When the time comes, the pattern of the eight companies monopolizing the international market will all be broken.

Once our Huaguo meat grinder enters the market, hehe, at least half of it can be torn off from the international market...

So everyone nodded in agreement, and Guan Zhenhai happily went out to call when he saw that everyone was saving face.

As soon as his friend heard that it was a few big men in Bencheng who were interested in his project, he was immediately excited.

Not only excited, but also a little nervous.

Therefore, Guan Zhenhai didn't ask Guan Zhenhai to invite this meal, but his friend did it.

However, it was not arranged elsewhere. Instead, a large package was ordered in the restaurant of the Pennivera Peninsula Hotel.

The current Penny Vera Peninsula Hotel, relying on the support of celebrity chefs and Sunshine Hospital for a few days, has now become a famous five-star hotel in Ben Thanh.

Although the floor is not like Hilton, or Kabinski, it is a building.

But Sheng is in a good location, and life is very convenient, there is everything to eat and play around.

Coupled with the support of the celebrity chef group, this hotel's catering is also very unique.

Because some of the seasonings produced by the celebrity chef group are supplied to their family, the food at their hotel is definitely second to none in the hotel circle of Ben Thanh.

It is also because their tastes are very unique, so although the building of this hotel is not as elegant as other high-end hotels, it is still the first choice for many diners.

Guan Zhenhai, Li Xizhou knows that this hotel is a subsidiary of the celebrity chef group.

Therefore, it also means to borrow flowers to offer Buddha, so I specially booked a VIP room here.

For dinner, there were only Xiao Feng, He Xiaojun, He Fangzhou, and Guan Zhenhai, plus this few people like Li Xizhou.

When Li Xizhou saw Xiao Feng and the three of them, his brains were all dead.

Even if he is older than Xiao Feng and the others, but when it comes to the status of the rivers and lakes, then he is much worse than Xiao Feng and the others.

Among these people, He Xiaojun is now the most famous. After all, the Ninth Laboratory is now the leading high-tech enterprise in China.

The name of this company will appear on CCTV news almost every other time, and it is also the company that young people like to talk about most in China.

Their various products are closely related to the lives of ordinary people, so they are very popular among the people.

Then the second most famous is He Fangzhou!

This is a great **** in China's science and technology circles, who is likely to win the Nobel Prize at any time!

Some time ago, because he was not nominated for the Nobel Prize this year, it caused an uproar both domestically and internationally.

Even internationally, doubts about the fairness of award selection have been aroused, and the dean of the Royal Academy of Sciences hurriedly came out to explain.

After some explanation, the international scientific community has basically determined that He Fangzhou's Nobel Prize will not run away next year.

This Nima is incredible!

We must know that since the founding of our country, only two people have won the Nobel Prize.

One is the literary prize winner, and the other is Mr. Tu who invented artemisinin.

But the influence of these two people, to be honest, is definitely not as great as He Fangzhou.

Because the new organ transplantation technology he invented is really amazing, it can be said that it has directly promoted human shell surgery by an era.

So this guy is destined to be written into the history textbook!

Therefore, in the past six months or so, he has been frequently exposed in major news media at home and abroad.

So Li Xizhou naturally recognized him.

As for Xiao Feng, his reputation is much lower than that of He Xiaojun and He Fangzhou.

Although the celebrity chef group is now a big and well-known large enterprise in China.

But who made him the chairman of the board to be too low-key!

It can be said that there are very few news media in China that can interview him.

All applications for interviews will be rejected at the President's Office of the Celebrity Chef Group, and he has never attended any domestic business forums or programs.

Many domestic business leaders have heard of his name, but they have never seen him.

Because of his very low exposure rate, his popularity is not high, so in Li Xizhou's view, his status in the arena should not be that of Xiaojun and He Fangzhou.

But as an old business man, he noticed something was wrong not long after today's dinner started.

Because this Xiao Feng is the youngest among the few people, and in his opinion is the least famous, but in fact this little brother is the best.

Because although he rarely speaks, He Xiaojun and President He, as well as Doctor He Fangzhou and Doctor, often look at President Xiao when he speaks.

It seemed that every time he said something, he had to look at his attitude first, for fear that that sentence would be wrong, and it would annoy this manager Xiao.

At this time, Li Xizhou can also see it~www.ltnovel.com~ It turns out that among these three people, Xiao Feng is the real backbone!

At this time, Xiao Feng also took a bite of the fish, then put down his chopsticks and asked Li Xizhou his thoughts.

"Mr. Li, I heard Lao Guan introduced you before. Knowing that you are now doing research and development of our domestic elevators. Several of us are very interested in your project, so we have today's bureau.

"But we don't know much about the elevator industry, so I asked, where is the technological gap between us and the major international giants?"

Before coming, Guan Zhenhai had already greeted him, as long as he performed well today, he would be able to get financing.

So before Li Xizhou came, he had made perfect preparations and even memorized a lot of information.

And he has been in this industry for decades, so he knows elevators very well.

When Xiao Feng asked at this time, he was able to answer with his mouth open.

"In fact, the gap between us and foreign countries is mainly concentrated on three core components. One is the traction machine, the other is the control cabinet and the inverter, and the other is the door machine."

"In these three aspects, we can say that there is an all-round gap between us and foreign countries!"

Xiao Feng nodded: "Then can you tell us in detail."

"Okay, I will show my ugliness!"

Li Xizhou is not polite, it seems that several big guys are really interested in this field!

"First of all, let's talk about the traction machine, which is actually a permanent magnet motor. Our permanent magnet motor has a big gap with foreign countries in terms of basic materials."

"For example, the loss of magnetization of the permanent magnet materials used in the motor, the life of foreign traction machines for more than ten years is not a problem, but ours will not become a problem after two or three years..."


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