My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1385: Rise to the challenge

Latest website: Especially when two elevators cooperate with each other, or three or even four, five or six elevators cooperate.

How do you meet the different needs of different floors and different people.

At this time, you need your elevator and have a very powerful control system.

In the past, because elevators started from Europe and the United States, they first accumulated considerable experience in elevator use.

When entering the permanent magnet synchronous elevator, it can be said that the elevator industry ushered in a revolution.

And this time the Japanese happened to catch up with this good time.

The key point is that the electronics industry in Japan was still very developed at the time, so they did exceptionally well in terms of electronic control systems.

In this regard, you may wish to take a look at the landmark buildings in major cities in China that are often hundreds of meters high.

It can be said that most of the elevators used in these buildings are Mitsubishi high-speed elevators.

Because in this regard, they are indeed the best, speed, accuracy, stability, safety, and other aspects are integrated.

The Japanese elevator is indeed what we need to look up to now.

And if you want to catch up in this area, then you need people to continue to experiment, and then accumulate data.

Finally, according to those data, to optimize the tuning.

To get your own control system.

In this regard, few domestic elevator manufacturers are willing to spend their money on research and development.

Because of this situation, if you want to engage in research and development, first you have to be willing to take out a building.

Let your system research and development team guard a few elevators every day, constantly up and down, and operate the elevators according to different situations.

During this period, three costs will be incurred. One is electricity bills, one is personnel expenses, and the most important one is site costs.

After all, not any elevator manufacturer is willing to build a building for constant experimentation.

Not to mention really taking out a building, just let them come out with a simple shelf to conduct experiments, they are not willing to.

This point is mainly related to the thinking and concepts of domestic manufacturers.

After all, the factory itself started from accepting foreign orders, and there were no R&D personnel at the beginning.

Boss! Most of them were just the earliest courageous people.

Is there policy support? When I was at home, I also caught up with the good times? That's why I started my own factory. ,

But later, you said you want them to engage in R&D? Are you telling them about the investment required for R&D? Most people retreat.

And like Li Xizhou's head iron, finally persisted? Really not many.

Of course, thanks to his unique conditions.

There is actually a building in hand? Although it is deserted? But it is used to experiment with the control system personnel, accumulate data, and finally the programming is just right.

And in order to complete this project, he also let those programmers under his staff? It was a full year to play in that building.

Although it’s not as exaggerated day and night? But working overtime every day has become the norm.

Finally, relying on the hard work of his hundreds of technicians, it took them more than a year to really come up with a set of their own elevator control system.

Speaking of this time, Li Xizhou was also full of pride.

When Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun heard this, they couldn't help but express their admiration for Li Xizhou from the bottom of their hearts.

This is the domestic industry? The most lack of death spirit.

Now every day, the above advocates major enterprises to carry out industrial upgrading and transformation, and enter the mid-to-high-end industrial chain to produce higher value-added products.

But there are many companies that lack motivation, even facing various preferential conditions given by the state? They are unmoved.

This is related to the way of thinking of business owners on the one hand, and on the other hand? It is because these companies lack this spirit of death.

Before the reopening? It can be said that all kinds of goods are scarce in China.

At that time, as long as you have the courage? Dare to start a business, you can start a factory.

And as long as you can make products, your products will not worry about selling, because our domestic market is really too big.

And the product does not need to be so sophisticated, as long as it can be used.

So the companies that started at that time, it can be said that they made money while lying down.

Because of the help of the state, there was no competition from foreign companies, so it was easy for everyone to make money at that time.

But now is different, when some industries have reached the limit of traditional fields.

At this time, it is time for everyone to climb upward.

At this time, you need your business owner willing to invest, willing to endure hardships, and willing to give it a go.

Because the upper reaches of the entire industrial chain are almost controlled by the world's biggest names in Europe, America, Japan, and South Korea.

They have all kinds of advanced technologies and materials in their hands, as well as numerous patent blockades.

It must be very difficult to grab a bite of food in their hands.

But hasn't any developed country in the world developed in this way?

As long as your country still wants to strive for the top, and want to make progress, you have to eat the hardships at this time.

No matter how hard the bones are, you must chew!

The current domestic problem is that those business owners are unwilling to bite the bones.

Because it was too comfortable to lie down and make money before, now let them suffer hardship, they naturally refuse.

Of course, this is also human nature. After all, you can earn more from buying a house than you can earn from working in the industry for a year. Who wants to bite the bones!

Therefore, the more at this time, the more precious it is that industrialists like Li Xizhou are more precious.

It can even be said that what is most lacking in China now is this kind of entrepreneurs and doers who dare to face difficulties!

In fact, at this time, Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun were already very inclined to invest in this Li Xizhou.

"Well, it seems that you have already studied this elevator almost?"

Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun exchanged glances, then smiled and said to Li Xizhou.

It stands to reason that as long as Li Xizhou is not stupid, he should be able to guess what Xiao Feng and the others mean, and they are about to let go.

To put it bluntly, the two of them have been fooled. As long as he climbs along the pole and picks it up, he will probably get the investment of the two bigwigs.

But no one thought that this old man would be so tough.

"No, so far, I am still short of the final crucial step.",

When he said this, even Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun were taken aback, hey, buddy, true and sincere, hey!

"Well, how far is it?"

"It's the door system, the inverter."

Xiao Feng and the others could only follow Li Xizhou's words and ask.

At this time, Li Xizhou, who was still optimistic, began to look sad at this time.

"Mr. Xiao, Mr. He, you don't know. In fact, other aspects of this elevator can be solved well, but this system is the most troublesome."

"This is mainly related to the large gap between our domestic precision ranging system and foreign countries."

"Speaking of the door system and the frequency converter, it actually means how far you are from the floor when the elevator closes and starts to pull upwards."

"You must have an automatic identification system on your elevator doors to identify the special signs of each floor, and then change the instructions of the control system."

"For example, if you are going to the tenth floor, the elevator must be very fast in the initial stage, but when you reach the eighth floor, your elevator will start to slow down and brake."

"Because if you don't brake early, the car will most likely rush to the 11th floor due to inertia."

"So the main function of this door system is to judge the braking distance, and then make the elevator stop accurately on the floor where it should be parked. The inner car door of the elevator must be accurately connected to the elevator door on the outer floor."

"This set of mechanical actions seems very simple, but for domestic elevator companies, it has always been a problem."

"The difficulty lies in the control. On the one hand, it is precise docking. On the other hand, it involves the continuous frequency conversion of the car's speed in the air."

"This frequency conversion is equivalent to a car's transmission. You have to upshift at the most appropriate time, and then downshift at the most appropriate time."

"This will ensure that your car will not rush to the upper floor due to inertia. When going downstairs, it will not be unable to stop the car due to inertia. Eventually, the passengers in the car will fall and cause accidents. "

"In this regard, it has been monopolized by foreign elevator manufacturers before, and we have not overcome it."

"In fact, almost all of the three key components of the elevator I mentioned need to be imported in China."

"As for those domestic elevator manufacturers, they actually import these key components and come back to assemble them."

"For example, the magic capital Mitsubishi, Yangcheng Otis, Yangcheng Panasonic, etc., are almost all assembly plants. In fact, not many have domestic independent intellectual property rights."

When Li Xizhou talked about the current situation of the domestic elevator industry, he was also a little embarrassed about not entering.

To be honest, he was first in the elevator industry, but our country has just experienced the best golden twenty years in the real estate industry.

And these two decades are not the golden twenty years of the elevator industry?

But in the past two decades, our elevator industry can be said to have not made any progress or progress at all.

The elevators from Japan and Europe and the United States have been bought in our country for 20 years.

Over the past two decades, the amount of elevators we have introduced has been in the hundreds of millions of dollars each year, and at most, billions of dollars have been introduced a year.

Although it seems incomparable to the value of introducing chips, it is the most basic and related to the equipment for the national economy and the people's livelihood!

The core technology is still firmly in the hands of foreigners, which is very uneconomical.

In the past, Xiao Feng and others didn't know the situation in this industry, so they didn't have much judgment.

But now it's different. After hearing Li Xizhou talk about this, they have basically made a decision.

They voted for this project...

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