The latest website: "Then where are you in this part?"

Now that he has planned to invest, He Xiaojun naturally needs to be concerned about Li Xizhou's research and development progress.

And Li Xizhou did not conceal: "Well, I have already recruited another project team before. In this door system, I have carried out research and development for materials and inverters. Now it has entered the second stage, which requires a lot of testing when……"

When talking about this, the expression on Li Xizhou's face looked a little embarrassed.

"Because the previous investment was very large, my liquidity has basically been exhausted."

"And I have another agency business to do, and some of the liquidity in that business can't be easily moved, so now..."

In fact, Xiao Feng and the others have basically understood that when this is said to be the case, this President Li can hold on to this point, and he is almost exhausted.

It might be that he invested all the wealth he had accumulated over the past two decades.

Therefore, he was naturally looking for foreign investment before, and it is for this reason that he may have approached Guan Zhenhai before.

After all, Guan Zhenhai, as the CEO of Sunshine Hospital, is really the owner of absolutely no money.

If Guan Zhenhai's investment can be obtained, then Li Xizhou's project will definitely survive.

"Well, then, Mr. Li, how much investment do you need?"

"Well, for this project, I still need 100 million... Uh, if..., tens of millions will do..."

Speaking of this, this manager Li doesn't seem very confident anymore.

Obviously he hadn't dealt with too many investors before, and he was quite familiar with dealing with people in the bank.

But it is precisely because of the nature of his private enterprise and the projects he is currently doing that banks are not very optimistic about it, so he can't borrow money from the bank.

That's why he thought of the way to raise money from the society, but what he didn't expect was that he had the idea of ​​raising money. His old classmates actually brought in such a few big men to him.

Regardless of the fact that the few descendants present here are very young, but speaking of strong strength, anyone can form a crushing situation against him.

So at this time, asking him to ask for financing from these big bosses, he really didn't know where to start.

As for how much money can be raised from the hands of several bigwigs? He doesn't know.

Because Guan Zhenhai didn't give him a thorough understanding before.

And Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun were taken aback when they heard it? Originally thought that President Li would cost several hundred million.

No matter how he thought of it, he just wanted one hundred million.

But think about it again? After all, what industry Li Xizhou is engaged in? It's not as profitable as their pharmaceutical industry.

It's not like they have become giants now, and they talk about a billion to tens of billions of business.

So it is inevitable that I suddenly heard someone mention asking for 100 million, and I felt a little uncomfortable.

One billion now? For Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun? It's really drizzle.

But just as they just agreed, He Fangzhou next to him suddenly spoke.

"Mr. Li, the investment is fine, but I have a few questions? I would like to ask you to answer them."

"Oh? What's the problem? Just ask?"

At this time, Li Xizhou is already excited? It seems that they are really not bad for money!

One hundred million, for them, is really as simple as pulling root hair from their feet, and seeing that they can have money, then he naturally has a spirit of 120,000 points.

"Huh? What I want to ask is, when the domestic real estate boom was in the ascendant before? It's true that you used the elevator."

"As long as you can do it, you will definitely not worry about sales."

"But now the cycle of the domestic real estate industry? Obviously it's coming to an end. At this time, we will build elevators? Can you be sure? This industry is not a sunset industry?"

Hey? Don't tell me, He Fangzhou's questions are really just asking the point.

Before that, Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun had heard that Li Xizhou was engaged in research and development on his own and was still filling the gap in the country, so they didn't think much about it, and decided to invest in a few words.

But they forgot the key point, that is the rate of return of this industry.

After all, the Quanye Fund they want to do is not an industry that can invest in a hot head. They must be responsible to all investors.

As for He Fangzhou's question, it can be said that he asked Li Xizhou's area of ​​expertise.

We must know that in the early years, he worked as a technician in the elevator company, and later he acted as an agent for various elevator brands and did sales.

Later, when he became bigger, he began to participate in real estate. Although it was just a small mess, he was considered an insider.

So he has a very high knowledge of this industry.

"Hey, in fact, Dr. He, you have an idea."

"In fact, for the elevator industry, this is far from the end of the industry!"

"I have some data here, let me tell a few bosses."

"As of the end of last year, the number of elevators per capita in our country was 24 per 10,000 people, which is less than half of that in developed countries."

"You have to know that in developed countries such as Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, the number of elevators per capita is about 50 per 10,000 people."

"This means that our country's elevator market is far from being saturated."

"Although this cycle of our real estate industry is coming to an end, in fact, in other areas, we still need a lot of elevators, especially the public service area."

"For example, in recent years, our country has insisted on leading the development of the southwest. You must know that most of those provinces are mountainous areas."

"If you want to develop and build roads in mountainous areas, the second problem you have to face is all kinds of slopes up and down."

"For example, our 8D magic city Shuangqing, one of the biggest problems in that city now is the need for various public elevators."

"Because their main city is located in the hilly area, they need a lot of such public service measures."

"Not only up and down escalators, but also car elevators that go straight up and down."

"And there are many cities like Shuangqing in all parts of the country."

"Moreover, in recent years, the country has also put forward various plans for ancient tourist towns. The ancient towns in these plans must maintain their original appearance, but they are basically in the mountains of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan."

"And in these mountain nests, if they are not people who really like climbing, there are basically not many people who are willing to climb."

"When going uphill and downhill, elevators, escalators and other facilities are also needed in the scenic area."

"There is also the rise of various hotels in our country in recent years, which has also created a large demand for elevators."

"There are still many old communities in the city center that need elevators."

"So in terms of new markets, we still have a lot to do."

After all, he used to be an elevator sales agent, so Li Xizhou is very familiar with this market, and he is even more sensible.

"After talking about the new market, I'm talking about the old market."

"The real estate boom in our country should have started twenty years ago."

"The developers at that time, to be honest, in terms of materials..."

Li Xizhou wanted to say something but stopped, and gave everyone a look that you all understand.

Indeed, Xiao Feng and the others all understood.

For example, the building where Xiao Feng's company was located when he was working in Beijing, the building was not long ago, it was built around 2000.

The outside looks very new, and the interior decoration is pretty good.

But if you want to talk about the elevator inside, then Xiao Feng really wants to greet the building developer, his old mother and the women in his family.

There are only six elevators, but two of them often break down.

The other four also often have problems, such as sudden slides during the time of going upstairs. I dare not say that it happens from time to time, but they will also cause moths every three to five.

As for what traps people in the elevator, it is even more troublesome every month.

To be honest, that elevator is also brand-name, German.

But as long as you have used it, you will know that it must be the manufacturer, the most **** product, because the price must be the cheapest one.

In the summer, there is actually a different air-conditioning in the elevator, and there is no ventilation equipment.

Every time I sit in the summer, I feel hot and sweaty, and the most disturbing thing is the slow speed.

Twenty-odd floors, I can climb for two minutes.

Every morning when you come to work, there will be long queues at the elevator entrance, so every morning Xiao Feng has to leave home twenty minutes early to ensure that he will not be late.

If you are trapped in the elevator, it will be bad. Not only will you be deducted because you are late, but what is even more hateful is that if you have three urgency at this time, it will be bad.

Back then, Xiao Feng had heard that there was a buddy from a company downstairs. When he went to work in the morning, he originally thought that the fertilizer would not flow out of the field.

I also want to donate my inventory to the company's toilet.

Unexpectedly, when I entered the elevator in the morning, I was trapped inside.

In the end, I had to solve it in the elevator. At that time, there were a dozen people from different floors of the company who were going upstairs together.

That's really a sad story...

Therefore, Xiao Feng still understands the unspoken rules Li Xizhou said, and he has even experienced it personally.

"The elevator used at that time has been used for twenty years and it should be replaced. Even the elevators in some buildings have been used for ten years, and they should have been replaced."

"Otherwise it is really easy to cause safety hazards..."

"For this part of the market, we are very confident to compete with those foreign companies, even joint ventures."

"First of all, compared with pure imported elevators, we have a price advantage."

"Now one step is purely imported elevators, the price of an ordinary 20th floor is basically about 40,000 US dollars. If it is higher, it will double."

"The price of our self-produced product is definitely not that high, and the performance is not bad at all!"

"Secondly, with those domestically assembled joint ventures, we have technical advantages..."

"Because of those foreign devils, the elevators they are willing to get to assemble in China must be technically lagging behind the ones they produced abroad, or even more than that..."

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