My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1396: Old leek with a golden knife

Speaking of the catering industry, in recent years, it can really be said that the competition has been extremely fierce.

Now millions of restaurants, large and small, are eliminated every year.

But even so, everyone can still see that there are still countless people pouring into this industry every year.

What is the reason?

The first is that in recent years, physical business has not been easy to do, and jobs are also hard to find.

Many people cannot find a suitable job and have a certain amount of funds on hand, so they plan to start their own businesses.

Choosing to choose, it is more suitable for the industry, such as catering, commissary, and so on.

The second is that the entry threshold for dare to eat is very low. As long as you have one hundred and eighty thousand on hand, you can open your own shop and become the boss.

If it gets hot, you can pay back in a few months, and you can also make a fortune.

But the actual situation is not as optimistic as everyone thinks, just like you in other industries.

What you can think of, other people can also think of it.

The low entry barrier means that competition will be extremely fierce.

Therefore, the turnover rate of the catering industry can be said to be quite high.

And as people become more aware of the fierce and cruel competition in this industry, more and more people are choosing to join to operate.

Because joining a restaurant chain has many benefits.

First of all, the brand is relatively mature, and the general franchise brands are more distinctive and easy to be known and remembered by the public.

Secondly, the more chain stores, the stronger the advertising effect of this matrix.

Moreover, the operation has become more standardized and management has become easier.

For example, in the past decade or so, many large cities have expanded because of urban village reconstruction or urban expansion, occupying the rural areas surrounding the cities.

This led to the emergence of a lot of demolished households, these people have money in their hands, but because they have no land, they don't know what business they should do.

Let them stay, they can't be idle, and a bit of economic savvy knows that money in the bank will only depreciate, and it will definitely not be able to escape inflation.

But let them do business and play investment? They don't have so much guts.

And even if you ask them to respectfully manage a restaurant? They didn't have the experience when they came, and they didn't have the brains when they came.

But if you let them join a chain restaurant business? It's much simpler.

As long as you spend a certain amount of money? Join this brand, then people will teach you how to manage it.

Even the waiter in the hotel can help you train? Although it seems that this franchise brand, it will charge a variety of miscellaneous fees.

But he does save you a lot of worry? It saves you from worrying about running a business every day.

Even some mature brands? For example, a company like Celebrity Chef Manufacturing. If you hire a store manager sent by the Celebrity Chef Group, then you, as a franchise party? You can even be a good shopkeeper.

Because the store is operating? All have electronic records.

All the stocks are stored in and out of the warehouse, and every transaction is recorded, so there is no need to worry about someone being guarded and stealing.

As long as the shop owner comes to check the account regularly, it is OK if he knows it well!

Of course, this is a big brand with a very complete management system? For example, celebrity chef manufacturing.

There are many other miscellaneous second-rate franchise stores. In terms of rules and regulations, the requirements will not be as strict as those of celebrity chefs, but they can indeed save investors a lot of trouble.

Of course it’s not that no one has thought about creating a brand...

"...It's just? Create a brand? It's hard work and easy to fail? So more people choose to join."

"So the current domestic franchise model? It can be said to be very popular..."

Zhou Jing explained to Xiao Feng the current domestic catering industry, especially the situation of various chain stores.

Xiao Feng nodded frequently after hearing this.

"But recently there is a very bad atmosphere that has spread in our catering industry. I think we should take it as a warning."

Zhou Jing's next words made Xiao Feng **** up his ears.

Now the bigger the business, the more you have to be careful, because brand image is really important.

Today’s celebrity chefs make a big business if they say good things, but they make a big name if they don’t sound good.

Now I don’t know how many people are watching their every move, for fear that they will not make mistakes.

There are even people who may have already acted, and don't know where to prepare some tricks for them.

Therefore, the current celebrity chef group must not only do well in its own business, but also take precautions.

So Xiao Feng is really concerned about Zhou Jing's next words.

"Because of the popularity of our famous chef franchise stores, in the past two years, the domestic catering industry has sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, and a variety of large and small brand franchise chains have emerged."

"However, the quality of these franchise chains can be said to be mixed."

"There are some first-line brands that are reasonably okay, and they are very reliable, such as Golden Arch, Kaifeng cuisine, and our famous chefs."

"Although the initial fee is very high, it basically won't make investors lose money."

"Take our celebrity chef manufacturing as an example. Although the franchise fee is high, if the franchise store has a good address, there will be a lot of people."

"Then you can pay back in one year, and you can enter a pure profit model in the second year."

"Even if the location of the store is relatively ordinary, but with our technical support, it can basically achieve a three-year payback."

"Golden Arches and Kaifeng Cuisine are basically back to the bottom, both of which started in three years."

"So in terms of return on capital, our celebrity chef group can be said to be the best among all fast food restaurants."

"This is also the main reason why we are so popular with investors."

"Nowadays, there are many large-scale business groups in the country, all planning to take our route and learn from us."

"For businesses like this, we are not afraid, because everyone can have healthy competition."

"But there are some chain brands that are not justified. They have no plans to manage the catering well. They are actually doing something similar to MLM."

"For example, there was a certain place in a certain area that was very popular for a while, and in the past one or two years, there have been many chains of various brands in the market.

"It seems that this industry is very prosperous and very popular in the market."

"Actually? What they do is the kind of activity I mentioned above."

"First, I found some large media organizations to shoot a few food shows, among which I will give a grand introduction to my products."

"I believe you may have been out of the area a few years ago. No one has heard of a certain aspect."

"But why has the popularity of this certain aspect increased to the whole country in recent years? It's because the publicity plan they invited is in place."

"Frequently sponsor various food shows, especially documentaries, and then look for various self-media to promote them on various platforms."

"After making this noodle famous, then a chain of noodle shops of various brands have sprung up, and then they are open to franchise."

"Their routine is to first include all franchisees, travel expenses and catering, and invite them to the area where their headquarters is located to visit several of their stores."

"Their storefronts are always so hot, and there may even be queues for noodles, so that the people who join in who don't know the truth will be blinded at first sight."

"Damn, this business is too hot, so it's inevitable that I'm tempted."

"But when they came to other people's territory for a long time, how can they know their routines?"

"They would never have thought that these people who came to eat noodles were hired by the store's daily expenses, just like the trustees who were walking around in major real estate every day."

"These people not only have money to take, but they can also eat noodles for free every day. It doesn't matter if the noodles are good or not, they can be eaten for nothing, and there is still money to make. Do you think they do it?"

"So when many people saw this scene, they were basically bluffed."

"Then there are all kinds of brainwashing training courses, and all kinds of successful franchisees come to the stage to explain their successful experiences.

"Before, I just picked up the tattered ones and almost fell to the streets, or the investment failed, and the family was ruined."

"The result is that by joining this noodle shop, in just a few years, Xianyu turned over, and since then he has reached the pinnacle of his life and won Bai Fumei."

"The old man who failed to invest has made a comeback. With a few noodle restaurants, he has become a social elite and a business tycoon."

"Anyway, I had a lot of flicker, and the blood boiled over Xiaobai, who had just arrived, and he signed a contract on the spot and paid to join him."

"As a result, they will harvest you 200,000 yuan in one hand. Of course, they will indeed go to your site in accordance with the contract to decorate you and teach you how to make noodles."

"But when your store opens, you will find out where is this noodle shop? This is a CX den."

"Because your noodles are not distinctive, the price is not cheap, and the taste is very ordinary, there is not much traffic at all."

"If you open a shop every day, you will be Amitabha without losing money. Want to make money back? Haha..."

"Just stick to it for a few months, and the average store can no longer operate, but when I think of the money invested, I feel panicked."

"So at this time headquarters will send someone to inspect and talk to you."

"The purpose of the heart-to-heart talk is to hope that you can help recruit people to join, and the initial fee is 400,000 yuan. As long as you win one, you will be divided into 200,000..."

"So you embarked on the path of an'insurance salesman' and never returned..."

"And that certain noodle shop, relying on such a set of ancestral golden knives to cut old leeks, it has been mixed all the way."

"Every year they run a noodle restaurant, they definitely don't make money, and even if you can find out their account books, you can find that they have lost their pants."

"But just relying on finding someone to join and earn the initial fee, but they can make a lot of money..."

The insider secrets of the industry were just described by Zhou Jing.

And Xiao Feng, who was sitting in the upper hand, was filled with righteous indignation: "My Nima..."

Especially when he heard those people cutting leeks like this, he really couldn't sit still.

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