My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1397: Market segments

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The domestic catering industry can be said to have been the hardest hit area with chaos.

In the past, food safety problems broke out frequently because of some people's opportunistic and profiteering.

The final result of those problems is the distrust of Chinese consumers in domestic food safety.

It can be said that this is the sorrow of every catering person, why can't their own brand and industry be managed properly.

Why is it necessary to take shortcuts and make quick money?

In fact, in this industry, as long as you work steadily, even if you can't make you rich overnight, you will never starve to death.

But just because some people do not abide by the rules and go wrong in their minds, they ruin the ethos.

For example, in order to save costs, dare to use all kinds of ingredients, unhygienic oil and meat, and so on.

As for the guests who have eaten their stomachs... Hehe, sorry, as long as they can't eat people, they won't take it to heart.

In addition, the boss never knows how to treat employees well, which leads to an extreme lack of dedication and professionalism.

Regardless of the chefs and waiters, it seems that the technical content does not seem to be high.

But they also need to be kind. Unfortunately, many of our bosses don't understand this.

In fact, some restaurants are very well run and profitable every day, but the boss does not know how to share the results with the employees.

Even if it is said that employees are paid a little longer at the end of the month, or employees are appropriately rewarded, they are not willing.

As a result, employees are passively sabotaged and seem to be diligent on the surface.

But once the boss can't see it, they can fool them, just as they do.

For example, use a wok to brush a mop, or do other extraordinary things.

Anyway, this kind of thing has not rarely been exposed, but once it is exposed, then the image of the restaurant will be ruined immediately.

It can even be said that it will have a very serious impact on other colleagues.

Therefore, in the domestic catering industry, millions of restaurants close down every year because of competition failure, but at the same time, there are countless people with various visions?

However, although there are so many people coming in and out of the domestic catering industry every year, until now, there has not really been an influential big brand.

For example, such internationally renowned brands as Golden Arch? or Kaifeng cuisine.

Even if many people say what kind of junk fast food these two are, in fact? People's influence in the international arena is great.

They are not just as simple as a fast-food chain? They are more of a cultural output.

Japan is also very good in this aspect, such as their sushi.

In fact, it also originated from our domestic way of eating? But now it has become a symbol of Japanese food culture.

Now abroad? When people think of Japanese restaurants, they are the representatives of high-end restaurants.

But when it comes to Chinese food, more people think of cheap restaurants.

Such a situation, knowing the emergence of celebrity chefs? It was able to be broken.

A fast-food chain company that can go abroad and is also well-known internationally has been born in China.

And it is different from the pseudo-Chinese fast food chain like Panda Fast Food. Their fast food is a real Chinese fast food.

The real Chinese food is exported to the world.

It is precisely because of their success? The production of celebrity chefs in the past one or two years has become the benchmark in the domestic catering industry.

Especially after seeing them engage in franchise stores? Make a lot of money.

They not only opened franchise stores in China, but even opened franchise stores overseas? They are making a lot of money from Europeans and Americans.

This is because countless large domestic capitalists are drooling.

In the past, these capitalists preferred to engage in real estate business? Karate was quick to make money.

But with the country now beginning to control the real estate speculation? Coupled with the situation that the domestic real economic environment is not so good.

More and more big capitalists are planning to try the way of making famous chefs.

After all, they have already shown the way for everyone, proving that as long as you cook Chinese food well, you will still have a place in the world.

And even if your talent is not popular with foreigners, if you succeed in China, can you still attract a group of franchisees?

Therefore, in the past year or two, thousands of various catering groups, large and small, have appeared in the domestic catering industry. The main business directions are catering chain enterprises.

Some work hard, and the best ones are the buddies who do Mala Tang.

There are also smart-minded hot pot chains that turn around and do it with higher profits.

Of course, this hot pot chain is also divided into good and bad. For example, in the Sichuan-Chongqing area, there are several very good hot pot chain franchise stores.

Their name may not be particularly loud, but in fact their franchise stores are already all over the country.

There are also some less serious hot pot chains. Of course, this chain has already been exposed in many places.

What kind of restaurant it is, presumably anyone who loves hot pot knows that the price is very expensive and the taste is very ordinary, but it is just relying on the celebrity name to make the hype.

Although such a store was very popular at the beginning, no one can say how long it can last.

There are many other small shops.

There are various kinds of rice noodles, some specialize in beef balls, and the most popular one is certain noodles.

However, Xiao Feng did not expect that these small franchise stores would actually have such a way.

After hearing what Zhou Jing said, these shops now seem to be not doing business at all, but playing finance!

And their routine leaves you speechless, because they really don’t break the law...

Once you enter the circle, you really have to suffer yourself.

You simply can't live by selling noodles, but if you can be cruel and get people in, then you can live very well.

"No, you can't let this trend continue. Over time, these guys will smash all the reputation that we have just established for domestic catering with our hard work."

Xiao Feng touched his chin and said.

It is true that this mode of drumming and spreading flowers can indeed make a group of people earn money at the beginning.

But in terms of roots, you are a restaurant chain, after all, catering is your core foundation.

Once everyone knows that your food is not delicious, the price is still expensive, and no one comes to eat, then how can you fool people into joining?

When the time comes to beat the drums to pass the flowers, sooner or later, you will face the lack of a picker.

At that time, there will be a sudden large-scale closure of chain stores.

The bigwigs who planned behind the scenes must have already gone away by this time, or they had already cleared the relationship through legal means.

Then after waiting for a few years, they changed their heads again, came back from the new brand and products, and continued to play this trick of cutting old leek with a golden knife.

In the end, those who were entrapped were only the few people in the market who were holding in their hands the hope of turning over.

Xiao Feng didn't want this situation to continue, at this time they were about to exert their strength.

You must know that the current celebrity chef groups are not ordinary catering companies, they are the chief members of the domestic catering association.

It can be said that in the entire association, except for some of the managers sent from above, they are the industry's leading brothers.

What **** fishing, what x face C, don’t look at their big names, they seem to be very high-end, and the bosses are all tycoons on the rich list.

But in the association, in front of the celebrity chef group, they are all younger brothers.

Because the current celebrity chef group can be said to be the face of the domestic catering industry.

The first company to open a meal abroad, and it opened thousands of companies.

Although the scale is smaller than that of Golden Arch, Kaifeng Food and other top international brands.

But when it comes to their ability to operate and make money, they are not at all weaker than these two international big names.

Speaking of scale, they are second to none in China.

Regardless of whether they are not listed, everyone knows that if you talk about a solid foundation in the circle, no one dares to compare with them.

So when it comes to influence, they are naturally powerful and big enough.

In this way, they will naturally become the first brothers in the domestic catering association, and what they say will naturally have weight.

"In this way, Zhou Jing recently held a meeting with the above application to expose the situation of these companies."

"Try to get the above to rectify such chain franchise stores, so that if these chain stores close down in the future, it will have an impact on the entire industry and bring too many negative effects.

Xiao Feng told Zhou Jing to say, Zhou Jing nodded after listening.

"Well, Mr. Xiao, I see."

"Well, we are also looking to see if we are also opening up some new business directions."

"It’s not enough to rely on a celebrity chef to make it. Let’s continue to segment the market. Of course, we need to explore the market. I don’t think it is necessary. The most important thing is that we have to strive for more high-end markets. ..."

Xiao Feng's remarks were of course sent out with feelings.

The segmentation of the catering market is naturally the end that the group must face when it reaches a certain scale.

To put it bluntly, it means to diversify the business To put it bluntly, it means to expand more channels.

Try more and don't find ways, in case there are other brands that make a big hit.

And the market is going down, this is no longer possible.

After all, they couldn't do things like a certain fishing hot pot, going to a noodle restaurant, and buying a bowl of noodles for a few dollars.

Doing this prevents other people from doing business?

Originally, it was difficult for diners, and it was not easy for small merchants and hawkers to beg for food. Large merchants couldn't compete. They could only sell noodles for a few dollars to make some hard money.

But you have to grab this little money, you really are a bit overwhelmed.

Besides, celebrity chef manufacturing itself is positioned as a mid-range fast food. If it is marketed, it will affect the brand image.

So the diversification they want to do is naturally upward...

And as early as before, Xiao Feng had already started to make arrangements, such as the Cyclamen he started building a few months ago...

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