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In fact, if you want to open a real high-end restaurant, you really need some highly skilled chefs.

Because these chefs do have their own unique skills in many dishes.

The same dish, other than him, really can't taste that taste, or even can't make it.

However, these techniques of theirs are also their unique secrets, and they are generally not easily imparted to the outside world.

Such chefs are indeed amazing, but their asking prices are also very high.

Often the annual salary is hundreds of thousands, or even millions, and they also have a dedicated team.

If you hire this chef, then you have to hire enough of his team.

And this team often includes some deputies, apprentices, and even exaggerated faces that require them to designate candidates.

Some high-end restaurants, in order to be able to be worthy of the word high-end, in order to be able to start the brand, in order to be able to win customers, can only bear with such a request.

However, after hiring this team, it can really quickly bring fame, and passenger flow to the restaurant, and bring profits to the restaurant.

But the disadvantage is also very big, that is, this team is easy to form a situation where the tail is big.

For example, in the later stage, once the popularity of the restaurant rises and the bosses have tasted the sweetness, they will ask for a salary increase.

Even exaggerated, will ask for shares of the hotel.

At this time, the boss will be in a dilemma. The restaurant where he invested heavily has just improved, but the chef team has asked for a salary increase, or a huge bonus at the end of the year, or a dividend.

Don't you agree, people threaten you every minute that you want to quit.

At this time, there are still many competitors on the market looking forward to it, waiting to take your chef team away.

In addition, if the boss is strong enough, he does not agree to the requirements of the chef team, and he has a certain influence in the local area.

The chef team does not dare to change jobs easily, but they also have ways to behave.

For example, it will secretly reduce the quality of the food, and at the same time draw strips on the dishes, the oily salt meat or the high-end ingredients will be used very quickly, and it can even be said to be very wasteful.

Anyway, you can always make money for your boss, and it's not as happy as before.

In the end, the boss had to bow his head to them.

Of course this is only a part of the black sheep? Not all chefs do this.

But there is one thing in common? That is, these chefs are often not very good-tempered, and they also like to cherish themselves.

And this is not in line with the idea that Xiao Feng intends to make cyclamen in the high-end catering industry to implement uniformity and standardization.

So the planning team of Cyclamen? recruited a group of young chefs and started intensive training.

Of course they also spent high prices? Some chefs were invited to train these young chefs.

Although the chefs can't come to cyclamen to become chefs? But they did not refuse the request for high-priced training.

Anyway, what the orthodox teaches is not any special skills, they are some local specialties that they are good at. These skills? If you teach them, you will teach them.

After all, the celebrity chef group is a big name in the domestic catering industry? They don't dare to offend this group too much.

The chefs started to learn from these local specialties and mastered certain skills.

The self-produced seasoning produced by Mendao can be used.

For example, soy sauce with mushroom powder, after brewing, the taste is unique.

It is more delicious than the so-called so-called very fresh soy sauce that tastes disodium nucleotides.

The most important thing is that this soy sauce is still very healthy and has its own unique taste.

There are also condiments such as their own vinegar, oil consumption, etc. These are not available outside.

And the dishes made with these self-produced condiments? Let's talk about the taste.

That is, of course, absolutely no match? Those so-called chefs are a bit worse.

After that, it's set up.

This is also what the celebrity chef team thinks of in the market segment.

For example, they will mark it clearly on the menu? Each dish will be divided into large, medium and small portions.

For example, large servings are suitable for six or more people, medium servings are suitable for three to four people, and small servings are suitable for one to two people.

And what side dishes are eaten for large, medium and small portions, and the amount of each side dish will be clearly marked.

For example, a large portion of garlic sprouts fried pork, how many grams of garlic sprouts and how many grams of meat are used, will be clearly written.

And the most important thing is that Xiao Feng also intends to let people label all the calories that are not divided.

What are the calories of a large serving dish, what is the caloric value of a medium serving dish, and how much calories are a small serving dish.

Only in this way can guests have the most intuitive experience of healthy eating.

How many people eat, how much and how to eat, will not exceed the calories.

A healthy diet does not have to eat this or that, but pay attention to the most reasonable diet.

This is the healthy concept they intend to create.

At present, there are very few restaurants in China that can achieve standardization in this regard.

Even foreign high-end restaurants, there is no one that can achieve such standardization.

And this is also a major gimmick of their marketing this time.

Of course, this is a process of high-end customization standardization they mainly want to build.

The main idea is to make the guests eat healthier and to make the meals more transparent.

It is not a simple project to achieve specific quantification in high-end customized cuisine.

There are many specific details to be implemented, such as the establishment of calorie standards for meals, there is a lot of knowledge in this.

To know the source of calories in Chinese food, it is not just the side dishes you use.

Simply put, for example, a garlic sprouts fried pork, the heat in this dish is definitely not only from garlic sprouts and shredded pork.

And the oil you put in, as well as all kinds of condiments, which are also caloric.

It is necessary to accurately calculate all the calories so that the guests can eat clearly.

Guests can rest assured and satisfied is their ultimate goal.

"In addition, we will also produce some special light dishes. If these dishes are done well, we will go out independently in the future."

After learning about the current planning progress of Cyclamen, Xiao Feng explained to Zhou Jing and several senior executives.

Zhou Jing and other executives knew what it meant when they heard the so-called light food.

In fact, this is a very popular concept in big cities recently, and it is also passed from Japan.

In fact, there are many restaurants of this kind in Japan with light food. The main target customers of such restaurants are those urban white-collar women.

Nowadays, urban white-collar workers know how hard they can lose weight in order to lose weight.

Japanese businessmen have developed this light-food restaurant specifically for these women.

The so-called light food, to put it bluntly, means that there is no meat, and all food is grass.

To put it bluntly, it is Sarah made up of various green vegetables.

There are also various soups. These soups are all made from vegetables, and during the cooking process, no oil is added and very little salt is added.

In fact, according to normal nutrition theory, this way of eating is very unhealthy.

But you can't stand it, he is welcomed by girls!

After all, there are not many women who have a normal healthy diet, and there are not many women who can rationally face a variety of healthy diets.

Many of them see green vegetables and fruits and they think they are a healthy food.

And I don’t know that if they eat this way for a long time, it will actually seriously affect their health.

For example, if you do not consume grains for a long time, you will lose weight faster, but after a long time, your hair will fall out and become dry.

If you don’t consume oil for a long time, your mood will fluctuate, and your skin will even explode.

If you do not consume protein for a long time, then the whole person will not be long before, and many diseases such as beriberi will appear.

Therefore, as soon as Xiao Feng and Zhou Jing discussed it, they planned to inject the most correct light food concept.

For example, they will add appropriate grains to light meals, but these grains are all coarse grains.

Such coarse grains have a strong feeling of fullness and a slow glycemic index.

Moreover, proper amount of healthy and high-quality fat will be added to ensure the normal operation of human endocrine.

Finally, the right amount of protein will be added.

And this protein is basically plant-based protein, to put it plainly is tofu.

After all, most women think that eating meat is the main culprit leading to weight gain, so it is OK if they control the meat intake.

I believe that such foods will be very popular once they are launched.

Of course, this is just an initial idea and attempt. Even if this idea fails, even cyclamen has failed. This is not a big deal.

Speaking of which, this is the benefit of rich wealth.

It is always said that the richer the person, the easier it is to make money.

what is this?

Speaking of fundamentals, in fact, because the rich have abundant capital, he can afford the cost of trial and error, while the poor have no such capital.

For example, a small restaurant requires an investment of 100,000 yuan in order to have fun.

The rich can make five or six, or even a dozen of them, to open ~www.ltnovel.com together. For those who have no money, if they spend 100,000 yuan, it is all he has, so he can only open. One family.

The end result was that the shop invested by people with no money went bankrupt due to poor management.

Of the 10 stores invested by wealthy people, nine out of ten went down, but the last one was completed, and it was still very popular.

Then the final result is that the wealthy people have lost 900,000 previously, and they all made it back with one family alone.

And they can quickly copy and paste the store's model with their abundant capital, and spread it out.

Make the most money in the shortest period of time, and avoid having colleagues come in and copycats are prevalent, which will greatly reduce the profit standard.

This is the rich man’s thinking that internet jokes often say...

In fact, the reason is very simple. It is not because the rich are smarter than the poor, and they dare to fight.

In the final analysis, it is because of their thick blood and stronger trial and error ability...

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