My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1400: 1 operation is as fierce as a tiger

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As for the trial and error ability of the celebrity chef group, not to mention.

Now the funds in the bank account of the celebrity chef group are equivalent to letting this company open a gold finger, and the blood bar is almost infinite.

So as long as they don't do much, even dozens of trial and error failures are not a problem.

And Xiao Feng is not afraid of problems when trying to innovate, because he can afford it.

As long as the celebrity chefs make no problems with the basic plates of this fast-food restaurant, that's OK.

And sometimes you have to know how to hide in business, you can't be a winning general in the market.

If there is no one or two failures in your development history, then that is the real big problem.

When that happens, others will study you every day, how did you do it?

And Xiao Feng's concept has always been to make a fortune in a muffled voice, and never come out easily.

He doesn't want to live under the magnifying glass of others every day, especially when some people are still particularly unkind.

Therefore, this urge that Zhou Jing and the others are trying to cast the net widely, in fact, he also meant to behave for outsiders.

So what everyone sees is, oh, the celebrity chef group is not a god, and not every investment will succeed.

They will fail too! It turned out to be nothing more than that.

When those people thought this way, Xiao Feng's goal was achieved.

No way, in this society, some people just can't see that others are better than them.

If you live better than him, then he will miss you all day, which is also one of the roots of human inferiority.

"Well, good President Xiao, we have written down this idea, and we will arrange for someone to try this aspect of customized dishes."

Zhou Jing carefully wrote down the light-food restaurant concept that Xiao Feng had told him in the small notebook.

Indeed, this idea is very good, mainly for those high-end female consumer groups.

You have to know that women’s money is best earned, and the customer group targeted by this restaurant is also a group of people with very strong spending power.

There is no need to open many such restaurants, as long as there are a few in the top commercial office areas in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

Make the gimmick and advertising planning more beautiful, and there will never be a shortage of customers at that time.

Xiao Feng hadn't wondered how this light-food restaurant could succeed, but Zhou Jing, as a top female white-collar worker, liked this plan very much.

Because she knows the consumer psychology of women very well.

Now she? She is no longer the manager of an ordinary fast food restaurant back then.

When she made 10,000 yuan, she did not dare to spend a penny indiscriminately? Because she had to pay for the living expenses of the children at home? She had to save money for the elderly to receive medical treatment.

When her monthly salary reaches 20,000, she sends her children to the best kindergarten? Let the elderly in the family also go to the hospital to check their health frequently, eat and drink well.

When she had a monthly salary of 50,000 yuan? She started to buy herself the best bags, clothes and shoes? She even got a membership card for the beauty club.

When the monthly salary was 100,000, she took more care of herself.

I go to the Sunshine Hospital every week for beauty injections, and I also start to exercise. What I eat is organic food? The safest and healthy ingredients.

And now, with an annual salary of more than 10 million? For such a light food restaurant, she loves it at the first listen.

Isn't this kind of restaurant specially prepared for bone spirits like her?

There is no big fish and meat that feels greasy without seeing it, and there is no noisy environment full of smoky fog and alcohol in the house.

Some are indifferent, elegant, high-end and petty bourgeoisie? Isn't this the favorite tone of female professionals like them?

In such a restaurant, a cup of coffee or a salad is simply the most pleasant time of the day at work.

Is Xiao Feng just a proposal? Zhou Jing has taken care of it here, and she has even secretly decided in her heart.

About this light food restaurant? She intends to personally take charge? She must make this light food restaurant beautifully.

Be sure to make this restaurant the most distinctive model in the domestic food circle.

"Well, besides, Zhou Jing, you are mobilizing a group of people to form a team."

"There will be a team coming from the US."

Xiao Feng ordered Zhou Jing to say again, and Zhou Jing was taken aback after hearing this.

"Boss, this is..."

"Well, I think domestic beverage shops seem to be very popular in the past two years, and our celebrity chef group must not lag behind."

Several executives next to him, when they heard Xiao Feng's words, they all brightened.

It seems that this time the boss is coming back, he is really going to make a big move!

Although the boss did not relax in the matter of opening the franchise again, the boss created two new high-end brands in this breath.

Then this is going to enter the beverage circle again. It seems that the boss is planning to attack more lines?

This is like a group, should it look like it should be?

In the past, executives of the group felt painful when they thought of the tens of billions that the group lay on the bank account.

Is this boss a local rich man?

Just knowing to make money, but not knowing how to spend it, is too wrong!

So much money, just lying in the bank, how many interest can you earn in a year?

If it is used for investment and diversified operations, then this is the correct way to use it!

If some other project is completed in the future, the return is far from being as simple as a little interest!

In fact, many senior executives in the company complained in their hearts that Xiao Feng is a rich native and doesn't understand financial operations at all.

At that time, everyone might think that the boss was a cautious person, and there was nothing to break in.

But today, the boss really stood up, and the operation was as fierce as a tiger, it's not an exaggeration at all!

Positioning in one breath, created two new product lines, just these two lines, it is estimated that 2 billion will be invested.

Then this is about to start a drink chain, this Nima...

However, in recent years, the domestic beverage industry has indeed been too flammable and too explosive.

Three years ago, I started with Heycha, then Dingcha, and now Michelle Ice City, and then there was a certain fortunate coffee that was boiling a while ago.

These wave after wave of milk tea shops and cafes are in the ascendant, come and die, and die again.

It looks like a beverage chain, and it has experienced waves of updates and iterations in the domestic business circle, but in fact this is just a process of shuffling.

And the one who really stayed in the end would definitely be the king in this field.

Last year, in this field, there are still very kings, such as Xingxing Coffee, and a certain milk tea shop.

The two dominate the coffee and tea beverages respectively.

It's a pity that this year both of these two companies have become lingering.

Mr. Xing Coffee, needless to say, it is a way of cashing out capital.

Relying on financing to burn money, madly attract passenger flow, and then take the passenger flow to the U.S. stock market to realize it.

The executives of the company are indeed making a lot of money in the capital market, but unfortunately they were finally spotted by financial snipers and hit hard.

It was also their fate. Just when they were about to be killed by others, a pandemic broke out and attracted everyone's attention.

And they also ushered in a respite, but although most of their franchise stores across the country have been retained.

However, the popularity is already not as good as before. After all, the scandal that broke out at that time still affected the reputation of their store brands.

But they are still alive. This alone reflects the tenacity of this company and the domestic market's demand for low-end chain coffee brands.

As for the other head of the milk tea industry, Xiao Feng really didn't even want to mention it.

This inexplicable company suddenly appeared, now it seems that it is a master who can play capital operation better than Mouxing Coffee.

It's just that the owner of this store is a bit too awkward.

Look at someone’s Xingxing Coffee, even if they only play with capital operations, they are also going to the U.S. stock market to harvest leeks in the U.S.

But this milk tea shop is different. They all rely on seizing the short video outlets that have emerged in the last two years.

It is relying on the huge traffic brought by the short video platform when it just emerged, relying on the early money, self-packaging and hype.

Hype yourself into an Internet celebrity shop, and then rely on short videos to carry out viral propaganda.

When people see their home in short videos, they often queue up at the door to Erlidi.

Then, the crazy nationwide franchise investment promotion began.

Then he flicked thousands of franchise stores across the country in one breath, and then cut leeks frantically from these franchisees.

And their tea, in fact, does not have much advantage in the face of competition in the same industry.

In fact, the milk tea industry has always been like this, even lower than the technical content of the coffee industry.

To know that you want to engage in a coffee chain, at least you have to master a stable source of coffee beans in order to participate in the game.

The milk tea industry is much simpler than chain coffee.

First, there are no restrictions on raw materials, and second, there is no technical content in terms of taste.

In the early days, milk tea relied on creamer and flavor blending. A cup of milk tea worth more than ten yuan was very low cost, only less than six cents.

But now the milk tea shop is a bit more high-end. UU Reading uses tea bags and really uses milk and cream to make milk tea for you.

But in fact, their milk is blended with milk powder, and the tea bags are also in batches, and the cost is just as low.

A cup of milk tea, if not counting labor and rent, water and electricity, is estimated to be really worth less than a dollar.

But once it was sold, it was twenty-one cups, and a big cup would add ten yuan, which shows the huge profits.

The most important thing is that there is almost no technical threshold in this business, and the cost of entry is too low.

As a result, the competition in this field is extremely fierce, and the update and iteration speed is very fast...

So a year ago, the tea chain at the head of the industry did not have any technical advantages.

It only lasted for less than a year, and now it is basically in a cool state.

Although there are still franchise stores operating, it is also the franchise owner who has already boarded the ship, and there is no way to make money...

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