Now that Xiao Feng said he would enter the beverage chain industry, the executives present were immediately excited.

Especially Xiao Lin, at this time, it was even more sensible.

"Hey, Mr. Xiao is a good job. Although the barriers to entry are low, in fact, when it comes to capital, he is confident."

"As long as you can make it to the end, then you will be the winner."

Hearing what Xiaolin said, Xiao Feng was also taken aback, and then asked with a smile.

"Oh? It sounds like you are familiar with this industry!"

Xiaolin smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Hi! Mr. Xiao, let me tell you, this is what our family does. From my mother to now, my wife has been a milk tea shop!"

"Yeah, I really didn't see it, your family is a milk tea family!"

Xiao Feng smiled and joked, and the other executives present also laughed and laughed.

However, Xiao Lin didn't care about these, so he told Xiao Feng about the milk tea industry he knew.

It turned out that when Xiaolin was in junior high school, his mother was laid off.

Later, thinking that staying at home is not a way, so I took the little savings I had at home and went out to start a business.

The first thing I did was the milk tea shop. At that time, the milk tea industry had just emerged in China.

His mother caught up with the first wave of the milk tea industry. At that time, the first generation powdered milk tea was popular.

There is no franchise brand, anyway, it is a merchant, you have to have a channel to purchase goods.

For example, when I went to some southern provinces and cities to buy milk tea powder and returned, there were not a few decent brand milk tea powder manufacturers in China at that time.

It wasn't until the fragrance of fragrance appeared later that it was the first manufacturer of milk tea powder with real quality assurance.

However, at that time, Xiao Lin's family relied on his second aunt who had worked in Yangcheng for a long time.

He kept sending milk tea powder back to his mother, and then his mother set up a milk tea stall at the gate of their school.

Soon this stall made money, and then his mother rented a stall in the mall, and soon opened four or five milk tea stalls in Bencheng.

It's a pity that the barriers to entry in this industry are extremely low, and the cost is also very low.

Although his mother was the first wave of people who ate crabs, countless competitors soon flooded into the market, and the good and the bad competitors quickly tarnished the reputation of the industry.

That was the milk tea stall, which was basically five yuan a cup? And the open-air stalls? Dirty and messy things are normal.

Even when some bosses make milk tea, they don't shy away from customers at all? They just operate in front of the customers.

It can be said that the business is extremely irregular and not up to the standard at all. The only advantage is that the shipment is fast, but the quality is very poor.

Then is this time? The second generation of barreled milk tea appeared.

And what followed was the first generation of milk tea franchise stores.

Xiaolin's mother? joined the first batch of milk tea shops, which is actually a magic city brand under the banner of treasure island milk tea.

They choose the site, decorate the other party, and then are responsible for supplying them.

The emergence of this clean and hygienic chain brand milk tea shop? It immediately swept the original milk tea stalls.

And creamer products? In this era, along with barreled milk tea appeared.

However, this generation of milk tea has improved the quality of the milk tea industry a lot, but the quality improvement is accompanied by an increase in price.

Originally, the price of the first-generation milk tea was three or five yuan, but by this time, the price of milk tea had risen to eight to ten yuan.

But in less than two years? Because of the emergence of various brands, this kind of milk tea shop can no longer survive due to fierce competition.

Then is the third generation of milk tea turned out? This generation of milk tea is also called hand-cranked milk tea.

The characteristic of this milk tea is the use of a high-concentration fruit pulp? Plus domestic creamer, flavored syrup? Special black tea and so on.

It is the improvement of various raw materials that makes the taste of this generation of milk tea richer? The taste is more diverse.

What follows is the same upgrade and iteration of franchise brands.

This generation of franchise brands has completely got rid of the image of low-end milk tea shops on the street, and has begun to enter various large-scale supermarkets and shopping malls.

And their brands have begun to spread widely in the society, for example, one tea and one alley, a little bit and so on.

However, with the widespread popularity of this kind of milk tea, some people continue to point out that this kind of milk tea drink is very unhealthy.

Because of the use of Daliang creamer and syrup, the milk tea contains a lot of trans fatty acids and super high calories.

Therefore, many experts do not recommend people to drink more milk tea.

Just because people are paying more and more attention to the concept of health, this third-generation milk tea has begun to show signs of decline after two years of development.

At this time, the fourth generation of milk tea appeared.

And this generation of milk tea is now widely popular freshly brewed tea on the market. To put it bluntly, the tea is freshly brewed, but the creamer that was used in large quantities and was criticized by others has also been replaced with powdered milk.

Therefore, this generation of milk tea has also shouted a healthier slogan.

However, in order to have a better taste, they also introduced milk covered tea and cheese milk tea, which are actually unfriendly to health.

According to the traditional trend, the development of this kind of milk tea in two or three years will come to an end.

Unexpectedly, this generation of milk tea has caught up with a short video.

Therefore, a new generation of milk tea chains that can play marketing, relying on this outlet, jumped up and made countless Internet celebrity brands.

For example, the current certain snow milk tea, and a certain snow ice city are not as good as it is.

In addition, there has been a lot of health promotion in China in recent years.

Let people understand more and more that the drinks in the shopping malls are not very healthy after all.

For example, those so-called fruit drinks that cost three to five yuan don't even have half a dime in juice. They are all blended with flavors and pigments.

There are also various carbonated drinks, which are also very unhealthy.

Coupled with the formation and growth of the generation after the millennium, the main force of the new generation of consumer market.

This kind of Internet celebrity milk tea shops have begun to become popular.

The milk tea business of the Xiaolin family can be said to have perfectly caught up with every step of the development of milk tea.

By the time he got married two years ago, his mother still had five franchised milk tea shops in his hands.

They belong to two different brands.

In the past two years, Kobayashi was able to make a lot of money every year after spending a few days with a celebrity chef.

He intends to let his mother retire, so he can cash out all the milk tea shops.

After all, competition in this business is fierce now. Although the five **** milk tea shops are still making money, they also make a little hard money.

Unexpectedly, he just married Mei Jiao Niang who came into the house, but he didn't want to stay at home and wanted to go out and start a business.

This is not to support his wife. Not long ago, he took out two months' salary and joined five brand milk tea shops for his wife.

Adding to the five of his mother's hands, there are now a total of ten milk tea chains in their family.

Therefore, he can really say that he is clear about this industry.

Now that the boss says he wants to enter the chain beverage industry, he is immediately excited.

There was nothing to worry about, so he told the big guy all about his understanding of the industry.

"And everyone, don't underestimate this cup of milk tea. You must know that a certain snow milk tea passed the A round of financing last year, and its valuation alone exceeded 6 billion. This is the first unicorn in the milk tea industry in my country. Animal enterprise."

"Moreover, their business is no longer limited to the domestic market. They have even entered the Japanese market, and don't you say, they are still very popular in Japan?"

After listening to Xiao Lin's description, Xiao Feng was already a question mark face by this time.

Nima, so exaggerated?

He didn't like to drink milk tea before, but he also heard of certain snow milk tea. This milk tea has been exported to the first-class supermarkets in major cities across the country.

Because there is a big Japanese in the name, people who don’t know think this shop is a Japanese company.

In fact, it's just a gimmick for the sideball.

At the beginning, Xiao Feng thought it was a Japanese milk tea shop.

Later I found out that it turned out to be a pure-blooded Chinese company. I didn't expect them to actually land in Japan now, and they seem to be doing pretty well.

This made Xiao Feng really feel a sense of chaos in time and space.

"Moreover, as of the end of last year, the number of domestic milk tea shops has soared to 410,000, an increase of 71% throughout the year."

"Also, don't everyone think that these milk tea shops are not profitable because of the large number of stores and fierce competition."

"In fact, the profit of this milk tea shop is still considerable. According to a previous report by a research organization, the current milk tea market capacity in my country is almost 100 billion yuan a year."

"The scale of this market is still growing at an annual rate of 20%."

"This is mainly related to my country's increasingly perfect urbanization process, and the post-90s and post-00s generations who are becoming the main consumer. The group upgrade of consumers, as well as the change in consumer outlook, has also become the chain beverage market The main opportunity for the outbreak..."

Xiao Lin talked freely, while Xiao Feng and the others looked at each other.

In the past, they only knew that there were a few milk tea shops in Xiaolin's family, but they didn't expect this guy to study the industry so deeply.

At this time, Xiaolin also noticed that everyone looked at him strangely. After talking about a set of data, he also scratched his head in embarrassment.

"This is not some time ago. My wife has to clamor about starting a business. It just so happens that my mother is making milk tea, so she said the two are together."

"At that time, I also felt that the competition in this industry was too fierce, and it seemed that it was already close to saturation. I didn't want them to do this business.

"So, I did some surveys on this industry in private, and the result of this survey surprised me."

"I don't know if I don't check it, it turns out that this industry still has such a deep potential to be tapped, so I voted for five more for my daughter-in-law..."

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