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"I have talked with Mr. Evans, the CEO of Juice King, and also with his team. At present, our cooperation idea is to fully spread in the country..."

"We don't just make coffee... Now the popular milk tea, which is popular with young people, and fruit tea, or juice, we all make..."

Xiao Feng shared his thoughts with the executives present here.

At this time, the executives present were almost in silence across the board.

"I'm Cao, this American is too ambitious, right?"

"It's a single product, it's not easy to do. They want to develop in multiple lines. Can this work?"

"I haven't seen any such comprehensive beverage store so far?"

"It is actually not impossible to do it, but the investment in materials and labor costs may be very large..."

"I lost it, it really deserves to be the American style of doing things, what a firm stand? They are studs to kill as soon as they come up, and they raise the sand when they play!"

But after a while, the executives in the conference room started talking.

It is indeed the first time for this kind of comprehensive beverage store to appear in China. There is a lot of discussion about what kind of problems such an attempt will encounter.

The first thing to consider is cost.

In fact, a long time ago, some people thought about opening such a comprehensive beverage store, but after the initial attempt, they gave up because the cost input was too high.

Why are there so many domestic milk tea shops, because milk tea shops are the cheapest among these drink shops.

For example, we produce tea in our country, and it is also a big country producing tea, so the cost of tea is very low.

There is also milk, which is not a rare thing, especially now that large packages of milk powder from abroad are imported into China in bulk, and the price to Hong Kong is actually not high.

It is very suitable for milk tea shops, so in terms of cost, it can be completely controllable.

But talking about coffee? That's another matter entirely.

First of all, the world's major coffee producing areas? Almost all are controlled by a few major foreign giants.

For example, the most awesome Nestlé, Starbucks in the US? And several other US companies? Such as Heinz and so on.

So if you want to open a coffee shop, you can't get around such a few international giants.

Even if you say? Our domestic Caiyun Province and Nanhai Province also produce coffee beans.

That's right? But if you go where to buy coffee beans? You also can't buy decent good things.

Because the coffee beans there are also not cheap, the most important thing is that the high-quality coffee beans there are also monopolized by those companies.

Even if you can get in some? That's almost all scraps that people don't want.

Even if you get these? Then come back to make coffee. The coffee produced tastes like cat urine. How can you expect consumers to pay?

So if you want to open one or two small cafes, that's okay? Where can you get the goods from those big companies.

They are also willing to sell to you at a higher price, anyway, you will not threaten their status.

But if you want to open a large-scale chain like Mouxing? Then I'm sorry, if you don't have enough funds to burn money? Then you simply can't afford it.

Those giants will kill you from the origin of the coffee beans.

And even if you can get high-quality coffee beans from Choiyun and Nanhai? But their production capacity is so much.

The high-quality coffee beans produced every year? It is enough for you to use for a few months.

Once these few months have passed? Your raw materials are out of stock.

South America and the Caribbean, as well as the coffee beans produced in Africa, don’t even think about it, they are all monopolized by them.

And Thailand in Southeast Asia is the same with the coffee beans produced in Malaysia. Don't even think about it.

That circle is basically monopolized by those international giants and some local tenants.

So if you want to open a large-scale coffee chain in China, the first thing you have to solve is the source of coffee beans.

But this is exactly what Xiao Feng can't help but because he owns a large number of plantations in Copper Country and Colombia.

Wherever the unique geographical environment is, it is guaranteed that a large number of high-quality coffee beans can be produced every year.

Even if the coffee beans produced in South America are not enough, he still has an entire continent for him to grow coffee beans.

So he doesn't have to worry about the coffee beans being caught by those giants.

And the same is true for fruit juices. In fact, there are many manufacturers of fruit juice puree in China.

But the high-quality juice puree they produce is basically exported.

Because you can earn more when you buy it abroad, and the consumption capacity of domestic juices has not been high, so this area is not too much attention.

For Xiao Feng, none of this is a problem. In his plantation in South America, there are a lot of fruits that cannot be sold every year.

These fruits used to fend for themselves, and rot on the trees or in the ground when they mature.

Now, it is squeezed into juice, shipped back to China, and sold in fast food restaurants made by famous chefs.

If part of the profit is distributed from there, it is not a problem at all, and it can even be used directly in the Juice King Cafe.

Even Xiao Feng wondered, anyway, Juice King originally sold juicers.

Do you want to put two on the counter, their unique juicer, to squeeze juice in front of customers!

Only in this way can we make gimmicks better...

Anyway, the problems that plague other investors who want to build a comprehensive beverage store are not a problem for Xiao Feng and Evans.

Then the material cost can basically be controlled.

So the next thing is the cost of personnel.

Know if you only open a milk tea shop, or a coffee shop, or a fruit tea shop.

Then the service staff only need to master a single skill.

For example, you can make coffee, milk tea, or fruit tea.

But if you open a comprehensive beverage store, the requirements for the service staff are much higher, not only making milk tea, but also making coffee, and also making fruit tea.

Even sometimes, I have to make some desserts.

In this way, ordinary waiters will definitely not work, and they will have to hire some more flexible minds.

And hiring such a waiter, there is no doubt that the cost will be higher.

But this is not a problem at all for Xiao Feng and Evans.

You know, Juice King Coffee, in North America, is the handle of the money printing machine in the beverage industry.

Because other beverage shops have been affected by the epidemic and closed their doors, only their homes are still open.

And because it is open in a pharmacy and the environment is safe, it can be said that the business is very hot, and there are crowds of people at the door every day.

It's really not an exaggeration to make money and get cramps.

Compared with the labor cost in the United States, the labor cost in China is absolutely negligible.

As for the biggest operating cost, it must be the cost of property. After all, the rent of shops now accounts for the bulk of the cost of doing business in China.

However, Xiao Feng and the others are not worried, because their first choice now is those large supermarkets.

And now those large domestic supermarkets have basically raised their hands and feet to welcome them to the attitude towards well-known chain brands like them.

For example, everyone knows the Golden Arch and Kaifeng Cuisine, they are very proud.

In the past, if they wanted to live in a certain mall, they had to negotiate with the mall and pay the rent to get a very good business location.

But now is different. With the rise of e-commerce, life in major shopping malls is not easy, and it can even be said to be very sad.

In order to survive, everyone is eager for this well-known chain brand that can attract traffic.

Many shopping malls find it before they open, and they all take the initiative to find Golden Arches, or Kaifeng cuisine, or a famous chain such as famous chefs to talk about.

However, the content of the discussion is completely missing from the previous one.

In the past, it was merchants who paid rent to the mall to enter, but now the mall is not subject to rent.

It's easy to say what shop location and so on, they will even take the initiative to propose, and will decorate in accordance with the style requested by the shop.

Anyway, as long as you can enter their mall.

Because the stay of such a well-known chain store can increase the popularity of the mall on the one hand, and on the other hand, it can bring huge traffic to the mall.

For example, a small qualified company like Starbucks is definitely a company that welcomes you with your hands and feet in any shopping mall.

So Juice King is also very confident in this regard.

As long as they announce their entry into the country, I believe that countless large domestic supermarket groups will come to their door, request to cooperate with them, and invite them to move in.

Just like Jintaicheng...

And even if these groups don't ask them to cooperate, Xiao Feng still has Yida to make a lot of it.

He knew that as long as he and Lord Wan said hello, this juice king wanted to stay in Yida, that would definitely not be a problem.

Of course, because they plan to open more than 1,000 directly-operated stores this time~www.ltnovel.com~, they do not plan to put all the stores in the mall.

In fact, the university towns in major cities are their target areas.

And they also plan to increase the density of stores near the university towns in various cities.

Hey, because students make the best money.

It is true that many students cannot normally drink more than 30 cups of coffee, but they can still afford milk tea for more than ten or twenty yuan.

Can you afford to drink more than a dozen pieces of juice, right?

And the most important thing is that there are countless licking dogs in every university. As long as there are these licking dogs, then there is no need to worry about no market.

These licking dogs, who would rather eat chaffy vegetables on their own but also buy cosmetics for the goddess, are willing to give away a few hundred dollars of lipstick, and dozens of dollars of coffee, milk tea, etc. are even more important.

When the time comes, we will deliver this piece, and we will communicate with the famous chef. Hey, do you need to be afraid that no one will deliver the takeout?

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