My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1404: Children make choices, we all adults!

The five-dollar mugs in the factory were branded with the Starbucks trademark, and they were sold at one hundred and five.

A canvas bag that is too simple to be simple, dare to ask for three hundred...Do you dare to think of such a thing?

But the more they do this, the more guys with Stockholm syndrome like to follow and lick them on their knees.

In this way, a vicious circle is formed.

When they saw it, oh, what kind of tendencies the feelings guys have.

The more expensive the goods we buy here, the more they like to buy them.

There are even some people who think that going to Starbucks for a cup of coffee is a quality of life.

Nima, you must know that we are in North America, so we are treated like roadside stalls.

When have you met such a group of consumers who are "passionate"?

They are so considerate of the merchants, so instead of lowering the price, we should sell things at a higher price.

So later there were more than 300 snowy mooncakes worth six. Anyway, those people would buy it with their trademark.

Not to mention, Starbucks relied on this method to cut leeks in China for many years.

In this situation, until Mr. Xing Coffee, a spoiler with Internet thinking, appeared, the situation took a turn for the worse.

This company doesn't tell you what culture or quality of life.

Anyway, it doesn't matter whether it is three or seven twenty-one, it is just a smashing money.

Their momentum of burning money really made Starbucks scared.

The original 30-odd cup of coffee was sold at a price lower than milk tea.

Nine yuan, nine yuan, a dozen yuan, you can drink the same quality as Starbucks cups, and large cups of coffee.

At this time, the post-ninety generations and post-zeros have become a new force in the consumer market.

These young and energetic generations are not willing to be constrained by the traditional thinking of the older generation.

They prefer to try new things. The older generation like to drink tea, but they don't like it.

So many people prefer milk tea and coffee.

And Mou Xing caught the heart of this consumer group. Anyway, I was desperately trying to give you cheap and return you products as tall as Starbucks.

Let your consumers not only get lizi, but also face.

Anyway, you can squeeze the wool, the more you squeeze, the happier they will be.

Anyway, what they value is not the three melons and dates that consumers pay when they buy coffee.

What they value is the traffic brought by consumers and the customer stickiness to their brand.

As long as consumers download their APP, and they happen to have a high enough daily activity.

Then they can tell stories in the capital market? They can get a steady stream of money from those capitals.

Take the money? They can go to the physical store to burn it.

When the burn reaches a certain scale and APP users accumulate to a certain scale? They can realize these traffic.

Haven't even waited for the flow to be realized? They have been taken to the US stock market by crazy capital to ring the bell.

So don't take care of this company? How could it be revealed that it was fraudulent?

Anyway, Xiao Feng still admires this company, because they have really benefited domestic consumers.

The other is that they are really hard steel Starbucks? They also stripped off the Starbucks panties.

You know before they enter the game? Starbucks has always been superior to domestic consumers.

Never discounts, never yields, never engages in activities, this is their attitude towards domestic consumers.

But when Xing Xing entered this field? And after sweeping the younger generation of consumers? Starbucks panicked.

Because in just a few months, their turnover has decreased by more than 40% year-on-year.

Of course they know that this is definitely due to the effect of the spoiler catfish.

In fact, it is very simple to deal with such a situation, as long as they are willing to engage in activities, reduce prices, and make promotions.

It is a pity that years of arrogance made them unable to let go of their figure and face.

In addition, they firmly believe that the kneeling clan will come back sooner or later? So they have been holding on hard.

After a few months, they couldn't hold on anymore.

So they began to sneak up on discount coupons? But these discount coupons? They are embarrassed to say that they issued them themselves.

So it can only be on the platform of a certain network? It is said that the outflow of internal staff discount card.

Anyway, the lowest one can get 30% off...

But even so, they still failed to restore their decline.

During that time, this former domestic coffee elder brother was shocked by the shock of Mouxing Coffee.

In the end, it was a little too late to be guaranteed.

If it weren’t because of a capital company that they caught sight of a certain fortune and gave them a perfect sniper, it is estimated that once a certain fortune is achieved, in the future, in the domestic coffee industry market, who is the first brother, really say no Quasi.

"This time I also had a hard time catching up with the boss of Juice King Coffee. It just so happened that he also had the idea to open a store in China."

"In fact, he has already sent a dedicated team to conduct market research in China for half a year."

"So this time he has some preliminary ideas for opening a store in China."

"This time they initially planned to open about 1,000 directly-operated stores, while other stores were opened in the form of franchise stores. In the whole country, they plan to open three to four thousand stores in total."

As soon as Xiao Feng said this, there was an uproar at the scene.

The executives present were all shocked by the grand vision of Juice King.


"I'm Cao, great!"

"This group of Americans, really, they stud directly when they come up. This is..."

You know, this coffee shop is not like their fast food chain.

You must know that their famous chefs are Chinese-style fast food chains. Because they are not divorced from the basics of Chinese food, their acceptance in China is very high.

For example, they have more than 6,000 stores in China, but they are not only concentrated in the first- and second-tier cities, but also in the third- and fourth-tier, and even the fifth-tier small cities.

But the coffee shop is different. You say that a cup of coffee starts at more than 30 yuan.

This kind of price means that consumers in first- and second-tier cities can afford it, and consumers in third- and fourth-tier cities have to consider this price.

In this way, the price has already restricted you from entering the national market.

But at this time, you actually want to say that there are three to four thousand chain stores across the country.

This step is too big, right? I'm not afraid that this step will be too big and it will directly involve the egg?

Xiao Feng smiled secretly when he saw the surprised expressions of these executives.

In fact, he and Evans once planned to enter the domestic market, and it has been quite a while.

In fact, long before he knew Evans, the king of juice, he had already planned to enter the beverage industry.

But at that time, he entered the juice industry.

Because he got a lot of plantations in South America, where he can get a lot of good-quality and cheap fruits.

So a few fruit juice factories were built there to squeeze a large amount of thick fruit juice, and then shipped back to the domestic island of Maimen.

Where is the beverage factory, these juices are blended into various juice drinks, and then sent to the fast food restaurants made by their famous chefs to sell.

Don't tell me, those fruit drinks are really good.

But at that time, he had already planned to enter the coffee and milk tea market, but he had never tried it.

After knowing that he met Evans of Juice King, he used this guy as a carrier to create Juice King Coffee.

And relying on the unique taste, it has become popular all over North America.

At the same time that Juice King became popular in North America, he had already asked Evans to send a special investigation team to conduct research in China.

Just to see how their Juice King should operate in China is the most suitable.

After all, because of the hard work of previous generations of coffee companies, the domestic coffee market has basically entered a mature stage.

At first, Chinese people did not approve of coffee, but in recent years, with the popularization of the Internet, people have begun to learn more about Western culture and food.

The benefits of coffee have also been understood and accepted by many consumers.

As the younger generation grows up, coffee is becoming the favorite drink of the new generation of consumers.

However, competition in this domestic market is also fierce.

There are top companies Costa, and big-name chains like Starbucks dominate the market.

Below are the coffee wings that the Centipede is dead but not stiff, and domestic brands such as Xingxing are tearing.

Therefore, it is not that simple to make a breakthrough in the domestic coffee market.

And this time, Xiao Feng and Evans had been discussing for a long time. They didn't plan to just open a chain coffee shop in China.

Coffee, milk tea, juice, ice cream, and various small refreshments. Which one do you like?

Sorry, children only make choices, and we all adults!

So the result after Xiao Feng and Evans discussed, that is, we will do it all!

Anyway, as long as we make we do what we do.

What we want to open is the kind of beverage store that can meet everyone's needs.

You want to drink coffee. We have it. The taste is not worse than that of Starbucks and Costa.

Moreover, the decoration environment of our store is absolutely sufficient.

You like milk tea, we also have it here, and different from other milk tea shops, we can also sit in the store and drink, and we can use the WIFI in the store.

Allows you to enjoy the same treatment as coffee consumers.

If you don’t like milk tea or coffee, we also have fruit tea and pure fruit juice drinks.

Anyway, as long as you want to drink, in addition to carbonated drinks, we can provide you here.

If you say you don't want to drink, you want to eat, we still have a lot of snacks here.

From mousse Black Forest to French fries, there is everything...

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