My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1403: Rebirth of chaos

And what is the relationship between this juice king and the boss?

The executives here are not fools, they all know that the boss is supernatural.

While there is a share of business in China, it seems that there is also such a small business territory overseas.

It’s just that the boss, he seems to have never talked to everyone about his own business overseas.

But the more this happens, the more people feel that the boss is mysterious enough.

Anyway, even if he doesn't say it, just looking at the many branches of famous chefs manufacturing overseas is enough to understand the boss's strengths.

The other is the tonality of those overseas chain brands, everyone knows very well.

As the top fast-food chain in China, celebrity chefs are the rivals of Golden Arches and Kaifeng cuisine.

Although the major shareholders of these two companies in the Greater China region are now our state-owned enterprises.

However, the specific operation and management are the final say in the United States.

And how difficult it is for those Americans to deal with, these executives here are not clear.

There are even many executives in the company who jumped out of those two homes.

The U.S. guys screamed for equality, but in fact, their actual attitude towards us Chinese people... naturally, they understand.

Now Juice King Coffee is a hot brand in North America.

Now the boss can actually get on the line with them, and wants to cooperate with them to introduce them into the country.

This makes all the executives in this room even more curious, how did the boss do it?

But they just think about it, if Xiao Feng himself does not make it public, they can only make up for it.

But there are also smart people who quickly put their minds on the management of the enterprise.

Juice King Coffee, this company, and many of the celebrity chef executives present have been in contact with it.

Especially some time ago, some executives in the company had gone to North America for private purposes or on business trips.

Everyone has naturally tasted such hot coffee.

And people who have drunk it for the first time will definitely feel that the taste of this coffee is different from the taste of the coffee that has been drunk before.

Anyone who knows coffee knows that it is best to drink the original flavor without milk or sugar.

Drinking this kind of coffee is like drinking our domestic tea. After drinking this kind of black coffee, if it is of good quality, there will be a feeling of sweetness in the end.

However, there are very few coffees of this kind on the market, because these high-end coffee beans are basically produced in several island countries in the Caribbean.

For example, Jamaica, Costa Rica, or the northernmost countries of the South American continent.

And these good coffees, the top ones are monopolized by some big companies.

For example, Nestle, and Starbucks? The world's best coffee beans? Almost all are monopolized by them.

And the coffee beans produced in other parts of the earth are of very average quality. The coffee produced must be added with milk and sugar to conceal the poor taste.

The recent rise of the juice king is an outlier in the coffee chain industry.

They used to make juicers? But they don't know how long their boss' brain circuits are.

The original juicer sold well, but suddenly it entered the chain coffee field with a carbine.

Now their coffee is popular in North America? Because of the unique taste of their coffee.

how to say? Is it taste different from traditional coffee anyway? And it will make you unforgettable once you drink it.

The first time you drink their coffee, you may feel the smell of Chinese medicine, but after you take a few sips, you will become addicted to the taste.

It is precisely because of this unique taste that the Juice King Coffee Chain has been quickly sought after by consumers as soon as it opened.

But that is in the United States, which has hundreds of years of coffee habits. If this Juice King Coffee is moved to China in its original flavor.

Can domestic consumers accept the taste of Juice King Coffee smoothly?

Many executives are lost in thought.

In fact, the business model of chain coffee has been in the country for many years, but even now? It is as chaotic as the milk tea industry before.

What kind of peninsula coffee came from Treasure Island in the first place? Said it was a chain coffee.

Rather, it is a simple western restaurant, where not many people drink coffee? There are many people who eat pasta and steak.

And most of their steaks are synthetic steaks.

But twenty years ago? For domestic consumers who did not know the western food culture very well? This chain coffee was still quite high-end.

But later, as the Chinese people got in touch with Western culture more and more, they also knew more about Western countries.

This kind of medium and foreign chain coffee began to decline gradually.

Then there is the rise of a new generation of chain coffee. Among them, the biggest one was the coffee wings.

About ten years ago, the coffee chain started to take off, and the business of the coffee chain reached its peak five years ago.

It even stepped onto the New OTC Market and became the first domestic chain coffee shop to be listed.

Back then, this chain was once popular in China.

However, the reason why this store became popular at the time was also because he had a beautiful female owner who was very topical.

The boss has also participated in many variety shows, and has a close relationship with the big-name hosts of many shows.

It is precisely because of this relationship that it is very conducive to the boss's self-hype.

And this boss is also very good at taking advantage of this opportunity to make frequent appearances on TV and participate in various variety shows.

This gives this brand a very good exposure.

It was during that time that this coffee shop went through a stage of rapid growth.

In just one year, thousands of franchise stores have been opened in China.

During that time, the boss could be said to be making money and flying.

It's a pity that after the company went public, a lot of outside capital was involved, plus the boss.

At this time, I have already made a lot of money, and I am already a little frustrated. I don't have a good direction and concept for how to seriously operate the enterprise in the future.

So within two years, this brand began to explode some negative news frequently.

Many franchisees have chosen to withdraw after the contract expires.

As a result, this store has gradually declined.

It can be said that this shop is a pity, because they really rushed to make coffee seriously at first.

At that time, they were very hopeful that they could become Starbucks in China.

Unfortunately, on the one hand, it was because of the company's own reasons, and on the other hand, it was also because of the domestic coffee market capacity at that time.

At that time, the post-90s and post-zeros in China had not yet become the main consumer groups.

Consumers born in the 70s and 80s in China are not particularly accepting of coffee consumption, which also leads to limited market capacity.

Coupled with the fierce competition from big foreign brands and the squeezed market of competing products such as milk tea, the chain store has gradually fallen into decline.

And after them, it was the entry of the Fudge King.

I have to say that the behind-the-scenes team of Mr. Xing Coffee is really powerful. They come to make coffee, but they are completely different from other businessmen.

They are just like the guys who build cars on the Internet. They entered the chain coffee field with Internet thinking.

As soon as they came up, they burned money desperately and posted posts to consumers.

It turned out that you can start at 30 yuan for a cup of coffee in a serious coffee shop.

But at their home, after using all kinds of discount coupons and coupons, you can drink coffee for seven or eight yuan or more than a dozen yuan.

It is their crazy money-burning behavior that has quickly established a foothold in the field of domestic coffee chain stores.

And began a frenzied expansion...

Those colleagues in the chain coffee industry before were dying by this fierce back wave, and there was no way to fight back.

Even in the domestic coffee industry, Starbucks, which has always been carrying its worth and high-ranking value, was panicked by the fierce back-waves of Mouko Coffee.

You know that in the past, Starbucks was holding a high shelf and scorned domestic consumers.

Whenever it’s a holiday, when other drinks are discounted, Starbucks proudly announces that, I’m sorry, we are a high-end brand, come here to consume, the consumption is the temperament and environment, we do not discount.

If you are too expensive, the gate is over there, you can go out and turn right and leave smoothly.

People look down on you so blatantly, but there are such a bunch of humble people in China who just like this kind of arrogance.

In those days, the court heard that Starbucks doubled the price of coffee for thirty-three yuan. It was an injustice for domestic consumers.

You know this Starbucks, in the United States, it is a street food for two or three yuan a cup on the street.

In Europe, it is a fast-food chain cafe that cannot be sold.

The prices that are bought in other countries are very common, but why has it become a high-end brand in my country?

You know that Starbucks' big, when compared with the global price, it is the most expensive in our country.

This is very incomprehensible, so the TV station made such a show and asked why Starbucks bought it so expensive in China.

But what happened?

Before Starbucks could respond, those kneeling people in China who licked their dogs took the lead in jumping out.

We are willing to drink thirty-three yuan of coffee, what's the matter?

We don't think it's expensive, what's the matter?

If you think it's expensive, go out and turn right. There is a five yuan milk tea over there!

Before Starbucks came out to explain it, a group of kneeling people in the country licked the dog and helped them out.

This makes many people feel very angry and helpless, but also helpless to those people.

Since then, Starbucks has nostrils in China, and has never regarded domestic consumers as human beings.

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