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Huang Haibin finished the morning meeting in the morning, and felt that his mind was dizzy, and even throughout the morning, he felt that he was not at work.

Fortunately, his department is under the Ninth Laboratory. The newly established medical device research and development department is also equipped with AI OA, but their department's requirements for the tasks of employees are not too deadly.

So he was not very focused this morning, and he was not judged to be a paddling.

Of course Huang Haibin knew that he had to adjust his state, otherwise he would continue like this.

Sooner or later, Xiao Ai will discover that he is abnormal. Once at work for a long time, he will lose concentration and cannot complete the tasks assigned by his superiors.

Then Xiao Ai will be judged as a stroke, although such a small loss does not necessarily affect the year-end rating.

But if things go on like this for a long time, it will definitely affect his year-end rating.

The year-end rating of the Ninth Laboratory is very important for any employee.

First of all, the ninth laboratory now uses the end-of-year elimination system, if your year-end performance is rated as the lowest 15%.

That would be troublesome. The last five percent of them will be eliminated and dismissed directly.

Even if you want to go to the labor department for arbitration, hehe, sorry according to other people's articles of incorporation and the contract signed at the time of entry, you have no chance of winning at all.

The second is the last 10%. Those who have to be reduced in salary will stay in the job. The annual salary will be reduced by 30% and stay for one year for observation.

If the performance score is still unqualified in the coming year, then the same will be dismissed.

For the remaining performance ratings in the range below sixty, the annual salary will remain unchanged. ,

These can only be regarded as qualified employees.

And for those with a performance rating of more than 60%, there will definitely be a certain salary increase.

And the higher the rating, the higher the salary increase, and even a direct doubling of the annual salary is not a problem.

The other is the opportunity for advancement in the future. Those with high performance ratings must come first.

Regarding the company's latest set of rewards and punishments? In fact, Huang Haibin still quite agrees.

He used to be a PhD student at MIT in the United States? He has also been in many laboratories.

To be honest, life in the United States is very good, especially for researchers like him.

But to be honest? Although life is easy? But more time, he always feels a little confused in the United States.

Is the work environment? To be honest, it's a bit too relaxed.

A scientific research project in the U.S. can cost hundreds of millions, billions, or even tens of billions of dollars.

In fact, most of this money is spent on labor costs.

Because American researchers do not work overtime, and many of them like to paddle at work.

So the time for them to produce results is naturally very slow, and the efficiency is naturally very low.

Although their invention is great? But it is often five or six years? Or even seven or eight years, and the investment is even more overwhelming.

Huang Haibin has also assessed that if such a project gets domestically, if the same money and the same equipment are given? Then the domestic scientific research workers basically only need one-fifth of the Americans? Even one-sixth of the time Can get the results out.

Later, just because he felt that the efficiency of MIT was a little too low? He went to Silicon Valley and directly joined Google.

But after he has worked at Google for five years? I feel that Google is actually similar to MIT.

If this goes on? He will probably be like that for the rest of his life.

So while he was not yet forty years old? He chose to return to China, in fact, just because he had received an invitation from the Ninth Laboratory.

And this company is also a leading scientific research company in China, and its financial strength is no worse than that of the US company.

Speaking of equipment, let alone the best, top-level equipment, and every project owner, as long as the requirements are reasonable, the above will give them approval for the cost of purchasing equipment.

Speaking of generosity, they are really no worse than American companies.

The most important thing is that after he returns from the United States, he can directly be the leader of the project team.

In this way, he doesn't have to be like he was in the United States, although he participated in a lot of project teams that sounded very high.

But the manager is either white or Indian.

For example, when he was at MIT, the leaders of several medical device research and development project teams were all white.

Those white people, at most, use him as a tool man, often assigning him some of the most boring and boring experiments and data collection tasks.

It is tiresome to mess with him. Sometimes he has some ideas and they are finally adopted, but when the results are produced, his name is not on the list of contributions.

Under the eaves, he can only grit his teeth and admit it.

This is why he later moved to Silicon Valley.

Originally thought that the environment in Silicon Valley could be better, but he could not have imagined that there were Indians everywhere.

Those Achas are best at bragging and doing projects with PPT.

Every time there is a project, I will make a bunch of PPTs, and then bluff B at the meeting.

What kind of foreigners, they also specialize in their set.

I still believe very much about their curry lie.

On the contrary, Huang Haibin's down-to-earth and diligent employees are not very welcome.

Later, in the project teams he participated in, many managers were replaced by curry Asan.

And this group of guys disgusted Huang Haibin.

Insidious and cunning, also clinging to groups, often bullying the Chinese employees in the group.

In the end, Huang Haibin resigned from Silicon Valley without too much hesitation and returned to China. A large part of the reason was that he could no longer stand the anger of Ah San.

After all, not everyone is willing to endure white eyes for a long time for the annual salary of two hundred thousand dollars.

Not everyone is willing to endure Ah San's oppression for the American passport.

In the past, there was no supporting environment in China, and even if these researchers wanted to come back, they would not have a decent chance.

So everyone, can only bite the bullet and endure it.

But now with the rise of a large number of high-tech companies in China and the country's increasing emphasis on scientific research, many scientific researchers have discovered their opportunities.

For example, Huang Haibin, after receiving the invitation of the Ninth Laboratory, really didn't take much effort.

That is to say, after weighing for two days, I chose to resign and return to China.

After joining the Ninth Lab, he knew that his choice was right.

This is definitely another company that best fits his ideology at the moment.

The first is the working environment of the company, which is really nothing to say.

The headquarter is located on Daxing Island in the south of Bencheng, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and the environment is beautiful and quiet.

The company also gave every senior employee an apartment very intimately.

Those who are single are given a small-sized single apartment, and those who are married will be allocated two- or three-bedroom houses according to the family situation and the level of the employees.

Moreover, the island has set up a complete set of primary schools, junior high schools, and even high schools affiliated to the company.

Even the teachers in many schools are experienced teachers hired from outside with high salaries. ,

Moreover, the company often organizes senior researchers in the company to go to the school to interact with the students.

Such a high-quality resource package immediately relieved countless scientific researchers.

When the rear is stable, they can concentrate on their scientific research and development.

It can be said that the company has considered everything for them in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation.

The most important thing is that the money the company gives is definitely the best treatment in China.

Even when compared with large foreign companies, they can't help but give in.

Even if Huang Haibin worked at MIT and Google, according to his judgment, the treatment given by the Ninth Laboratory is hard to fault.

It's not less than what MIT gave, and even compared to Google, it's no less.

The most important thing is that the various benefits they give are no less than Google.

And the working environment and atmosphere here are also Huang Haibin's favorite.

Unlike traditional domestic scientific research institutions, there will be no intrigue between several teams due to insufficient funding.

In addition, the equipment and consumables here are absolutely sufficient, so you can use it widely.

This greatly improves the efficiency of the results.

In addition, there is no intrigue between colleagues here.

This is entirely due to the existence of Xiao Ai. This OA system will carefully record each person's work contribution, and finally form a data summary.

It will not affect your year-end performance rating and bonus payment just because your clumsy tongue will not please the leader.

In addition, there is no suppression by Asan, and colleagues are the simplest colleague relationship.

Everyone only needs to do their own job best, and the colleagues here are much more efficient than the American researchers who take vacations at every turn and never work overtime.

Because of this ~www.ltnovel.com~ From Huang Haibin's point of view, it is simply a paradise for researchers like him.

I originally wanted to stay here, secretly and steadily for a lifetime, until retirement.

If you can't keep up with your thinking in the future and are eliminated by the company, then go to the company's affiliated high school to teach.

But today when he attended the company's strategic management meeting, his heart moved.

Because this meeting revealed a lot of unusual news...

For example, the manager of their department said that the company will adopt the same working system as 3M in the future.

For their research and development staff, the company will allow them to devote one day a week to research and develop what they like.

If you can’t figure it out by yourself, you can team up with like-minded people.

Of course, if there are results, they must be shared with the company.

In addition, the company also encourages employees to go out and start their own businesses...

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