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Up to now, Huang Haibin's mind is still echoing the speech of President Li of his department at the previous meeting.

"...If anyone has good ideas and creativity, they can definitely go out and stand on their own..."

"Not only will the company not object, it will even support his project."

"If his ideas and ideas pass the review of the company's project approval team, then he can also get a supportive start-up fund from the company..."

It is these words that have made Huang Haibin's mood uncomfortable for a long time, and it has been shocked to this day.

Because from Huang Haibin's point of view, this company is definitely going to do things!

Huang Haibin is 36 years old this year, but he is an out-and-out genius.

He entered the juvenile genius class at a certain university at the age of fourteen and graduated with a bachelor's degree before the age of eighteen.

Unlike previous geniuses, going abroad directly after graduation.

Full of patriotism, he first worked in a domestic research institute for two years.

It is also the work experience of the past two years that made him have a bad impression of domestic scientific research institutions, and he also realized that in such an environment, there is absolutely no way to produce results.

In desperation, he could only choose to go abroad, but because of his strength, he easily got a full scholarship from MIT.

Then he only spent four years at MIT and got his PhD.

However, after that, he did not leave MIT, but joined many research groups, and at the same time became a lecturer at MIT.

However, while joining these research groups, he also had a very detailed understanding of the scientific research system in the United States.

Why is the United States able to attract talents from all over the world to defect?

Why can the U.S. remain the world's number one in scientific research?

They rely on that mature system.

It is the so-called American dream!

In the field of scientific research in the United States, if you have real materials, if you can seize the opportunity, then sooner or later you will be able to get ahead.

Of course, the premise is that you have to be a white man...

If you are a yellow person, or a person of color like Asan, it is not impossible to get ahead, but the chance of you getting ahead is only 1% of that of a white person.

Of course, unless you are good enough and your strength is much higher than that of other whites in the same discipline, it is not difficult to get ahead.

This can be seen in the contribution list of biochemical materials science in the United States, as well as the contribution list of artificial intelligence, by looking at the top ten scientists.

Of the ten, seven or eight are all Chinese, and all of them have gone out here, and all of them have been in the genius class that year.

Ordinary Chinese scientific researchers, even if they can join the scientific research project team of Americans through hard work, they are generally engaged in the work of tool people.

What they do is the hardest, most tiring, and boring work that white researchers are unwilling to do.

And the work of these people has become the team spirit that Americans often talk about.

But when the results came out, they all belonged to the white star scientists.

As for the Chinese researchers who do the most basic work at the grassroots level, they have become cannon fodder.

Huang Haibin didn't understand this at first, and only after he had suffered losses in several project teams, did he gradually understand the hypocritical nature of the Americans.

Especially as a talented person, in fact, many scientific research projects and breakthrough ideas at critical moments are all thought of and proposed by him.

It was finally adopted, and it really made a significant contribution to the breakthrough of the project, but when it finally came to the rewards, the main credit went to the white people.

Even colleagues from Baodao and Xiangjiang are ranked ahead of him in the contribution list, which makes him feel lost.

Then came the story of his going to Silicon Valley, of course, because he was too good.

Let him encounter the squeeze of Asanmen again, and finally he can only choose to return to China.

Although his work experience in the United States is not pleasant, but during these working periods.

It also made Huang Haibin truly aware of the talent selection system in the scientific research system of the country.

Although there are sometimes various unspoken rules of this or that kind, in that system, it is also full of all kinds of opportunities.

For example, if you are creative and bold, then you are very easy to succeed.

Perhaps a year ago, you were just an ordinary researcher, but suddenly one day, there was a bright idea in your mind, and there was a very good idea.

Then you can go out and invest, if you are eloquent, you can persuade those venture capitalists or capital players to get a sum of money.

Realize your ideas step by step, then maybe a year later, you will become a billionaire.

Don't even think that this is a fantasy. In fact, such stories are hard to say everywhere in Silicon Valley, but they can be heard every three to five.

And this is the most fascinating place in the United States.

In China, we can say that it is really too weak in the field of the combination of production and investment in scientific research, and it can even be said to be weak.

The company-wide regular meeting of the Ninth Laboratory today made Huang Haibin suddenly realize that the golden time for domestic scientific research has finally come.

And it can only be promoted by the Ninth Laboratory...

Speaking of himself, he is now the team leader of the ninth research group under the Medical Device Department of the Ninth Laboratory.

His main direction of attack is a variety of new cutting-edge medical devices.

You must know that the Ninth Laboratory also attaches great importance to this field. For example, the self-service medical examination center they have launched before is a very impressive set of equipment.

Especially the new perspective 3D imaging equipment used in that set of equipment, this is what fascinates Huang Haibin most.

In fact, it was for this set of equipment that he didn't want to choose to return to China.

Because when he was at Google before, the project team he participated in was not only for the future of surgical robots.

And his team is in charge of the surgical navigation technology.

In this field, what is most needed is this 3D perspective imaging technology.

Many companies in the U.S. were working on this technology before, but no one thought that it would be the first to be overcome by a Chinese company.

Moreover, the fluoroscopy equipment and principle used by this Huaguo company are different from the previous X-ray and CT machines.

What they use is a low-frequency radiation that no one has ever heard of before, and the most important thing is that this kind of radiation has almost zero damage and radiation.

This Nima...

Although this device has always been underestimated, as long as it is in the field of perspective, a few do not know how powerful this device is.

As far as Huang Haibin knows, there is now a military in the United States that is secretly disassembling this device in an attempt to imitate it.

Helpless, the ninth laboratory is too much a chicken thief.

They don't know what black box device is placed in that device, anyway, as long as you dare to dismantle it, the device will dare to explode.

And even if you want to use a fluoroscopy device, just look at the composition of this device, because the rays of the existing fluoroscopy device simply cannot penetrate the protective layer of other people's equipment.

Regarding this, how did the ninth laboratory do it?

Up to now, the Americans couldn't figure it out. Some even made the argument that they must have colluded with the H military, but in the end it was nothing.

The reason why Huang Haibin was so excited this time was because he suddenly felt that his previous ideas had hope.

In fact, when he was working in Google's research group before, he had been studying Google's surgical robots with great concentration.

The surgical robots on Google are actually very mature.

Only in some places, it is still slightly insufficient, so it has not yet been launched on the market.

At that time, Huang Haibin secretly collected a lot of data by himself.

At that time, he was always squeezed by Ah San in the project team, and was often sent to do some of the most boring and lowest-level work.

It was precisely because of being bullied by Asan in this way that he was so angry that he had the idea of ​​secretly collecting data and planning to set up another company if he had the opportunity in the future.

Later, after seeing that the ninth laboratory had such a powerful perspective technology, he felt that if this technology was used well, it would be of great benefit to the research and development and design of surgical robots.

That's why he decided very happily to join the Ninth Laboratory.

And in the period after joining the ninth experiment, he quickly adapted to the environment here.

On the other hand, because the company's superiors constantly assign them some tasks, they can only temporarily put aside the idea of ​​developing their own surgical robots.

And now when he heard that the company’s boss said that the company encourages employees with ideas and creativity to go out and start their own businesses, and if they have good ideas, they can still get the start-up capital, Huang Haibin was shocked.

Although he is a scientist, he is not a saint who cannibalize fireworks.

He has an extraordinary desire for wealth and a good life.

And don't think he is just a researcher, but he is not the kind of Xiaobai who doesn't know anything about humanity and sophistication.

It is precisely because of the few previous unpleasant work experiences ~www.ltnovel.com~ that made him more aware of the importance of money.

If he has money and enough money, he can invest in research and development of his favorite projects and things he is interested in unlimitedly.

From then on, there is no need to succumb to others, and no longer need to apply for reports every day for experimental consumables.

This is the simplest idea of ​​a scientific researcher.

Today, after listening to the head of the department, Huang Haibin was shocked. He felt that his opportunity had come.

Previously, he worked in the company during the day and returned at night, relying on the memory in his mind to restore the knowledge about surgical robots he had memorized in Silicon Valley.

Because the U.S. side is now strict, he doesn't dare to copy the information directly like those people before, so he can only keep it in his mind...

Fortunately, as a young genius, he has an extraordinary memory ability.

However, when he was in the United States before, he dared not write down the information he saw, because once it was found, it would cause big trouble.

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