My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1410: Surgical robot

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But it was different when he returned to China. He wrote down those things that he remembered in his mind, so that no one could control it anymore.

And for a while, he had been quietly sorting out and pondering these materials.

And on the basis of these materials, he already has some ideas and creativity of his own.

Like the arm of the surgical robot, he has several ideas, especially in the joints.

If these ideas can be implemented, coupled with the 3D perspective imaging technology of the ninth laboratory, then he can guarantee that the robot he developed will definitely become the most advanced surgical robot in China and even in the world.

Prior to this, he had been sorting out the information, preparing to put all the information on paper, and then went to the company to apply for approval of the project.

At first, his idea was that only creative ideas could apply to the above to establish a project, and then the company's capital, technology and talent supporting support, plus his own knowledge.

It is estimated that a breakthrough will be made in the field of surgical robots soon.

Once completed, then he will become a master in the field of domestic surgical robots.

At that time, the company will definitely promote itself first, and wait until the future, before the age of forty, to become the head of an important department of the company, it will not be a problem.

This ending looks good, but the only pity is that I can't become the big boss of a company.

But thinking about being able to become a senior executive in the ninth laboratory, it seems not bad.

Now Huang Haibin's annual salary is 1.2 million, which is slightly lower than his annual salary in the United States.

However, considering the extremely high taxes in the United States, the income he finally got was actually not as good as the income he got now in the country.

In addition, American companies also have various welfare systems, such as one month's paid vacation every year.

There will also be a bonus at the end of each year.

But when it comes to the treatment of the ninth laboratory in China, it is much better than that of the United States.

Although there is no one-month paid leave, the Ninth Laboratory can provide you with housing.

The apartments on Daxing Island are for you to live in for nothing, but due to safety management considerations, the houses here are not allowed to be sold exclusively.

However, the company is building a high-end residential complex in Bincheng District.

It has been clearly stated with internal employees that company employees can buy it at a price lower than the market price at that time.

And as long as you have served the company for more than ten years, then those houses can be resold at will.

Such treatment is simply against the sky.

In addition, on various holidays, the company will give you various subsidies under various names.

Although they are all rice noodle oil, fruits or shopping cards of various supermarkets, although not many, they also show enough human touch.

And every year at the middle and end of the year, the company will have awards.

So, if you put it all together, the treatment he can get in the ninth laboratory is no less than what he got in the United States.

And if you can be promoted to a senior executive, you can get the company's stock award if you have the opportunity.

It is said that there is a bonus pool on the company, which is the company's stock, and every employee who has made important contributions to the company will get a certain share of the stock.

Although these dry shares cannot be monopolized, they can receive a profit dividend every year in proportion to the shares.

You must know that the scale of profitability of the Ninth Lab is very scary. Even if you have a 0.1% equity in your hand, you may be allocated tens of millions by the end of the year.

Even judging from the company's performance this year, if you have 0.1% of the shares in your hand, the dividend that can be distributed can definitely be hundreds of millions.

It is said that the CEO of the company now earns several hundred million, several hundred million.

Whenever I think of that number, even Huang Haibin, who doesn't pay much attention to money, can't help but swallow a few saliva.

However, compared with being a boss, these things are far worse.

Huang Haibin has been in Silicon Valley, and how serious is his pursuit of technology in the capital market.

For example, he now has the knowledge of these surgical robots, if he can put all this knowledge into practice.

So even if he only produced a semi-finished product, he took this surgical robot to find the domestic venture capitalists.

There is no need for him to tell stories, just put the semi-finished robot in front of those investments.

That group of guys can drop two hundred million for themselves in an instant.

If you can make this surgical robot, then you can become a billionaire, that's definitely a good thing.

For the entire time period, it doesn't even take more than a year to achieve the goal by yourself.

It's a pity that he doesn't have that kind of strength at all now!

Even if it is to take out the creativity in your mind and make a semi-finished surgical robot, it will at least require an investment of tens of millions.

With his current net worth, he couldn't get the start-up funds at all.

Although he has been working for more than ten years and he has not made less money, it is impossible for him to spend tens of millions at once.

After all, he still has a wife and two children to raise, and there are four elderly people in the family who also need money.

So he really didn't dare to spend money indiscriminately.

But if there is no proof, go find someone to invest.

Haha, this is not the United States, and there are not so many angel funds willing to vote for you.

Even if someone voted for you, would you want to have a 100% equity stake in you?

Conversely, if you can take out semi-finished equipment and talk about financing, it will be much easier.

After all, the robot is there, it is convincing, and it can bluff people in plain terms.

And with the semi-finished products here, subsequent investment does not require much.

In this way, investors are more willing to invest money in you, and you are more confident in the equity negotiations with them.

It's better than empty mouths and white wolves.

Now the company encourages employees to go out and start their own businesses, and also says that there is a review committee within the company.

If you are creative enough, then you can go to the judging.

Once the review committee believes that your idea is likely to be implemented, and has a very significant economic prospects.

Then you can easily get the angel round of investment, and the most important thing is that the company's boss has said it.

The company will not be too greedy and will not ask for too high equity.

The main purpose of the company doing this is to support a group of peer industries and form an industry alliance.

Huang Haibin understands the meaning of the company.

The idea is also very good, but now he is entangled in whether he wants to go out and do it like this.

Although he has mastered a lot of theory and knowledge of surgical robots, he understands that it is one aspect, but doing it himself is another aspect.

So there are risks!

Now his life in the company can be said to have been smoothly.

When he was in the U.S., although his salary was not low, his wife had to go out to work to earn some money to subsidize the family.

Because the child’s education and medical insurance are very expensive.

But now in China, these can save a lot of heart.

He ate at the company in China and lived in a three-bedroom and two-living high-rise apartment provided by the company for free.

The child attends a school for children under the company, and can go all the way from elementary school to college entrance examination, and the quality is very high.

As for the tuition fee, it is just a little bit of a symbolic flower.

And the company also provides very detailed medical insurance for all of them.

This allowed him to save a lot of expenses, and now the biggest expenses of their family are some of the interest classes that the children go to every weekend.

There is also some pocket money sent to the two elderly people every month, and the other is the annual travel expenses.

It can be said that his life is very comfortable now.

And as long as he performs well, he will be promoted and raise his salary in the future, that is definitely not a problem.

Maybe he can't get the dividends of the dry shares in the company's reward pool, but the annual salary has risen to two million, or even three million, which is nothing in Huang Haibin's eyes.

Now they have applied to buy the welfare house built by the company in the urban area.

Just in the downtown area with the best facilities in Bencheng, the surrounding schools, hospitals, and shopping malls are all available.

But the problem is that if he chooses to go out and start a business at this time, all that he has now will be gone.

In this way, can my wife agree?

Huang Haibin felt a little unsure when he thought of the man at home who originally opposed the tigress he had returned from the United States.

The reason why his wife later agreed that he would come back from the United States was also because he told his wife the annual salary and benefits given by the Ninth Laboratory.

After confirming that he can earn no less than the United States, and the quality of life is not lower than that of rice, his wife agreed to come back.

And now he has to leave everything in front of him and run out to start a business, so I don't know if his wife will support him this time.

Thinking of this Haibin feels headaches.

He looked at his watch. There was just time left. He planned to go to the newly opened Juice King Beverage Shop next to the canteen to buy a refreshing drink.

Speaking of this juice king is interesting. Huang Haibin remembers that a few years ago, this company bought a juicer in Silicon Valley.

And Huang Haibin's only impression of them was that their juicer was expensive at that time.

Who would have thought that a few years later, this shop actually moved in and started to sell coffee, and it is said that it still sells coffee in the United States.

This business has just picked up, so I am thinking about entering the domestic market.

It is said that this juice king was the first one they opened in China, on the large island in the park where the ninth laboratory is located.

And I found a very good stall in their No. 3 Binhai Canteen with the best view.

But their home seems to be different from those American cafes before, because they not only sell coffee, but also milk tea and juice...

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