My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1411: 2 hard to advance and retreat

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This Juice King Beverage Shop has just appeared in the canteen of the Ninth Laboratory in recent days.

Speaking of the canteen of the Ninth Laboratory, this is the most favorite existence of the whole company.

The supply inside can definitely be described as tall. Anyway, when it comes to eating, it is definitely not worse than any other restaurant in Silicon Valley.

The decoration here is mainly based on white tone, and the restaurant is specially designed by a designer.

At first glance, it has a sense of science fiction and high-level sense, which makes people feel that it is very in line with the positioning of the 9th laboratory high-tech company.

This is also the favorite place of company employees.

Here you can enjoy food from all over the world, and the most interesting thing is that there are also fast foods made by famous chefs.

And besides this fast food, there are many other well-known catering brands.

Of course, it is said that if you want to live here, you will have to spend money on bidding.

Of course, the prices of food sold in these stores are much lower than those outside.

Because the Ninth Laboratory will subsidize these businesses.

This method is a bit like H company, which is also looking for an outside business to check in, but the employees must spend money to eat.

However, the price of the painting is naturally extremely low compared to the outside world.

The Juice King was opened in the last two days, and the store is located next to the famous chef making fast food.

And the area is very large, but unlike those coffee chains in North America, the juice king here sells everything.

In addition to coffee, there are milk tea, fruit juice and other drinks, fruit tea, and snacks such as small cakes, ice cream and desserts.

So since it opened, it has been especially popular with the company’s female colleagues.

Almost every day during the afternoon tea time, the place will be overcrowded.

Huang Haibin especially likes their milk tea.

In fact, after living in the United States for so many years, Huang Haibin has long been accustomed to the life of two large cups of American iced coffee a day.

After returning to China, if the only thing that made him feel uncomfortable is that it is rare to drink coffee as rich as the United States in China.

There are even Starbucks and coffee chains like Costa, but Huang Haibin always feels that something is missing.

It was not until the appearance of this juice king that he felt that he had found the feeling of drinking coffee in the United States.

However, their coffee gives people the feeling that it was born in the United States, but it is obviously different.

It is a very strange taste, and it will be unforgettable after drinking.

But what really makes Huang Haibin feel unforgettable is their milk tea.

In fact, as a middle-aged person, he rarely drinks this kind of beverage that women like.

He also came to the shop to drink coffee that day and saw others drinking, so he got a drink on a whim.

After that, he became addicted to the milk tea in this store.

Because the milk tea in this shop is different from any one he has drunk in the past.

Just say that the milk tea in this shop is different from other milk tea shops.

As soon as you enter the store and come to the ordering counter, you can see a cylindrical transparent glass jar with a diameter of 30 cm and a height of nearly two meters on the wall behind the bar.

Through the glass, you can see the tea leaves in the jar.

These teas are oolong, as well as several other black and green teas.

When you order a cup of milk tea, the waiter will follow your request and come to the front of the big pot and press the switch.

Then a certain amount of tea leaves will fall from the machine under the glass jar.

The next step is the most magical step. If it is another milk tea shop, they actually use barrels of tea that have been brewed a long time ago.

But their home is not, they will let you see the whole tea extraction process.

After the tea leaves fall from the glass jar, they will be like grinding coffee, and there will be a process of breaking all the tea leaves.

Then the waiter will take the broken tea powder into a machine for brewing.

In this way, the best brewing effect can be achieved in the shortest time.

After the tea comes out, they will add milk caps or other ingredients to the tea.

So a real cup of milk tea is done.

And the waiter will explain to you during the production process.

This milk tea adopts the production method of breaking into powder, so the nutrients inside the tea can be released more quickly by brewing.

A cup of milk tea contains tea polyphenols that are beneficial to the human body, which can fight cancer.

The most important thing is that the caffeine contained in these tea leaves is actually a little five times more, or even twice that of coffee.

If you order a stronger flavor, then the caffeine content will only be higher.

So the refreshing effect of this milk tea is more than twice as powerful as that of coffee.

Huang Haibin has indeed experienced the power of this milk tea.

After drinking, the state of high concentration is indeed longer than that after drinking coffee.

This shows that their milk tea is indeed more refreshing and refreshing than coffee.

Coupled with their milk tea, the taste and taste is indeed better than other milk tea shops.

So this Juice King Coffee has been in a crowded situation ever since it opened a store in the park of the Ninth Laboratory.

Except when they open the door in the morning, the rest of the day is basically busy.

And before lunch, their family will start queuing.

This situation will continue until two o'clock in the afternoon, when the meal is over.

Then from three o'clock in the afternoon, the afternoon tea time, there will be queues until after the peak of dinner, around seven o'clock or so will be idle.

Huang Haibin once joked with colleagues in the same group.

According to Juice King's current passenger flow, their family can earn back the investment capital as long as they open it for a month.

His colleagues also approve of his judgment, because it is true that their family is really too profitable.

Of course, this is mainly because it is in the park.

Because of the company's subsidies, the coffee and milk tea of ​​Juice King are not expensive to buy here.

That is ten yuan for a cup. It is said that this is only their first store in China for trial operation.

In the other major business districts of Ben Thanh, they are also undergoing intensive renovations and are preparing to start business.

But it is said that in those places, what they buy is not so cheap.

Although it won't be like Starbucks, it will cost 40 yuan for a cup of coffee, but it will not be less than 30 yuan.

However, even if the price is not cheap, Huang Haibin decided that if he goes out in the future, he will only drink their drinks.

Because their home is really affordable! And the taste is really unique!

As far as their big cup is concerned, they will definitely not play word games like a certain Buck.

The small cup is called the middle cup, the middle cup is called the big cup, and then the big cup is renamed the super big cup.

The most hateful thing is that their big cups are actually not much larger than their big cups.

Because the big cup of their house looks rather bluffing, if you take the bottom of their big cup apart, you will find out.

What's so special, these grandsons actually made a huge mezzanine under the big cup...

The King of Juice does not have so many text gimmicks. A small cup is a small cup, a medium cup is a medium cup, and a large cup is a large cup.

If you like super cups, they really have super cups.

The most important thing is that they will never do anything about measuring.

This is where they are more kind than a Buck.

What's more, the taste of this drink shop is really amazing.

Whether it's coffee or milk tea, the taste is really something you can't drink in other homes.

And now adding members, there are discounts.

You will be able to open a membership card at 88. Not only will you get a free cup of coffee, you will also get a 50% discount for ten times in the future.

According to Huang Haibin's understanding, there are currently more than 10,000 employees of the Ninth Laboratory on Daxing Island, and almost 80% of them have applied for their membership cards.

It would be great if I could find such a way to make money whenever I could.

Huang Haibin took the milk tea he ordered, shook his head with a wry smile, and then left the bar.

Fortunately, this is not the peak time for dining, so there are not many people in the cafe.

Huang Haibin sat down by the window and looked at the street view of the cafeteria outside the coffee shop.

Their canteen covers a very large area, and looks like an irregular spaceship from the outside, while the inside is divided into five floors.

As soon as you enter the door, there is a lobby with a high ceiling and direct access to the roof, and then there is a five-story partition.

It is said that it can accommodate tens of thousands of people to eat at the same time, and there are three restaurants of this size on the island.

Moreover, the function of this canteen is by no means just as simple as the canteen, it is also the company's multifunctional hall.

Whenever the company has any major events, they will also be held here.

So even when it’s not a meal, there’s never a shortage of people here.

Huang Haibin carrying milk sat in a position by the window and looked at the street scene outside.

At the same time, he was wondering where he should go.

If you just stay in the company like this, take out your own ideas and the essentials of the surgical robot you have mastered, and choose to cooperate with the company.

To develop surgical robots, this is the safest choice and the most secure.

And as long as his proposal is passed, then the leader of the scientific research team in the future will definitely be his own.

And once the results are achieved, a promotion and salary increase in the future will also be indispensable. By that time, the annual salary will exceed 10 million, that is all fixed.

But when I thought, even at that point, I still work for others, and I still have to be restrained by others.

Huang Haibin still felt a little unwilling. He is now in a dilemma.

Because as a person who understands the entire process of surgical robot manufacturing from start to finish, he knows the importance of surgical robots too much.

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