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This kind of equipment has been successfully developed in the United States for 20 years, and in fact it has already begun to be promoted and applied globally.

Even in 2006, this kind of surgical robot called Da Vinci had actually begun to be introduced into the country.

And in 2018, domestic hospitals have completed 100,000 operations with this equipment.

And this year, in just two short years, the total number of operations performed with surgical robots across the country has reached 120,000!

What does this show? Only 100,000 cases were completed in the first twelve years, and 20,000 cases were completed in the last two years!

This shows that the use of surgical robots has begun to usher in an explosive period...

The market share here is really too big. You must know that as of the end of last year, the major hospitals in my country have completed more than one million major operations in the whole year.

This is still the operation in many small hospitals of the third, fourth and fifth line, without being counted...

As the living standards of the Chinese people are getting higher and higher, the acceptance of new things is getting higher and higher, and the national medical security system is getting better and better.

Then there will be more and more application scenarios for surgical robot deployment.

As someone who knows the surgical robot industry very well, Huang Haibin is now hesitating whether or not to take this crucial first step.

Go out and start your own business!

Just when he felt a headache, suddenly a young man came and sat down beside him with a large cup of milk tea.

When Huang Haibin saw it, he couldn't help being stunned. This young man knew his colleague Xiao Li, Li Wensong!

He had a very good impression of this young man. They were all colleagues in the R&D department, although they were not in the same group.

But when working on an emergency project in the past, Xiao Li was transferred to their team to help.

It was the contact during that time that made the two of them good friends.

They also have a background of studying abroad in the United States, but the university that Xiao Li went to is the University of Southern California, which is also a well-known university in the United States.

He also studied electrical engineering. After graduation, he worked for General Electric, Dell, and Hewlett-Packard for a period of time.

Last year, I returned to China and joined the Ninth Laboratory.

However, after he joined the ninth laboratory, he has been working with the third research group of the R&D department.

It is said that they are studying heavy ion beam technology, which is also a technology that is currently in short supply in China.

This is a kind of radiation therapy for cancer developed in Japan.

It is the radiotherapy with carbon ions as rays, which accelerate the carbon ions to 70% of the speed of light, and then irradiate the tumor area of ​​the human body.

The advantage of this therapy is that there is no surgery and no pain. It is said that the effect is very good.

But so far, such equipment seems to be one of the few in the world, just a few.

It is still in Japan, and the effect of using this device to treat cancer is said to be very good.

When Huang Haibin was working in the United States, one of the big bosses of his company in Silicon Valley got cancer.

It is said that I went to Japan for heavy ion beam therapy, and the effect was very good.

The guy who was sentenced to death in the United States, after spending half a year in Japan, came back alive and well.

This is the advantage of the rich, as long as they have money, they can buy a life back.

It is said that the cost of his treatment in Japan this time was not low.

Originally, the treatment cost of heavy ion beam therapy was not cheap. Huang Haibin seemed to have heard people say that a certain wealthy man in China spent more than US$700,000 to save his life.

Later, with miscellaneous expenses, a total of one or two million dollars was spent.

Converted into RMB, this cost more than ten million, but compared to buying a life back, the money spent on this is a small amount.

And his American boss, he went to Japan for treatment, which is said to have cost more than three million U.S. dollars.

But this seems to have something to do with his spending money to jump in the team.

It is said that there are only five heavy ion beam equipment in Japan now, and you must make an appointment if you want to use them.

As of now, it is said that the people who made the appointment have been queued two years later...

As for his boss, he was treated directly after he went, and he didn't spend too much time in queuing. This must be the effect of money.

And the project team that Xiao Li belongs to was the first to tackle this subject.

However, this subject is not so easy to overcome. You must know that this heavy ion beam equipment is a product developed by Japan's Mitsubishi Electric and Toshiba Electric for many years.

Moreover, they have been researching for decades, and they have been put into use as early as 1994.

It can be said that the Japanese are far ahead of us in this regard, whether in terms of technology accumulation or experience accumulation.

However, Dr. He Fangzhou came out with his new organ transplantation technology. It can be said that in the field of tumor treatment, he came to a beautiful curve to overtake.

If it was before, there were several therapies for tumor treatment.

One is surgery, the other is radiotherapy, and there are also drug treatments, that is, these three methods.

However, these are only effective for patients in the middle and early stages. In the late stage, there is basically no good way.

Before the emergence of Dr. He Fangzhou's new organ transplantation technology, the heavy ion radiation therapy that the Japanese mastered was the only hope for patients with advanced tumors.

However, the price of this therapy is very expensive. In addition, the equipment is scarce and the treatment has to be queued. Many people may hang up before they can get on the equipment.

In addition, this kind of equipment is actually not as magical as the Japanese boasted. In fact, he is also helpless for some tumors.

But when it comes to Dr. He Fangzhou's new organ transplantation, that's another matter entirely.

You have a tumor. In the past, surgeons could only cut off the tumor and preserve the original human organs as much as possible. After all, the human body also depends on these organs to sustain life activities.

But now, the doctors’ choice is simple. As long as the tumor grows, they will cut off all the organs for you, and then replace them with new artificial organs.

This can also avoid residual recurrence. Although simple and rude, the effect is leveraged.

This greatly reduces the importance of heavy ion radiation in the field of tumor treatment.

Because of this, the heavy ion beam R&D team, which was very important a year ago, is not so important now in the R&D department.

It is said that several heads of the R&D department were also discussing whether or not to stop this group.

However, it is said that the leader of the three groups is still insisting, and I heard that he has already contacted the Japanese side.

Japan used to hide and treat their heavy ion beam technology as a treasure, but now after being overtaken by Dr. He Fangzhou on a curve.

The equipment in their hands looks very tasteless.

First, the equipment is large in size, and the cost of manufacturing and post-maintenance is very high, so the cost of surgery is also high.

In addition, there are not many doctors willing to operate such equipment because they need to be exposed to radiation for a long time.

In the past, they tried to imagine selling these equipment abroad, but unfortunately there were not many foreigners willing to purchase their equipment.

Because the Japanese asking price is too expensive, and the maintenance of this equipment is very expensive.

Ordinary hospitals can't afford it, even domestic hospitals with deep pockets.

So when Dr. He Fangzhou used his new technology to overtake a beautiful curve in the field of tumor treatment, the Japanese panicked.

In the past, when the Ninth Laboratory came to ask for cooperation, they had always been aloof, and even often avoided it.

Now he took the initiative to contact the Ninth Laboratory, and asked them warmly, chasing them every day, asking if they should buy their equipment.

He even said that as long as they are willing to buy, the Japanese are willing to send all the equipment and technology.

Obviously the Japanese were also panicked by He Fangzhou's corner overtaking...

Because of this, the third group of the current R&D department is still reserved.

And seeing Xiao Li at this time made Huang Haibin also shine.

"Yeah, Xiao Li, I think you are in good spirits, why? Didn't you work overtime recently?"

Previously, because of heavy ion beam equipment, the research and development had not been very smooth, so Xiao Li and the others were often left behind by the leaders and asked to work overtime.

And they don't hate working overtime, after all, the Ninth Laboratory pays the full amount of overtime.

The other is to work overtime, you can also eat late night snacks, eat and drink to make money, why not do it?

So some time ago, Huang Haibin often watched Xiao Li work overtime.

But looking at Xiao Li's energy and energy today, it seems that he hasn't stayed up for a while.

And Xiao Li smiled at this moment: "Hey, add a fart class! I'm resigning!"

"What? You are crazy!"

When he heard this little brother utterly resign, Huang Haibin couldn't sit still.

He really appreciates this junior~www.ltnovel.com~ Although the two of them have never gone to the same school, he still regards Xiao Li as a junior.

Not only because the two have a similar temperament, the most important thing is that they have a very consistent attitude towards scientific research, and both have a fierce energy to not hit the south wall and not look back.

So now that Xiao Li said that he had resigned, Huang Haibin was confused.

Xiao Li is about ten years younger than him, but because of his excellent education and work experience, he was rated P7 as soon as he entered the company.

Although the annual salary is less than one million, he can still get more than 60. With the mess of bonuses and overtime, it is not a problem to earn more than 80 a year.

This kind of job is researched and developed by an electrician, nationwide. Where can you find it?

Huang Haibin looked at Xiao Li with a bit of distress. This kid usually looks quite stable, so why is he so impulsive?

Regardless of the salary and reputation of this ninth laboratory, how many people are squeezing their heads and want to come in.

Why, Xiao Li, you just can’t think about it like that...

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