My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1416: The advantages are outstanding

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This can be seen from the ever-increasing cases of surgical robots performing surgery in recent years, that people’s acceptance of surgical robots is also getting higher and higher.

Although surgical robots are very expensive to use, what is the cost compared with treating diseases and saving people?

Moreover, after understanding the magical use of surgical robots in principle, we can know that even He Fangzhou has led surgical operations into the 2.0 era.

But that's just to say that in fact, the concept of surgery has entered the 2.0 era.

And this kind of surgical robot should be classified as a medical device used in surgery.

He and Dr. He Fangzhou's surgical concepts do not conflict at all, and they can even complement each other.

For example, using this kind of surgical robot can also complete the organ transplant operation under the guidance of Dr. He Fangzhou.

Even with this kind of surgical robot, it can be done better than the original manual operation.

Because the joint wrist of the robot has more degrees of freedom, it will be more flexible, and it can also filter out the natural tremor of the human hand during the operation. In addition, the manipulator also has functions such as traction, cutting, and stitching.

So it can be said that a person can complete a very complicated operation with this kind of equipment.

Such equipment is also very friendly to doctors.

You should know that in the past, when doctors performed operations, it was often not enough to rely on one person, especially when performing complicated and difficult operations.

Often there are one or two deputies. For example, during the operation, one person is responsible for the hook.

That is to use hooks to fix the cut wound by the patient, and expose the part to be operated on in front of the doctor's eyes.

There is also an assistant who will constantly wipe sweat for the doctor, or help hold the part to be cut or sutured.

After all, there is a layer of very slimy tissue fluid outside the tissues and organs of the human body. If there is no one to help fix it, it is difficult for the doctor to guarantee the accuracy of the operation.

In this way, there are three people crowded in front of an operating table.

Therefore, everyone's position is very awkward, and complicated operations are often performed within a few hours.

During these few hours, the doctor must ensure the stable output of his hands, which places very high demands on the doctor.

Not to mention that the patient is a big man of 1.8 meters, even a man of two meters, three people squeezed in front of an operating table will also feel very awkward.

In addition, taking into account the average height of our country, the space for doctors to perform operations is even smaller.

Therefore, conventional surgery actually consumes a lot of physical strength.

Therefore, if you are too tired during the operation, the chance of making mistakes will be greatly increased.

And if the surgical robot is used to complete the operation, it is another matter entirely.

First of all, the doctor is sitting in front of the operating table in the corner of the operating room and looking at the 3D picture on the screen to complete the operation.

And during the operation, because the lens imaging rate is very high, it can also magnify the patient's area, which is very beneficial for the doctor to complete the resection, or dissociate, or suture the wound.

Because it can be seen more clearly, the accuracy of the operation is higher, and the mechanical arm can also filter out the tremor of the human hand, which also brings higher safety to the operation.

In addition, the doctor does not need three people to huddle together, the doctor's operating environment is better, the mood is also good, and the mood is good, and the hands-on process will naturally be more smooth.

During the entire operation, the doctor can operate the manipulator to open the surgical field, assist the hook, and fix the site to be operated on.

You know that a surgical robot can be equipped with up to seven robotic arms.

Of course, the number of robotic arms will naturally be based on the hospital's customization requirements. After all, the number of robotic arms is different, and the price will naturally be different.

But the more robotic arms, the better.

Because there are more robotic arms, the doctor can complete the work of three people by one person, without the first aid of a hook and the second aid of wiping sweat at all.

Even if there is one more robotic arm, he doesn't even need to be equipped with an instrument nurse.

Because there are enough robotic arms, various instruments can be replaced at any time.

And because the end of the robotic arm is very slender, this kind of robotic arm can also penetrate into some deep parts of the human body, or into a small space, and perform operations on that part.

We must know that in the past, when operations were performed entirely by human hands, it was not impossible to perform such operations, but it required a large operation.

To put it bluntly, it means to make a very big hole in the person, and it may even be necessary to ‘cut’ the person in half to perform the operation.

It's not an exaggeration to say that, but it won't work if you don't do this kind of surgery.

But now with this kind of surgical robot, the difficulty of the original operation is greatly reduced, and the original major operation becomes a minor operation at once.

For example, in the past, nephrectomy or ureteroplasty was performed. The traditional method of surgery naturally involves a knife in the stomach.

Because of the location of the kidney, this cut cannot be cut very small, because the doctor has to turn out the intestines, then find the lower waist and remove it.

Or turn the intestines out and perform ureteral anastomosis.

In fact, the operation is not very difficult, but just because the internal organs have to be turned out, the difficulty is invisibly increased.

Moreover, the patient suffers. After the operation, the surgeon will hurt the vitality, so it often takes a long time for the patient to recover.

But if it is now, directly using surgical robots, it is quite another matter.

Just make a few small holes in the belly, then inflate the abdominal cavity, and then insert the robotic arm through the small holes.

Next, the doctor can complete the cutting and removal of the kidney or the anastomosis of the ureter on the operating table by controlling the mechanical arm.

It used to take several hours to perform this kind of surgery, but now it can be done in an hour, and even a skilled doctor can't even use it in an hour.

And if it was before, for such an operation, the patient would have to lie down in the hospital for at least a month, and take long-term medication when returning home, and rest for a short period of six months before basically recovering.

But now, if you use a surgical robot, you can go to the ground in one week and be discharged from the hospital in two weeks.

If you have a good physical fitness, you can go home and cultivate for a month, and you are basically no different from a normal person.

This is the advantage of using surgical robots.

So even if the price of surgical robots is very expensive, it can't hold back people who don't want their loved ones to suffer and are willing to pay for these operations.

This is also one of the main reasons why the surgical robots Huang Haibin has learned about have become more and more widely used in major domestic hospitals in recent years.

Speaking of the increasing use of surgical robots, we have to understand that in those areas, this kind of surgical robots are the most widely used.

According to Huang Haibin's understanding, currently in China, surgical robots are most widely used in major hospitals, of which there are only two departments, one for pediatrics and the other for gynecology.

Speaking of pediatrics, the truth is very simple.

Because children's bodies and organs are smaller than adults, it is generally very difficult to perform surgery on them.

And because of the intensification of doctor-patient disputes in my country in recent years, pediatrics is often the department most prone to violent conflicts.

Therefore, there are fewer and fewer doctors who are willing to engage in pediatrics. However, as the pace of social life becomes faster and faster, and children have diseases, more and more cases require surgical treatment.

Therefore, surgical robots, as a carrier, are increasingly used to perform operations on children.

Using surgical robots to perform operations on children is actually very beneficial.

The first problem is that my country's medical resources are not sufficient, especially pediatricians are now extremely scarce.

There are only so many high-level experts, but now more and more children need high-level experts to treat them every day.

You said how these experts can save so many children.

Even if the operation is performed 24 hours a day, it can't be saved.

Moreover, if the doctor is soaked in the operating room every day, the doctor will also get tired, and once the fatigue is overdone, it is easy to cause medical accidents.

So at this time, it would be better to use surgical robots.

Because the children's bodies are small, the operating environment is very limited and the surgical field is narrow, which is a problem for doctors.

But for surgical robots, this is their natural battlefield.

The narrow areas that doctors can't easily enter are not a problem for them.

Moreover, the operation can be completed by simply drilling a few holes without having to open a big knife, which greatly reduces the risk of the operation and improves the safety.

In addition, because the lens can magnify the surgical field area up to 15 times, this in turn provides a guarantee for doctors to complete high-precision surgery.

So it can be said that this kind of surgical robot is born as a special equipment for pediatrics.

In many large domestic hospitals pediatrics is indeed the department equipped with the most surgical robots.

For example, as of the end of October this year, the Pediatrics of Zhejiang University has just completed the surgical treatment of the 200th surgical robot this year.

Such data is almost equivalent to completing one unit every day this year.

And the pediatricians in Qilu, Xiangya and other places are also like this.

The second department most willing to use surgical robots is gynecology.

Because many gynecological diseases are basically diseases in the abdominal cavity. These diseases are not big but not small.

In the past, the treatment of such diseases required a large operation. Since laparoscopic surgery, the difficulty of the operation has been reduced a lot.

But the problem now is that laparoscopy can only perform some simple operations, and some relatively complicated operations cannot be done independently by laparoscopy...

If it was before, the patient would inevitably have to get a knife in the stomach, but now that there is a surgical robot, the difficulty of the operation will immediately drop...

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