My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1417: The future of the medical world

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And doctors like to use surgical robots, there may be two other reasons.

For example, when encountering certain patients with infectious diseases, whether it is a doctor or a nurse, the most feared thing is to run into such a patient.

If you run into it, do you mean to save it or not?

If they are not saved, they are doctors, and their job is where they are responsible.

As long as the patient wants to live and the patient’s family requires it, they must be saved.

But in the absence of a vaccine, they operate on such patients, which actually puts themselves in a very dangerous situation.

For example, if doctors run into AIDS patients, if they need surgery, how do you say they should be saved?

You must know that this virus is directly transmitted through blood. Normal people usually have too much time to hide from such patients.

But doctors, in order to rescue patients, they have to face the most direct source of infection.

You said that the doctor has no psychological pressure, how can it be possible?

What if the patient had a blood vessel rupture and hemorrhage during the operation, and the doctor happened to cut his hand because of the surgical instrument?

Know this situation, it happens often.

After all, doctors usually only wear a thin layer of surgical gloves in order to ensure the feel of the operation.

Even if you wear three layers when performing surgery on this patient, the gloves are as thin as they are, and they can easily be scratched.

In case of scratching, the skin of the hand is also scratched, and a bit of blood from the patient happens to be stained. How would you say the doctor feel?

Or if a blood vessel ruptures suddenly, and the patient's blood is sprayed out directly into the doctor's eyes, how would the doctor feel?

At that time, I put down the operation and went to the sink for washing?

But when you are done washing, the patient will die too. Who is responsible at that time?

And even if you rescue the patient, but unfortunately you get recruited, who is it?

Are you going to admit that you are unlucky?

Not to mention such terrible diseases as AIDS, even those diseases such as hepatitis B, sound bad enough.

What's more, there are still many flowering and willow diseases that cannot be cured?

Therefore, when doctors encounter such patients, they are also very taboo.

Asking them to operate on these patients is actually not willing to give them more money.

However, if such an operation is performed with the cooperation of a surgical robot, the pressure on the doctor's heart will be reduced a lot, and the operation process will be much smoother.

There is also the kind of surgery that requires exposure to radiation, and it is also the most troublesome surgery for doctors.

For example, the patient suffered a severe trauma suddenly, causing hemorrhage in the body, and the location of the bleeding could not be judged.

The doctors will wear lead clothes, push the patient into the CT room, take pictures to find bleeding points, and complete the operation.

During the whole process, the doctor will take in a lot of rays.

Although they all wear lead clothes, everyone who knows how to do it knows that the thing is more of a comforting effect.

After all, some rays cannot be avoided at all.

Long-term exposure to radiation will greatly increase the chance of genetic mutation.

And what are the consequences of large-scale genetic mutations?

Quite simply, if you are an unmarried doctor, you are likely to suffer from infertility.

Even if they can give birth to children, the incidence of congenital diseases in their offspring is much higher than that of ordinary people.

And for doctors who are married and have children, if the chance of gene mutation is greatly increased, it will also greatly increase their chances of developing other diseases, such as tumors...

Therefore, under normal circumstances, unless they are a last resort, doctors will never be exposed to radiation for surgery.

But sometimes, even if you don't want to, he simply doesn't allow it in reality!

For example, when encountering the above-mentioned sudden situation, the patient caused hemorrhage inside the body due to sudden trauma.

When the bleeding point cannot be judged, you can only move the patient to the radiology room and perform the operation while taking pictures. It is inevitable to eat the radiation.

However, if the hospital is equipped with a surgical robot at this time, it can help doctors solve a big problem.

They can control the robot in a safe area away from the rays to complete the operation on the patient.

And because of the flexibility of the surgical robot's wrist and the characteristics of the mechanical arm, the surgical robot can also perform more complex and precise operations in a small space.

This greatly improves the chances of curing diseases and saving lives.

And now the country is vigorously promoting 5G technology, and when it comes to real-world application scenarios of 5G technology, it was mentioned in it that it can be used for telemedicine.

Speaking of telemedicine, the terminal that can ultimately treat patients is actually talking about this kind of surgical robot.

For example, in the magic city today, a certain wealthy businessman has a sudden illness and entered the hospital.

After the hospital conducted some inspections, it finally concluded that it can be treated here, but we do not guarantee that it will definitely be saved.

As far as the whole country is concerned, for this type of disease, the most sure thing to treat is to be transferred to Doctor X of Beijing 30X Hospital.

However, the current situation is that the patient's condition is very critical and it is no longer suitable for transporting the patient to Beijing for treatment.

And even if you have the means to ask Dr. X to fly to the devil to make a throwing knife, time is too late.

Because the patient is critically ill, you must make a decision within three hours.

So what should I do?

At this time, if there is a 5G system and a surgical robot can cooperate, then this is not a problem at all.

Doctor X can be directly connected to the front end of the surgical robot in the Magic City operating room in front of the operating table of the Beijing Hospital.

Manipulate it from the capital side, and the surgical robot on the magic city side to perform the operation on the patient.

If this were before, it would be impossible, because although the 4G network speed is also very fast, it is not enough for such long-distance remote control operations.

There are delays in uploading and issuing network instructions.

But with the 5G network, these are all right.

Of course, the most important thing is that you also have a surgical robot front end that can cooperate with you on the magic city.

Once such a vision can become a reality, then the gospel for all kinds of patients will come completely.

For example, patients in some small places now tend to run to big cities whenever they encounter some serious illnesses.

First of all, I choose to go to the top three hospitals in the province. If the top three hospitals in the province can't save it, then go to the capital or the magic capital, the two most developed medical places in China.

It's not that patients and family members like to toss, but because the technical level of doctors in small hospitals is really limited.

Sometimes, not to mention the operation, even if you give someone a diagnosis, you can’t understand it.

It is not an exaggeration to say that misdiagnosis happens almost every day in hospitals in small cities of the third, fourth and fifth tier.

Obviously it was a type A disease, but it was diagnosed as a B disease, and then a bunch of medicines were prescribed to the patient, and the patient was asked to eat and eat first when he went home.

As a result, after taking it for a month, not only was the disease not cured, but it became serious.

At this time, the patient didn't want to care about with the hospital, so he could only bite his teeth and ran to the big hospital in the province or the big hospital in Beijing.

You said that if you run into such a doctor, would you like to let such a doctor perform the operation on you?

And if there is a surgical robot, it is another matter entirely.

With the existence of the Penglai Pavilion consultation app, patients can use the Penglai Pavilion APP to register the capital of Beijing, or the number of the magic capital expert.

Then, within the specified time before the appointment, go to the self-service medical examination center to complete the medical examination.

After the physical examination is completed, the medical examination report required by the doctor will be automatically sent to the doctor.

Then the doctor can make a prediction of the condition based on the medical examination report and the medical history of the patient.

For minor cases, you can diagnose and treat by taking medicine. For severe cases, you must go to the hospital for accurate diagnosis according to the doctor's requirements.

Then there is no need for the patient to go to the capital or the capital where the doctor is located for surgery.

As long as their local hospital has a surgical robot, they can make an appointment with an expert and use the surgical robot to complete the operation for them remotely.

This is the medical concept of the future!

Thinking of this, Huang Haibin couldn't help but get a little excited.

In this afternoon, he sat in the Juice King’s cafe, thinking about so many details.

And took out a small book, writing and drawing all the way, recording the advantages, specialties, and application scenarios that the surgical robot may face in the future, all scaring me.

The reason for recording these is because he wants to make a more detailed operating system according to different application scenarios.

After all, you can't wait until something actual happens before you consider designing an operating system.

You must know that surgical robots are essentially the same as various industrial For surgical robots, the most important parts are actually the major components. The first is the control software. It can be said that the seaside has always been studied.

Even when he worked at MIT or Silicon Valley companies in the United States, he has been studying this kind of system.

So he actually has a lot of knowledge about the system.

It's just that the application scenarios in the U.S. are different from the domestic application scenarios in many places.

So this point needs to be changed.

The second thing is the hardware. In this regard, we have always been far behind foreign countries.

For example, the servo motors and sensors that control the robotic arm have always been the weakest shortcomings in our country.

Based on the current level of our domestic manufacturers, Huang Haibin feels that it is unlikely to catch up in the short term.

So these two kinds of equipment can only be purchased and imported from abroad...

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