My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1425: 2 new business cards

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It doesn’t count just to move over to the university. It is said that the two universities also plan to move their affiliated elementary school and middle school separately to build a branch here.

It is said that the above also agree with them very much, because in a mature community, only shopping malls and hospitals will not work. Educational facilities that should be provided are also indispensable.

In the past, it was difficult for the above to intervene in universities and let them build branch schools elsewhere, as well as affiliated elementary schools and middle schools.

But the statements made by the Polytechnic University and the Medical University made the above very surprised.

Although the above does not know what they think, one thing is certain, that is, their school leaders must have a close relationship with the celebrity chef group, so they made this choice.

After all, it is really interesting that these two schools choose to build their branch campuses. They are right next to the sports new city section, and it can be said that this section is benefited.

Although the above did not know how they discussed with the celebrity chef group, they naturally agreed with the decision of the two universities with their hands and feet.

Speaking of these two universities, they have now become the business card of Bencheng.

In the past, the medical school in Bincheng, if it is based on qualifications, is definitely qualified to be regarded as one of the pioneers of medical universities in China.

Although there have been no major medical experts, almost 30% of the first generation of intermediate Western medicine forces in New China came from this university.

And the reason why this university has not been able to grow up is of course also related to the background of the establishment of this university.

After all, this university was established by the invaders back then, so...

But in recent years, with the development of the school, it has long been cast off the shadow of history.

Especially after cooperating with Sunshine Hospital in recent years, it first created two ace disciplines, burns and scalds, and medical aesthetics.

You should know that these two disciplines are relatively uncommon in the field of medicine.

In particular, the burns and scald disciplines are paid more attention to by several domestic military medical universities, but to be honest, although we have studied for many years, the level of technology is still far worse than that of the United States.

Not to mention the medical aesthetics specialty, let alone the United States, Brazil, Japan and other major medical aesthetics countries, even compared with the rising star of the Southern Dynasties, we also have a big gap.

Once the medical aesthetics major of Bincheng Medical University was established, it immediately became the leading ace professional in the domestic medical aesthetics major.

It should be understood that before their appearance, many medical universities in China did not set up special medical and aesthetic majors, and most of them were skin majors.

The skin specialty cannot completely cover the scope covered by the medical aesthetics specialty.

So during that time, the domestic medical beauty market can be said to be very chaotic.

Many people who have not received professional medical and aesthetic training at all dare to pretend to be doctors and perform random operations on others.

This is not alarmist at all. If you don't believe me, just look at how many of the medical accidents reported every year are medical accidents.

And most of these hospitals are run by people from a certain place who are courageous. Speaking of the people in that place, it is really hard to say anything.

Therefore, for a long time, domestic consumers did not trust all kinds of domestic medical and aesthetic hospitals.

Many people even prefer to go to the Southern Dynasties, or Japan for medical and aesthetic surgery, rather than performing surgery in China.

Because there are too many scammers in China.

It was not until the emergence of Sunshine Hospital that this phenomenon was changed.

The popularity of Sunshine Hospital has also benefited the Bincheng Medical University, which is jointly running with them.

At that time, Ben Thanh Medical University was not 211 University, it was just an ordinary two-college college.

With the addition of the two ace majors of burns and scalds and medical aesthetics, in the next year's rating, they were upgraded to 211 colleges because of the addition of these two first-class disciplines.

After another year, Dr. He Fangzhou became the deputy dean of Bencheng Medical University under the leadership of Sunshine Hospital and opened a new organ transplant program in this university.

At the same time, the Ninth Laboratory also cooperated with the Medical University, after the establishment of the medical research and development major in the university.

This university has two more ace majors, and relying on these two ace majors, they have now become the most attractive university in China for foreign students.

The ability to attract so many international students also gives this university a full international influence.

Even the papers published by their university professors can easily be adopted by nature or world-class scientific journals such as the Lancet.

As a result, Bincheng Medical University will naturally be promoted to a new generation of 985 University this year.

As for the Polytechnic University, let alone the old 985 University, but in recent years, due to various reasons, it has gradually declined.

But the skeleton is still there!

Recently, this university suddenly cooperated with H Company and BYD without saying a word, and established several laboratories.

It is said that a lot of results have been tinkered with recently, and it is currently undergoing urgent testing.

In this way, the influence of the university immediately increased.

Able to cooperate with H Company and BYD, one of the top companies in their respective industries in China, and also set up a joint laboratory.

Is this okay?


You need to know that H company, and BYD, seems to have not really reached a cooperative relationship with any domestic university until now.

The Polytechnic University actually did it. What does it mean?

This means that in the future, as long as it is a graduate of the University of Science and Technology, as long as the professional counterparts, it will be easy to enter these two companies.

And you can get the high salary you like when you go in, which is also a sure thing.

With such a case, what do you think of the future college entrance examination students when they apply for their volunteers?

Therefore, because of the existence of these two universities, the popularity of Bencheng has been quietly improved a lot recently.

Although compared with the first-tier and new first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, as well as Greentown, Rongcheng, Jiangcheng, and Jinling, compared with before, it has finally improved considerably.

The two universities are now saying that they will build branch campuses in the city where they originally wanted to focus on development. Where can you say that the city is unwelcome?

Because the new community means that the two universities have to expand their staff, whether it is lecturers or logistics staff.

This can solve the food problem of tens of thousands of people!

As for the students who can be recruited to build branch schools, let alone.

In terms of the popularity of these two universities, which are currently rapidly increasing in China, they can recruit at least about 50,000 new students from the country each year.

Especially the Bencheng Medical University, which has a few ace majors, is even more impressive.

Now even foreigners are flocking to it, not to mention domestic college entrance examination candidates.

There is another thing that makes the city happy. Even recently, the ninth laboratory is also in contact with the city.

They wanted to take a piece of land in the new sports city. Originally, they had to talk to the celebrity chef group.

But no one expected, they went to the city, and directly stated their intentions.

It turned out that they had already agreed with the celebrity chef group that they would take a piece of land next to the community developed by the celebrity chef group.

However, because of the limited land area of ​​the Sports New City section, it is impossible for the celebrity chef group to transfer too much land to them.

So they found the city and wanted to take some land from the side of this land.

The original plot is a new plot that the city is planning to auction.

If another company talks about it in the listing like this, hehe, then Hougou is a closed door.

But this ninth laboratory is not an ordinary enterprise!

This is the baby bump in the city, the brightest business card in Bincheng, so anyone who is gasping knows that this is definitely a national treasure-level enterprise that can't be offended.

What's more, this company directly feeds hundreds of thousands of people.

And the upstream and downstream industrial chain that extends from this company feeds millions of people even more.

Therefore, the city's requirements for this company are generally responsive, as long as they can achieve it, it will definitely not be ambiguous.

What's more, the request made this time is still very reasonable, and it can even be said that the people above are overjoyed.

It turns out that they are not planning to take the land to develop real estate, but they intend to take the lead in building a creative industry park.

This industrial park is actually equivalent to an incubator, but it is different from the past.

In the past, projects such as industrial incubation parks were generally led by the government, and various preferential policies were given to an industrial park.

For example, rent reduction or exemption, such as tax reduction or exemption, or various subsidies, etc.

This time, the Ninth Lab plans to work with the above to create such a project.

Mainly to help upgrade the existing industrial chain in After all, the industrial chain attached to the Ninth Laboratory is too long. The development zone on the north side of Bincheng alone can be large and small. Hundreds of companies survived by undertaking the outsourcing projects of the Ninth Laboratory.

Many of these companies are engaged in relatively low-end industries.

In the long run, it will definitely not work.

The Ninth Laboratory feels that it is necessary for them to give some technical guidance to these companies and guide them to complete an industrial upgrade.

For the people above, this is simply no better news!

You must know that although the Ninth Laboratory is the city's business card, it is their golden sign.

But this company also has a headache, that is, they don't plan to go public.

This is not on the market, which makes many people unhappy. Firstly, they can't share the cake, and secondly, it's not good to go out.

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