My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1426: People have such qualifications

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Think about it, when the people above go out to report on work, they will inevitably mention how many companies there are in my jurisdiction.

And among these companies, how many large listed companies are there, and the market value of these companies is XXX billion...

Such data is often very intuitive to speak out, and it sounds more atmospheric and higher-end, doesn't it?

But your ninth laboratory obviously can be worthy of the other ten, but you just don't go public.

This makes it impossible for us who report to work to quantify the data, is this a waste...

You make it hard for us to do it!

But this time, the ninth laboratory seemed to have suddenly opened up.

When they found their superiors, they first stated that I want to build such an industrial park, on the one hand, to pull my little brothers.

They can't always be mixed in a low-level strange circle, and they can't get out of it.

On the other hand, we are also responding to the call of the country and strive to help more companies complete industrial upgrades. We cannot always let these companies huddle in the low-level industrial chain.

Because if you stay in such a low-end industrial chain for a long time, you will easily lose your ambition. Secondly, such enterprises are generally key high-polluting enterprises, and the most important thing is that such enterprises have extremely poor anti-risk capabilities.

In case the time comes, one day, if our ninth laboratory's product sales are affected by various force majeure factors, it will ultimately affect our performance.

These downstream companies are even more difficult to handle.

Our ninth laboratory has a big business, and it is no problem to survive the difficulties, but what about these companies?

If they can't get our order, they will definitely not be able to make it through.

In the end, these enterprises will naturally go bankrupt.

And their bankruptcy will inevitably affect the large and small financial institutions in the city that give them loans.

Moreover, if they fall, many people will be unemployed and unable to eat, which may eventually cause social problems.

Once such a situation occurs, this is the responsibility of the city.

Therefore, it is better to take advantage of the good market conditions of our companies, and we also intend to take the initiative to assume our sense of social responsibility and pull these companies.

Try to support them all ashore, and this time we are not joking.

The head office already has a plan, that is, we intend to establish a Quanye Fund.

This fund is like this, we plan to take part of the funds ourselves, and the other is to raise part of the funds from the society.

Then we will inject capital and support these companies, and we should not only support financially, but also technically.

Anyway, our ultimate goal is to incubate as many unicorns as possible. After three to five years, we must support about five to ten companies to go public.

And the ones on the board are all science and technology innovation boards...

As soon as these words were spoken, the people above immediately became calm! Even the people who met have already been moved by tears.

Some were even more excited, but they took the initiative to stand up and grasp the hand of the supervisor in charge of the docking at the ninth laboratory, shaking vigorously...

This Nima, it's no wonder that the above has always treated the ninth laboratory as a son!

As far as other companies are concerned, it seems that the expression of a small padded jacket is definitely not enough.

It's not an exaggeration to describe it as a mink coat. This company is really sweet.

If you don’t believe me, go to the whole country to see how many other companies with such a sense of social responsibility?

Even those state-owned enterprises and state-owned enterprises, if there are no tasks assigned from above, how many are willing to do such a thing?

This is one's own development, and I still don't forget to pull other little brothers. Isn't this a typical example of getting rich first and getting rich later!

But people are really doing real things, but it's different from those who just shout slogans.

And people can think of it so far, this is definitely to share worries!

You are looking at the other companies in our city. The private ones will not be mentioned for the time being, because those who are qualified to find jobs in the city at will, seem to be the celebrity chef group and the ninth laboratory.

As for other private enterprises, few have such qualifications.

Just say those state-owned enterprises, central enterprises, which one of them found above, either to cry for the poor, or hope to get support.

If you take the initiative to come and make contributions, it seems that there is really no second laboratory besides the ninth laboratory in front of you.

Moreover, this plan is quite ambitious!

It is actually necessary to support five to ten large listed companies within five years. If this is what other companies say, the manager of the docking must think that this guy is drinking and drinking. This is bragging.

But if the ninth laboratory said so, then this docking person would absolutely believe it.

Because as a dedicated ninth laboratory docking person, this person in charge is well aware of the strength of the ninth laboratory.

Yes, in the city, in order to better serve the Ninth Laboratory and the celebrity chef group, they set up two special offices.

Come to connect with these two companies, specialize in solving the problems encountered by the companies, and be responsible for reporting and communicating the company's problems with the above.

No way, these two companies have such treatment.

Because the managers of Ben Thanh are not stupid, they know the importance of these two companies to Ben Thanh.

You must know that over the years, when their managers went out or reported outside, the reason they were able to stand up was the face that these two companies gave them.

Because these two companies are no longer just the business cards of Bencheng, they have even become national business cards.

Just say that celebrity chefs make fast food, this is the first Chinese fast food company that can spread all over the world.

It has now become a foreigner’s national impression of China!

As for the ninth laboratory, not to mention, not much to say about their cosmetics marketing worldwide.

As for their health products, during this pandemic, it can be said that they performed the best in the world, and they have become a life-saving medicine strongly recommended by all doctors in the world.

It is a miracle to be able to achieve this effect without a vaccine.

So these two companies are now first-class companies with a global reputation.

Now, not to mention domestic, but also internationally, there are not many countries and local governments who want to dig a wall and let these two companies move their headquarters.

Even in the U.S., senators once let out the wind.

As long as these two companies are willing to move their headquarters to the United States, let alone tax exemption.

They will give whatever they want, even the land for the headquarters, they are willing to give it for nothing.

In China, I don't know how many cities are eyeing these two companies.

For example, in the magic city, and Pengcheng, there are people from the investment promotion office who have been resident near the headquarters of these two companies, and they often eat and drink with people from their companies to connect with each other.

The purpose is very clear, nothing more than to dig a wall.

Because there is one thing to say, even if it is as strong as these two big cities, there is no company in their jurisdiction now, which can be compared with the Ninth Laboratory or the celebrity chef group.

It is precisely because of this that the above is willing to treat the two companies differently and give various preferential policies in order to keep them firmly anchored and let them stay here.

We must know that in the past two years, although these two companies have enjoyed various preferential policies, they have paid very little tax.

However, these two enterprises alone, large and small enterprises at all levels in the industrial chain that they feed, have created more than 30% of the city's tax revenue.

Coupled with the food and drink of the various people supported by these companies, it can be said that the highlights of the economic growth of Ben Thanh in recent years depend on these two companies.

So they are naturally qualified to set up a special reception office for them.

And the people in the reception office, after understanding the idea of ​​the ninth laboratory, immediately reported their idea to the superior.

And this news was quickly uploaded to the decision-making level in the city.

The leaders above were very happy when they heard it, this ninth laboratory is really sensible, and this kind of business trouble is giving me a lot of trouble!

And if this is another company that says I want to set up a fund to specifically support my upstream and downstream industrial chain.

When the leaders heard this, they felt that this company was really bragging and not down-to-earth.


Those who are highly vigilant may immediately feel that this company has other plans?

After all, in recent years, many companies have engaged in this way, and in the end they have become financial frauds.

And if this was said by the Ninth Laboratory, then these managers would believe it to the tenth level.

Why? The reason is simple, the Ninth Laboratory is really rich!

Now who doesn't know, they have hundreds of billions on the bank account alone!

Even people with good deeds have estimated that if they don't have any big moves to spend money, by the end of the year, their funds in the bank are estimated to be in the trillions!

What is this concept?

Looking at the scale of the two Internet giants after they went public, it was only more than one trillion.

This is just a number on paper, if you really let them come out with real money.

It is estimated that those two companies can spend several billions at a time, and then squeeze from other subsidiaries and grandchildren, and if they die, they will spend more than 10 billion in performance.

But if the ninth laboratory is more real, it can come up with hundreds of billions of cash in every minute.

Of course, if they really want to spend the trillions in the bank, it is estimated that the bank will go bankrupt.

To be honest, for a company of this size, it would be interesting enough without a bank of its own.

This is obviously unwilling to go to the bank to grab a job! This is to give face.

Before reaching a certain scale, they will engage in ‘high-tech finance’ from the real to the virtual.

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