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If this is another company, find these managers and say that we want to set up a fund to incubate and support industrial projects.

It is estimated that all managers, the first question mark that comes up in their minds is that this guy is afraid of where is a financial liar?

Moreover, such scammers often have a lot of routines, but in the end, they have almost two goals in the end.

One is the low price, which can obtain a batch of assets from the government.

For example, there happened to be a certain company in the city that was going bankrupt and reorganized, and they expressed their willingness to take over, and then after some unbundling and packaging, they could finally put the company on the market.

This is considered a good example, and then the financial platform in the city is required to issue a letter of guarantee for them.

Then they will take the letter of guarantee and go to the major banks to get loans, afterwards...

you know……

There is a bolder one, that is, to establish a joint company with the city. Everyone is divided according to the proportion of the modern company. Then how many shares do I own and how many shares do you own.

After that, I want the exclusive right to operate, and on your side, hey, just give a letter of guarantee.

Or recommend some high-quality projects, and I will run them.

Anyway, they are playing the same routine, which is to use the credit above to borrow money from the bank.

Such a company, you can't say that they are all liars.

It's just that, what they like most is to make three lids and five pots.

As long as the social economy is functioning normally, their three covers are still sufficient, but once systemic risks or risks of force majeure break out, they will be blinded.

For example, when there is a sudden subprime mortgage crisis, or when the country's macro policies suddenly undergo directional adjustments, banks are tightening credit for certain industries.

Such enterprises are most prone to problems.

Once something goes wrong, the first thing these companies need to do is to run away.

Finally, a pile of mess is left for the managers to clean up.

So if other companies come to the above and say, I want to set up a fund, maybe the first thing that managers think of is this special liar?

But the ninth laboratory is different. They said they want to set up a fund. For them, it is definitely a matter of sprinkling water, and it is definitely not a fraud...

After all, they have hundreds of billions of funds, lying in the bank.

So the top managers quickly gathered their staff and came to a meeting to discuss this matter.

In the end, everyone quickly reached an agreement, that is to support this project anyway!

After all, if this industrial incubator is completed, Bencheng will definitely become the domestic medical capital.

There will be the country's most powerful pharmaceutical research and development company, the most powerful medical equipment, and various supporting industrial chains.

This kind of thing is profitable and harmless. Even if there is a certain risk, everyone should fully support it.

So soon, the person in charge of the ninth laboratory, He Xiaojun, was invited to hold a seminar together.

At the meeting, He Xiaojun also repeatedly confirmed that they wanted to establish such an industrial park.

And he also said that it is true that they want to set up this persuasion fund.

And also described the structure of this fund, and the mode of operation.

That is, this fund is open to the outside world, as long as you have money, you can join in.

But one thing is certain, that is, the management power is definitely controlled by the Ninth Laboratory.

The most important thing is that the project approval power of this fund is also controlled by the Ninth Laboratory.

After the managers above heard about it, they couldn't help but be extremely entangled.

The main reason for the entanglement is that everyone knows that this project is definitely profitable.

Moreover, when people say that, the meaning is very clear, and funds from the city are welcome to enter.

But what makes everyone uncomfortable is that this fund is now very clear, that is, everyone can invest in it, but it is definitely impossible to send people in.

Of course, if you arrange for some people to go in to receive wages and do Nissan work, then it will definitely be no problem.

But if you want to point fingers at decision-making issues, hehe, then it definitely won't work.

This is where the Ninth Laboratory is strong, because they have said it, because they have the advantage of being familiar with the industry.

In addition, they plan to set up an external technical support unit specifically.

They may provide specialized technical support to selected companies.

For example, to provide assistance to those companies in terms of technology upgrades, and may even open some patent authorizations to them.

And this is beyond the control of the city.

Therefore, people demand absolute control over the fund, which seems understandable.

Otherwise, they have to provide money and technical support, and in the end they cannot fully control the fund. In the end, some laymen will come over and give instructions.

You said that switching is any company, who wants to do such a thing?

So in the end, despite the entanglement in the city, he hesitated all morning. In the afternoon, several managers had already discussed the decision.

In the end, it was decided that a financial platform in the city would invest 3 billion to account for 5% of the shares, but would not participate in the operation of the fund.

In addition, a certain commercial bank in the region also invested 3 billion yuan, but its shareholding dropped to 3%.

The two companies can send people to the fund to work, but the main task is to coordinate the fund and communicate with the outside world.

As for decision-making, hey, sorry, I don’t have a copy.

Anyway, at the end of the year, dividends must be true.

And the fund has just been established with the intention to do so, because there is still some external financing that has not been completed.

He Xiaojun has already briefed the city leaders, saying that they already have the first investment project in their hands. ,

Moreover, if this project is completed, it will definitely make a profit without losing money, and according to their estimates, if this company grows up, it will definitely be listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board in only three years.

At that time, in addition to the Quanye Fund, if other platforms in the city are willing to'pay more', then it will not be a problem to become a shareholder of this company.

When these words came out, everyone felt that he was a little bragging.

But when he sent the feasibility report of that project to the leaders, the leaders immediately stopped talking.

This is a research report on the domestic elevator industry and a feasible investment report for the first company they want to invest in.

This company is called Risheng, which is an elevator company.

And before that, they were an enterprise that did elevator sales agency.

However, I have been immersed in this company for 20 years. The boss originally came from engineering and knows elevators very well.

Previously, he had done technology research and development in several major elevator factories, and later came out to do it alone.

In recent years, I have accumulated a certain amount of capital and technology, and now I plan to create a Chinese elevator brand by myself.

The elevator he is building this time has overcome many technical difficulties and has applied for technical patents.

Now the elevator produced by their company has reached the final experimental stage, and it is expected that it will be officially launched for sale in another six months.

And they are also the first project that Quanye Fund is optimistic about.

To be honest, the first project to be invested by the Guiye Fund was not in the pharmaceutical field, which surprised managers.

However, after reading this detailed project research report, they felt that the Ninth Laboratory was really insightful.

I actually chose such an industry, this elevator industry, in China, is definitely a sunrise industry!

Not to mention that before, there were no elevators in China.

It means that there is really no elevator that we produce.

When you don’t believe you can go home, look at what elevators your community uses?

Is it all Krupp, or Panasonic, or Mitsubishi, or Otis or KONE.

If you really want to talk about domestic brands, it can be said that there is no one at all.

And this field is monopolized by foreign companies. It can be said that if domestic companies can get in, it can definitely be said to make up for a big gap in the country.

If they can achieve a certain advantage in price, then they want to open a breakthrough in this field, it is not too easy!

Moreover, if this Risheng can occupy the domestic market, it will occupy almost 50% of the global elevator market!


When the time comes to enter a foreign country, it will be a matter of minutes!

From this point of view, this Quanye Fund is really somewhat expected.

This is much stronger than those financial platforms under the jurisdiction of the city.

As for the financial platforms in the city, this year's life can be said to be more difficult.

Usually, when the market is good, they also lend to state-owned enterprises and central enterprises. After all, such enterprises are guaranteed to repay.

But if you ask them to look for projects in the market, they won't look up to it, and they won't look up to it either.

Either this risk is high, or that one dare not go.

Anyway, there are few high-quality projects in the market that they can see, and when the situation is like this this year, they are even more blinded.

As a result, they now have a large amount of funds in their hands ~www.ltnovel.com~ but they can only be idled in the bank and cannot be invested at all.

In this way, the money is not a benefit, but a burden.

But you are looking at other people’s Quanye Fund, it just opened, and it caught such a good project.

This is the ability...

Moreover, if their technology is as true as they say, Risheng Company.

Not to mention going public in five years, as long as they develop normally and embark on the science and technology innovation board in three years, it will be a matter of minutes.

There is absolutely no reason in the city not to support such a company...

In this way, this Quanye Fund is really reliable!

Such a company is definitely not a scam company that specializes in karate. Such a company is absolutely trustworthy!

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